Lin Shuhao served the ball from the sideline, Xu Feng caught the ball, faced James, and turned around again!
The combination of Xu Feng's sudden shots made it difficult for James to defend, while James attacked and Xu Feng defended very well, which made James very uncomfortable.

In the next game, both sides had offense and defense, but the Lakers had a slight advantage and led the score.

James is a little anxious. The reason why he returned to the Cavaliers is to fight for the championship.

And the main opponent, besides the Spurs, is the Warriors.

Who would have thought that the sudden emergence of the Lakers has firmly occupied the first place in the league.

Not only that, Xu Feng's condition is getting better and better, and he has a tendency to win the MVP.

James returned to the Cavaliers under pressure, just to reap all the honors, MVP, championship, FMVP, all have to be won.

So although this game is a regular season, it has a completely different meaning to James.

If the home court is won by the Lakers, the strategic significance of the Cavaliers this season will be over.

So James' face was gloomy, and he was thinking about how to deal with the Lakers.

He thought of it, the core of the Lakers' offense and defense is Xu Feng, and Xu Feng must be beaten down!

But how can we beat Xu Feng down?
James rolled his eyes and came up with an idea. He started to provoke Xu Feng.

When James was attacking, he took advantage of the referee's inattention and stepped on Xu Feng's foot, and Xu Feng almost fell down.

Then James slammed it hard, and Xu Feng fell to the ground suddenly and rolled twice.

James spread his hands innocently, signaling that he didn't move.

The referee looked at it and didn't call him a foul.

This connivance made James more courageous.

Just when Xu Feng was laying up, James pushed from behind, Xu Feng lost his center of gravity in the air, fell heavily to the ground again, and didn't get up for a long time.

McGee and Tucker got angry and rushed over to question James. The referee hurried over and pulled the two sides apart.

Xu Feng lay down for a while, then slowly stood up, nothing serious happened.

The referee watched the video and only gave James a common foul, and Xu Feng made two free throws.

Xu Feng knew that this was all part of the game, and he had to adapt to this kind of game.

"James, I can also use this kind of trick, you have to be careful!" Xu Feng looked at James coldly and said something.

James snorted and responded, "If you touch me, you won't be able to play!"

Xu Feng laughed loudly: "Did you know that Naike is finished? He is already under investigation!"

James' face changed. Although he saw the news, he didn't know what it was.

Xu Feng stood on the free throw line and made two free throws.

However, Xu Feng was a little disappointed. Last season, the Goldfinger Sakuragi Hanadao system gave him the [Damage Dodge] function.

But this season, there is no more, so he failed to avoid James' secret tricks.

[Ding, the host is suffering from violence on the field, the Sakuragi flower system is activated]

[The system releases tasks, which can touch the skill wheel]

When Xu Feng heard it, the one who should come is still here!
But today is not a big gift bag, but a lottery.

This aroused Xu Feng's curiosity.

"System, quickly issue me a task, I can't take it anymore!"

At this time, the Lakers were already behind in the score, and James made consecutive breakthroughs, pushing Xu Feng away.

[The system publishes a new task: the host blows in James' ear]

Xu Feng was taken aback, what kind of mission is this?

Isn't this the famous scene of the younger brother?

Why is the system so bad now?

Although Xu Feng was unwilling to do that, since it was a task, he could only grit his teeth.

The Cavaliers attacked, Irving broke through, James stood outside the three-point line, his legs slightly bent, ready to catch the ball at any time.

Xu Feng defended, and when the two were closest to each other, Xu Feng suddenly blew on James.

James froze for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

The camera accurately captured this shot, and it became a source of joy for the fans for a while.

[Ding, the host has completed the task and can start a lottery! 】

A big turntable appeared in Xu Feng's mind, and Xu Feng clicked the "start button" with his mind.

The turntable began to spin, faster and faster.


Xu Feng shouted, the turntable slowly stopped, and the red pointer pointed to an option.

[The host draws the way of the other, and also applies the skills of the other body]

"With the way of the other, but also the body?"

"What's the use of this?"

[The host uses this skill, the moment the opponent uses violence, the opponent will be violent! 】

It's pretty interesting, I've never played this before.


Lakers offense.

Xu Feng faced James again, changing direction and breaking through.

James quietly stretched out his right foot, intending to trip Xu Feng.

At this time, for some unknown reason, James suddenly staggered and fell to the ground. Xu Feng successfully broke through to the basket and scored a dunk!

The referee didn't see what was going on, and immediately went to the sidelines to watch the replay. They thought Xu Feng had made some small move.

But after watching the replay, the referee was dumbfounded. Xu Feng didn't make any extra moves, and he accidentally fell.

So the referee judged that Xu Feng's layup was valid.

James was stunned. He looked at the place where he fell just now, and there was no sweat or anything, which was so strange.

At this time, the game progressed to 7 minutes and 21 seconds of the second quarter, and the score of the two sides was 46:40, actually leading by 6 points.

The Cavaliers attack.

James dribbled the ball past halftime, and Xu Feng single-handedly defended James.

Because Xu Feng's defense was too tight, James was a little anxious again. He was out of the referee's sight and slammed Xu Feng's waist with his elbow.

If this place is hit, it is easy to get a split, and if it is too heavy, it may break the ribs or injure the kidneys.

Of course, the athletes' ability to resist blows exceeds that of ordinary people, but it will definitely affect the state of the game on the court.

Just when the elbow was about to hit Xu Feng, suddenly, out of nowhere, James' arm emptied out and hit himself instead.

With a bang, James grinned and dropped the ball in pain.

Xu Feng took advantage of the situation to snatch the ball, launched a fast break, passed it to Kobe, and scored another 2 points!
46: 42!

The Lakers are only 4 points behind.

Since James was hit again, the referee went to watch the video again.

After replaying from multiple angles, the referee found that it was James who beat himself!
This is not to blame others.

James was so angry that he couldn't figure it out, he was obviously hitting Xu Feng just now, how could he hit himself?

The game continued and the Cavaliers attacked.

This time James learned his lesson. Instead of participating in the offense, he passed the ball to Love.

Tucker held on to Love and didn't give him a chance to make a shot, so Love had to pass the ball to Irving again.

Kobe defends Irving, this is the one-on-one matchup Irving is most looking forward to with Kobe.

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