The strongest striker system

Chapter 72 Chinese 17-year-old genius takes penalty kick in Eredivisie

In the 55th minute of the game, Eindhoven's central defender Rekik tore the jersey of Ajax's 17-year-old Chinese teenager Sun Yingxiong behind his back in the penalty area of ​​PSV , and then pulled Sun Yingxiong to the ground, was caught by the referee standing outside the penalty area, immediately blew the whistle, decisively pointed to the penalty spot, and awarded a penalty to Ajax ball.

Because in the first half, Sun Yingxiong had already staged a good show of scoring twice, and only 10 minutes into the second half, Sun Yingxiong won another penalty kick in the opponent's penalty area. The Ajax players were encouraged, and every one of them had a happy smile on their cheeks.

Even the Ajax coach De Boer, who was standing on the sidelines and commanding, had a serious face at the beginning of the second half, because he was always worried about the second half of the game, if Sun Yingxiong could not score another goal. , then the Eindhoven head coach Kocu challenged him to initiate a vicious oath of betting after class, which would affect him. This is the thing that worries him the most.

For De Boer at this time, seeing Sun Yingxiong winning a penalty, he immediately raised his arms and shouted excitedly, jumping and jumping on the sidelines of him, as if all of a sudden from his shoulders A heavy burden was lifted.

As long as Sun Yingxiong can score this penalty kick, then De Boer can not only stabilize his coaching position, but also win this game known as the Dutch National Derby, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, Eindhoven coach Kocu, who was three to 40 meters away from him and also commanded from the sidelines, couldn't be happy because he swore a poisonous oath at the pre-match press conference: as long as If Sun Yingxiong can score three goals in this game and perform a hat-trick, then he will announce his dismissal after the game.

What Eindhoven coach Koku never expected was that the 17-year-old striker from China in the Ajax team was able to score three goals and stage a hat in just over 50 minutes. The trick really shocked him, and he thought it was simply incredible.

The one who felt the same as Cocu was not the captain Jeffrey Bruma on the field of Eindhoven, because he also made a poisonous oath at the pre-match press conference, that is, Sun Yingxiong played in this game. After scoring three goals, he ran naked for 10 minutes in front of the stands and all the fans at the Arena Stadium just after the game.

The famous Ajax star who was sitting in the live broadcast room of the Dutch TV station commented, after seeing Sun Yingxiong winning the penalty, he joked in a half-joking tone: "Sun Yingxiong, a 17-year-old genius player from China, It's really amazing. He scored twice in the first half, and now he created a penalty. If this penalty is scored by him, very interesting things will happen.

"It seems that Eindhoven's head coach Cocu will announce his dismissal after the game, and Eindhoven's captain Geoffrey Bruma will also be in Ahmedabad after the game. Running naked for 4 minutes at the Reina Stadium in front of more than 10 Ajax fans is very exciting!"

The famous Eindhoven player who sat next to explain the game is a very good friend with Eindhoven coach Kocu in private. When he heard the famous Ajax star who was in charge of commentating with him sitting next to him, he was so impressed by his good friend and admired player during the TV broadcast. Feel very exasperated.

"However, according to Ajax's previous tactical arrangements, after winning a penalty on the field, it should be the captain of the field, Klaassen wearing the No. 10 jersey, to take the penalty. He just joined Ajax for two Sun Yingxiong, a 17-year-old Chinese teenager who has been in China for a month, is probably not qualified to take this penalty kick. I believe that in the future, the players on the field in PSV Eindhoven will not be reconciled to falling behind. They will definitely fight back. Let us wait and see Let's go!" The Eindhoven star who was sitting in the Dutch TV live broadcast room and was in charge of commentating, followed the words of the Eindhoven star sitting next to him, and counterattacked meaningfully.

In addition, more than 2500 million fans who watched the game on China's domestic football live broadcast platform sent barrage messages one after another. Almost everyone blessed and prayed unanimously. Sun Yingxiong can take the penalty. He created a penalty kick and scored a hat-trick.

It can be said that at this moment, Sun Yingxiong has high hopes and expectations, so his pressure has also doubled, especially whether the captain on the field, Klaassen, agrees to hand over this penalty to him to take the penalty.

To say that Klaassen, who is the captain of Ajax, is really a general. When he put the ball on the penalty spot, he didn't take the penalty for himself, but called Sun Yingxiong next to him. , ordered Sun Yingxiong to take the penalty kick, and patted Sun Yingxiong on the shoulder, encouraging Sun Yingxiong to be brave and make sure to score this penalty kick.

Except for the captain Klaassen, several other teammates in front of the midfield standing outside the penalty area all walked up to Sun Yingxiong and gave him high-fives to encourage him. They all hoped that Sun Yingxiong could score a penalty kick. In this way, they have basically locked the victory. At the same time, they can also prevent coach De Boer from getting out of class, and even humiliate Eindhoven coach Cocu and captain Jeffrey Bruma.

In the Dutch national derby, Ajax and PSV Eredivisie, the two teams can be said to be incompatible, but when it comes to the Dutch national team, they are united for the victory of the Dutch national team. This is the charm of football and the charm of the national derby.

The more than 4 fans who were originally sitting in the stands around the Arena also stood up one after another at this time. They all stared wide-eyed, witnessing the moment when Sun Yingxiong scored the penalty kick.

Under the anticipation of the crowd, Sun Yingxiong came to the penalty kick, ready to take the penalty kick, and the referee standing not far away also blew the whistle to start the game at this time, Eindhoo Wen's goalkeeper Zouter stood on top of the goalkeeper, ready to make a save.

Following the whistle of the referee, Sun Yingxiong used the outside instep of his left foot to kick the ball on the penalty spot, and the ball immediately flew to the upper right corner of the goal.

Eindhoven goalkeeper Zot, who was standing on the goal line, said it was too late, it was too late, and he quickly vacated and stretched his right arm to make a right attack. Unfortunately, due to Sun Yingxiong's penalty The momentum is heavy and the speed is very fast. Even if Zouter made a save, he was still half a beat behind.

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