Before the start of the fourth quarter, D'Antoni walked up to Xu Feng and asked, "Are you still in the fourth quarter?"

Before Xu Feng could speak, Kobe walked over and said excitedly, "I must win. I finally got someone who can break my record of 81 points! Come on, Xu Feng!"

It was only then that everyone remembered that Xu Feng had a chance to break Kobe's record today.

When it comes to this, Xu Feng hesitates, Kobe is still his big brother, breaking the record is not good, right?

But Kobe said sincerely to Xu Feng: "As a professional player, as long as you play the game, you must go all out! Now you have a chance to break the 81-point record, and you must work hard for it once!"

With Kobe's encouragement, Xu Feng stood up, nodded and said: "Okay, I will continue in the fourth quarter, and I must break your record!"

Chamberlain has a record of scoring 100 points in a single game, but there was no game video for that game, and it was the record before the NBA merger.

So now Kobe's 81 points are regarded as a personal historical record in a single game.

If Xu Feng can break Kobe's record, it will undoubtedly leave a strong mark in NBA history.

The fourth quarter began, and the Suns players felt dizzy again.

Why did Xu Feng play again?

The Lakers teammates started counting Xu Feng's points.

"Two points on the throw, 76!"

"Dunk, 78 points!"

"Fuck, three-pointer! 81 points! Tie record!"

Kobe was the most excited on the sidelines, waving his fists, happy for Xu Feng.

Kobe shouted: "Come on, Xu Feng! Improve the record by a few more points!"

Xu Feng didn't feel tired at all, and continued to kill.

"2+1, 83 points, and free throws! 84 points, my God, the record is still increasing!"

At this time, the difference between the two sides is already 60 points!

This is the biggest regular season game of the season.

The Suns home fans have turned their backs, and many fans are calling for Xu Feng's score.





After more than 7 minutes in the fourth quarter, the difference between the two teams was already 65 points.

Xu Feng also raised the record to 92 points.

Finally, Xu Feng felt that it was almost done, and let out a sigh of relief, so he reached out and asked D'Antoni to replace him.

When Xu Feng left the field, the fans applauded warmly.

Only the Suns players had black lines on their faces. They became the backdrop for Xu Feng's great performance. It's a bit embarrassing to be true.

It is estimated that no one can break this record, so the Suns will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

In the end, the game ended, and the Lakers beat the Suns by 147 points 85:62.

This beam is settled, and the Suns will definitely die when they meet the Lakers in the future.

But as long as Xu Feng is around, the sun should have no chance of revenge.

In the post-match interview, Xu Feng undoubtedly became the focus.

A female reporter asked: "Mr. Xu, this game is your classic match. May I ask why you still play to score when you have a big lead?"

Xu Feng knew that this was a reporter who liked the Suns, and was very dissatisfied with his scoring.

Xu Feng said bluntly: "I'm a professional player. I earn a salary by playing, so I have to play and score. Is there any problem? I think you should ask the players of the Suns why they didn't guard me?"

The female reporter was left speechless by Xu Feng's series of rhetorical questions. She was silent for more than ten seconds before continuing to ask: "Then I will congratulate you for breaking Kobe's record. But today is only a regular season. I don't understand why you beat so fiercely!"

Xu Feng sneered: "I have to ask the boss of your Suns!"

The female reporter was stunned: "The owner of the Suns? And his business?"

Xu Feng smiled without saying a word, and the female reporter looked bewildered.

This record-breaking match brought great popularity to Xu Feng.

Last time Feita Sports' stock price fell by the limit, and then fell for a few days.

As a result, Xu Feng broke the record today, and Feita Sports was directly closed to the daily limit. Judging from this, it will rise sharply for a few days.

When Xu Feng returned to Los Angeles, a large number of fans went to the airport to greet him. This treatment is obviously already a top star in the league.

Yin Suwan finished her board meeting in China and returned to Los Angeles.

She called Xu Feng: "Xu Feng, Feita Sports is going to reward you and change the car for you!"

Xu Feng was taken aback, and said, "There's no need to change it, I drive that BMW Z4 and it's fine."

"No, you are a superstar now, you must choose a car that is worthy of you. The company said, you can choose under 1000 million."

Xu Feng is not someone who likes to live in luxury, so he still refused.

"Suwan, I really don't care about these things, just drive a BMW Z4. By the way, won't you give me a separate reward?" Xu Feng smiled smirk.

"Aren't you tired?" Yin Suwan covered her mouth and asked with a smile.

"I'm not tired. I wanted to score a few more points, but the game is almost over, so I'll forget it if I think about it."

"Okay then, I'll pick you up. By the way, I asked you about your list last time. Have you figured it out? Which stars will Feita sign?" Yin Suwan asked Xu Feng to choose the stars last time, but Xu Feng hasn't replied to her yet.

"Okay, come and pick me up. I have already selected a few people, all of whom have great potential. They will definitely become the leading stars of Feita Sports in the future!"

"See you soon! Darling!"

As the marketing manager of Feita Sports, Yin Suwan's performance rose rapidly because of Xu Feng's good performance.

Although Yin Suwan is the daughter of the chairman, she has never relied on this relationship to manage the team, and has always been fighting in the United States by herself.

Yin Suwan picked up Xu Feng and went to eat first. At the dining table, Xu Feng handed the list to Yin Suwan.

"Suwan, these people are all good. They haven't been signed by Naike yet. Feita signed them all. It's definitely not a loss."

Yin Suwan took the list and saw Stephenson of the Pacers, Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Bucks, Mills of the Spurs, Jeremy Lin of the Rockets, Klay Thompson of the Golden State Warriors, Gray Seth Curry of the Bears.

Yin Suwan looked at the list and frowned: "Except for Jeremy Lin and Klay Thompson, no one else is allowed here!"

"Listen to me, these are all potential stocks. As long as they are signed, they will definitely become popular." Xu Feng said firmly.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, and I'll contact the managers of these people later." Yin Suwan trusted Xu Feng's vision and put away the list.

After dinner, Xu Feng and Yin Suwan went back to the residence and rewarded him for a night.


The Lakers' next opponent is a home game against the Wizards in the East.

In the last away game, the Lakers defeated the Wizards. Although Bill and Wall played well in the backcourt of the Wizards, Xu Feng performed better.

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