Coincidentally, about two or three seconds after Sun Yingxiong took the shot, that is, the moment he volleyed the ball with his left foot and hit the ball into the goal, the referee in charge of law enforcement blew the whistle. The whistle sounded to end the game.

It can be said that the goal scored by Sun Yingxiong is almost equivalent to a goal at the buzzer in a basketball game. If he shoots two or three seconds later, even if the ball goes into the net, according to the football game According to the rules, Sun Yingxiong's goal will also be punished as invalid.

The half-hour offensive and defensive drill game ended, and the eight Ajax first-team players who had worked so hard finally saved their victory, with a score of 3-2. win the game.

In contrast, the eight young players who participated in the last wave of trial training, except for Sun Yingxiong who scored twice in this game, were coached by the six-member coaching staff on the sidelines. It was unanimously agreed to give Sun Yingxiong the last place to participate in tomorrow's trial rematch, and the other seven trial players who fought hard on the court with him for half an hour were all eliminated.

Although Sun Yingxiong got the last place to advance to the trial rematch tomorrow as he wished, but in his heart he felt very guilty and sorry for the other seven young players who played side by side with him and participated in the trial training.

If he can score those two goals in the game that just ended, as long as their team of eight trial players can beat the eight players of the Ajax first team against them Players, then, the members of the coaching staff who are watching the game from the sidelines will definitely make careful consideration. It is impossible to win the game and overtake the score, and give them a place for promotion to the eight trial players.

According to Sun Yingxiong's own evaluation, the coaching staff must at least give four promotion places to their eight players who have tried out.Otherwise, this is really unreasonable.

It is precisely because Sun Yingxiong's two kicks are very close. One shot made the ball fly out of the baseline through the post, and the other hit the ball hit the goal frame. The other seven trial players other than the hero can only leave with regret.

Sun Yingxiong, who was deeply sorry for this, shed two lines of male tears with mixed regret. He hugged each of the seven trial players who were about to say goodbye one by one, and said "Sao Rui" to each of them in English.

Although regarding the results of this competition, Sun Yingxiong felt very annoyed by his two shots that were so close to each other. The seven trial players who were declared eliminated on the spot were very optimistic. When they said goodbye, they all comforted Sun Yingxiong not to care too much. It is not easy to score goals. I hope he can continue to work hard and strive to pass the three tests the day after tomorrow and enter Jax's first team to play.

After bidding farewell to the seven trial players, it was already evening when darkness fell, and the remaining fifty lucky ones who came to participate in the trial training were arranged by the coaching staff in this football club on the outskirts of Amsterdam. The dormitory at the training base stayed overnight, and at the same time, they also took care of their two meals this evening and tomorrow morning.

After working hard all day, they spent another day in fear. After dinner, the fifty players who were promoted to participate in the trial rematch tomorrow returned to their beds in the collective dormitory. , As soon as they lay down, they almost fell asleep, and Sun Yingxiong, who was physically and mentally exhausted, was no exception.

Early tomorrow morning, after breakfast, fifty of them came to the field of the training base again, only this time, they went to the side of a complete football field. Under the guidance and arrangement of the staff, Waiting for the arrival of the coaching staff.

It was originally scheduled to start the trial rematch at 09 o'clock in the morning. As a result, at 30:50, none of the six coaching staff members showed up. Instead, under the introduction of the staff, they arrived late. Two people around the age of [-] will be the examiners for the trial rematch.

For the two examiners, the bald one is named Stam, and the other one with thick hair is named Odrink. Both of them are the head coaches of the reserve team hired by Ajax not long ago.

Yes, that's right, the Ajax reserve team has two head coaches. As the rematch examiners of today's [-] trial players, the two of them will select [-] people to continue to participate in tomorrow's third test, which is also the ultimate test , ten people were promoted to stay in the team, and the other ten people were eliminated and left.

In addition, among the remaining ten people, Ajax coach De Boer will personally decide on the spot. Those five trial players can enter the first team to participate in the Eredivisie League and the Champions League, and the other five trial players Although the training players can stay, they have to enter the reserve team to participate in the new season's Dutch second league.

The belated head coaches of the two reserve teams, Stam and Odrink, announced that today's trial rematch rule is that the fifty trial players will be organized into a team of ten in order. Sequential numbers 21 to 31 are Team A, 41 to [-] are Team B, [-] to [-] are Team C, [-] to [-] are Team D, and [-] to [-] are Team E.

As Sun Yingxiong, who was the last to get a place in the rematch of the trial training yesterday, he was naturally included in the ranks of the E team.

The five ABCDE teams play round-robin games, each game lasts 45 minutes, and there are three 10-minute breaks between the previous game and the next game.

All five teams can play four games, with three points for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a loss.

After the four round-robin matches, the [-] trial players from the top two teams will advance to tomorrow's third trial, while the other [-] players will be eliminated.

In order to be able to form a complete team, Stam and Odrink, as examiners, also specially called five goalkeepers from the reserve team and assigned them to the team composed of five trial players as goalkeepers.

In addition, not far from their complete football field, there is also a complete football field, where the four teams can fight each other at the same time, and Stam and Odrink, the two of them, are against each other. Watch the matches played on these two football fields.

Also, in order to show how much the Ajax club attaches importance to the rematch of today's trial players, they also specially hired six referees from the Eredivisie League to enforce the matches on these two football venues, two of them are the main referees. , and the other four are assistant referees.

The promotion and elimination rules of the trial training have been announced, and today's match will start immediately. Team A and Team B, and Team C and Team D will face each other on two football fields respectively. The ten players of Team E including Sun Yingxiong For the trial training players, they went to the side of the two venues to watch the game.

As the saying goes: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. This is the truth.

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