The reporter was very curious. He didn't see Xu Feng, so he asked: "Why didn't Xu Feng accept the interview today?"

Kobe's face darkened: "Xu Feng is very busy. He not only has to play games, but also has other jobs, so he won't come out for interviews every time."

Another reporter asked: "The Lakers have won three consecutive victories. Last season, they won [-] consecutive victories. Can you break the record?"

Kobe smiled and said: "The most important thing for our Lakers is records. Eleven consecutive victories is nothing, but last season, eleven consecutive victories was already very remarkable. We will definitely break this record this season."

Another reporter asked Lin Shuhao a question: "Jamilin, who is also of yellow race, you and Xu Feng and Ding Yanyuhang, how do you feel?"

Lin Shuhao laughed and said: "It's very comfortable and amazing. In fact, the partner I wanted the most in my dream was Dayao. Unfortunately, he retired and has no chance. Now that I have Xu Feng and Xiaoding, I really cherish this Fate!"

The reporter asked again: "If you win the championship this year, it will create a new history, and the Lakers will also start a new dynasty. You are looking forward to it!"

Kobe and Lin Shuhao looked at each other and said with a smile: "We don't like loans. The games are played one by one. As for the dynasty, we don't even think about it. It's too far away."


At the end of the interview, at eight o'clock in the evening, the Lakers faced the Grizzlies at the Staples Arena.

The Lakers started with Xu Feng, Kobe, McGee, Tucker and Lin Shuhao.

Grizzlies starting with Zach Randolph, Gasol Jr., Conley, Jeff Green, Courtney Lee

The referee whistled, the ball jumped in the middle circle, and McGee grabbed the first wave of the ball.

Although McGee's skills at the basket are not as good as Randolph's, but in terms of jumping ability alone, McGee is worthy of anyone in the league.

Lin Shuhao dribbled the ball past halftime, and Conley stepped forward to defend.

Conley's physical fitness is very good. Under his strong defense, Lin Shuhao stumbled a little while dribbling, and Xu Feng got stuck and reached out for the ball.

Shu Hao hit the ground pass, Xu Feng received the ball.

Jeff Green stepped forward to stick tightly to Xu Feng. The Grizzlies did not double-team, but Randolph and Gasol Jr. were locked in the paint, waiting for Xu Feng.

Xu Feng has already studied the Grizzlies thoroughly. He turned around, threw Green away, and then rushed to the basket.

Randolph thought that Xu Feng was about to force himself, so he immediately rushed forward to help defend, stretching out his arms, like a big black bear, completely sealing off the sky above Xu Feng.

Xu Feng didn't seem to care, and still jumped up.

Just when everyone thought Xu Feng was about to be blocked by Randolph, Xu Feng suddenly stuffed the ball out from Randolph's armpit.

McGee has already trained countless times with Xu Feng to pass the ball like this.

After receiving the ball, McGee jumped high and smashed the ball into the basket hard.

Although Gasol got stuck just now, McGee's athletic ability is still better than that of Gasol.

Gasol's strength and handwork are stronger than McGee.

2: 0!

The Lakers took the lead, and the Staples Arena fans cheered.

The Lakers fans this season are really happy. Kobe is back, Xu Feng is still strong, and the team has recruited many functional role players.

Such a teacher of the king makes Lakers fans look forward to it very much.

Xu Feng beat him with anger today, because Nick Yang is still in the hospital and has not recovered, and Lin Long's life and death are unknown.

So Xu Feng was always simmering with anger in his heart, and used the grizzly bear as a punching bag.

【Ding!The system detects that the host is angry and has nowhere to vent, triggering the system to release a task! 】

[The host buckles the black bear Randolph, and you can get a big gift package for venting! 】

Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be a big gift bag at this time, and it was still a [venting big gift bag]!
what is this?
Xu Feng's curiosity arose immediately.

Originally, he also wanted to vent his anger on the Grizzlies, so let's try another dunk.

The Grizzlies attacked, and Conley passed the ball to Randolph after half court.

As a team that mainly focuses on the inside, the first ball is played for him.

Randolph faced McGee and began to dig in.

Although McGee has a strong jumping ability, he is not as strong as the black bear, and his lower body strength is not enough, so he backs up again and again when he is pushed.

Tucker is defending Gasol Jr., so he doesn't care if he comes over to help defend.

Xu Feng was ready a long time ago. He kept wandering in the paint, looking for opportunities.

Randolph gets to the rim, feints, shakes McGee up, and jumps up again for a small hook.

Xu Feng burst out suddenly, jumped high, and snatched the ball from Randolph's hand abruptly.

Randolph never thought that the hook could still be broken.

The angry Randolph immediately went to chase, but Xu Feng had already passed the ball to Lin Shuhao at the top of the arc.

Lin Shuhao's absolute speed was too fast. Even though Conley had already chased him, Shuhao still rushed to the basket and scored a dunk!
4: 0!

At the beginning, the Lakers gave the Grizzlies a blow.

Last season, the Grizzlies bullied the Lakers without a strong insider. This season, with McGee and Tucker, the Lakers will at least not be ravaged, and Xu Feng's timing of assisting defense is more accurate!
However, this is just an appetizer. To complete the task, Xu Feng still needs to block the black bear Randolph.

After two rounds, the opportunity finally came!

Xu Feng received a pass from Lin Shuhao at the waist, got rid of Jeff Green again, and went to the basket.

Just now, because Xu Feng passed the pass to McGee in seconds, Gasol Jr. resisted McGee this time and refused to let him catch the ball.

Xu Feng didn't seem to be affected, and continued to rush towards the basket.

Randolph thought to himself, who else are you going to pass this time?
Unexpectedly, when Xu Feng reached the basket, he suddenly exploded. At the moment Randolph raised his hand to block the shot, his upper arm moved, and he slammed the ball in from between Randolph's arms!

A button like a textbook!

Randolph's face turned green with anger!
【Ding!The host completes the buckle task and is rewarded with a vent spree! 】

[Venting big gift package: the team's players speed +20%, hit rate +20%, bounce +20%]

Xu Feng saw it, this is really cool!

"Haha, system, you really know how to play!"


The game continued and the Grizzlies attacked.

The Grizzlies this season have slightly changed their style of play. They are no longer obsessed with the inside, but instead focus on the combination of inside and outside.

Because of the current league, the small ball has risen, and the proportion of three-pointers is increasing. The Grizzlies' Conley and Courtney Lee all have strong three-pointers.

In the past, the three-pointers against them had the opportunity to shoot again, and no tactics were formulated for them.

But in this offseason, the Grizzlies coach has developed a lot of tactics in which the inside helps the outside to shoot three-pointers.

In the past three regular season games, the Grizzlies had two wins and one loss, with a good record, mainly due to their good combination of inside and outside.

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