Because except for a few players such as Gasol, most of the Lakers players have no playoff experience.

Especially Xu Feng, he was a new recruit.

Although Xu Feng has killed all sides in the regular season, it is still unknown whether he can continue to maintain this performance in the playoffs.

So D'Antoni is going to start doing his ideological work.

In fact, he thought too much. Xu Feng got the help of the system and had already increased his experience in the playoffs.

However, Xu Feng is very clear that his experience in the playoffs is not enough, and if he has the opportunity, he will continue to improve.

Because the first round, the second round, and even the Western Conference finals of the playoffs will become more and more difficult.

If he can really make it to the finals, he will be at the pinnacle of the NBA, and the pressure will be unprecedented.

Xu Feng feels nervous just thinking about it now, so he looks forward to continuing to do tasks and improve his experience in the playoffs.

D'Antoni's most glorious moment before was the Suns led by the combination of Nash and Stoudemire.

If it weren't for falling in front of the Spurs, the Suns really have great hopes of winning the championship.

So D'Antoni must be prepared before today's playoffs.

It is said that D'Antoni is the best at training point guards, so he didn't like Xu Feng from the beginning.

He does not believe that Xu Feng can bring more victories to the team.

But Xu Feng slapped his face again and again, so D'Antoni had to admit the fact that Xu Feng is the future of the Lakers and the guarantee for the Lakers to win!

"Guys, did you see it? Paul of the Clippers is the starting point of the offense. We must strangle his passing line..." D'Antoni talked eloquently, and the players listened attentively.

What Xu Feng thought of at this time was indeed another question, and that was his roommate and good friend Russell.

Russell has been working hard recently. His playing time in the Clippers has become more and more stable. Basically, he played 25+ games in every game and scored 18+ points.

This kind of performance is already a qualified shooting guard.

Although he still came off the bench, this statistic is no less than the average starting shooting guard in the league.

Now the Lakers' substitutes, except for Bazemore and Meeks, are not bad, and everyone else can't match Russell.

But D'Antoni didn't realize this, and kept emphasizing the importance of Paul.

So D'Antoni has a soft spot for point guards.

After watching the video, the players started formal training. D'Antoni asked Marshall and Nick Young to focus on defensive practice, and other players should also practice defensive formations.

The day's training is over and the players are exhausted.

When Xu Feng returned to the apartment, he found Donna's car parked at the door of the apartment.

Xu Feng couldn't help worrying about Russell. The playoffs were about to start, and Russell was hanging out with Donna all day. Could the playoffs survive?
"No, I have to remind Russell, not only because of the relationship of friends, but also because Russell is also a signing star of Feita Sports. His performance in the playoffs will directly affect his commercial value."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng quickly walked back to the apartment and opened the door.

He saw Russell and Donna watching TV together in the living room.

Seeing Xu Feng came back, Russell pointed to the sumptuous food on the coffee table and said, "Xu Feng, let's eat together."

"I'm not hungry, Russell, come to my room, I have something to tell you." Xu Feng said with a serious face.

Tang Na felt a little embarrassed when she saw Xu Feng, so she didn't meet Xu Feng's eyes and just watched TV on her own.

Seeing Xu Feng being so serious, Russell thought Xu Feng was jealous of him, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, Donna is my girlfriend now, not an outsider."

"Stop talking nonsense, come in!" Xu Feng raised his voice and ordered again in an unquestionable tone.

Russell had no choice but to take his hands off Donna, stood up reluctantly, and followed Xu Feng into the bedroom.

"Xu Feng, what's the matter with you? If you have something to say, hurry up, Donna should be in a hurry." Russell was still reluctant to part with Donna's tenderness.

"It's time for the playoffs, you know that?"

"Of course I know. How can I not know about such a big thing? Our Clippers also trained today, and I trained very seriously." Russell looked indifferent.

"But you and Donna are fooling around like this, are you physically able to bear it? You have to know that now you are a signed player of Feita Sports, and your performance directly affects your future!" Xu Feng persuaded earnestly.

Russell lowered his head, he was indeed too playful and never thought of these things.

"Xu Feng, I know what you mean, don't worry, my body is absolutely fine!" Russell patted his chest and said with a smirk.

"Why don't you understand? It's not a physical problem. Your mental state is not tense. If you don't play well in the playoffs, your next contract will be gone, understand?"

Maybe Russell didn't know it all his life, but Xu Feng secretly used the system to increase Russell's ability value.

But even if he improved his abilities, if he didn't discipline himself, he would accomplish nothing in the future.

How many talented NBA stars are lacking in self-discipline, eat, drink and have fun after they have money, neglect training, perform worse and worse in games, and are finally eliminated from the league.

"Okay, Xu Feng, maybe it's me and Donna who irritated you, but don't worry, we're just having fun together..."

"Russell!" Xu Feng roared, "Why can't you understand? What's so exciting about me? I have a girlfriend, and she..."

Xu Feng originally wanted to say something worse, but Tang Na was right outside the door and might be able to hear him, so he could only speak half of it.

Russell was also a little angry, and he walked out of Xu Feng's room.

When he came outside, he saw that the living room was empty, and Donna had already left without knowing when.

Russell shook his head. He also understood Xu Feng's painstaking efforts. Donna, a girl who just broke up with Griffin, got involved with himself, and she was somewhat flirtatious.


At the press conference before the game, Xu Feng and D'Antoni were interviewed.

"Coach, the Lakers can enter the playoffs, no one can think of it at the beginning of the regular season, can you talk about the reason?"

D'Antoni glanced at Xu Feng, and said confidently: "Of course it's because of Xu Feng. Before Xu Feng played this season, the Lakers' performance was at the bottom."

"Since the establishment of Xu Feng's core position, the performance of the Lakers has skyrocketed, so the transformation of the Lakers team began when Xu Feng played."

D'Antoni now fully understands that only by hugging Xu Feng's thigh can he keep his handsome position.

Xu Feng quickly added: "No, no, it's because the players of our team have developed a good chemical reaction after a season of running-in."

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