The strongest striker system

Chapter 63 The 17-year-old Chinese teenager VKs the coach and captain of the European giants

Ajax coach De Boer sitting on the rostrum, after listening to the 17-year-old talented Chinese player Sun Yingxiong sitting next to him, in front of hundreds of European media reporters in front of them, uttered wild words saying that tomorrow will be the Eindhoven's game hopes to stage a hat-trick, so that his face became a little livid.

Next, several European media reporters asked Sun Yingxiong how he could not complete the hat-trick in tomorrow's game, and what kind of punishment he would accept.

In the end, they were all slapped down one by one by the head coach De Boer, who resolutely refused to let Sun Yingxiong answer this question. The half-hour pre-match press conference originally planned was shortened to The 10 minutes were over in a hurry.

According to the schedule, Ajax, who played at home, took the lead in holding a pre-match press conference. An hour later, in the same room, Eindhoven, who played away, held a pre-match press conference.

The reason why hundreds of media reporters from Europe gathered in this room is because they all wanted to ask questions and interview Ajax’s sudden talent player—the 17-year-old Sun Yingxiong from China. Most of the media reporters were not interested in the pre-match press conference that Eindhoven held next.

They originally planned to leave after holding a press conference at Ajax, but no one expected that the head coach of Ajax would lead the team's 17-year-old Sun Yingxiong to participate in the pre-match competition. The press conference really surprised them.

Moreover, at the pre-match press conference, Sun Yingxiong, who was only 17 years old, said wildly when he was asked by a reporter from the Spanish "Aspen" that he very much hoped to play against Eindhoven at home tomorrow. A hat-trick in the game.

It can be said that one stone stirred up thousands of waves, causing the media reporters present to ask related topics one after another. Unfortunately, the head coach De Boer stopped them one by one, issued a gag order to Sun Yingxiong, and refused to answer such questions.

It was notified that Ajax's pre-match press conference would last at least half an hour, but it ended hastily in 10 minutes, which made them, the media reporters, feel unsatisfied.

Therefore, many media reporters among them got together and agreed to stay here and wait for the next pre-match press conference held in Eindhoven. Earlier, I uttered wild words that I would perform a hat-trick in tomorrow's game. I asked the head coach and players of PSV Eindhoven to see how they would answer.

Anyway, these media reporters don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. If they don't have more material, then tonight's news really doesn't know how to write to attract the attention of readers.

Obviously, now, these media reporters have finally found a news explosion point. If Sun Yingxiong's outrageous words are combined with the response of the PSV head coach and players, then, once it is published in the newspapers, it will definitely be Let the newspapers sell well.Even if it is placed on the official website of the news media, it will greatly increase the reading volume of news articles.

After the plan was made, two-thirds of the media reporters chose to stay. About an hour later, the head coach of Eindhoven led the players to attend the meeting in this 200-square-meter room. After the pre-match press conference, these media reporters are fully prepared and ready for battle.

Sure enough, when the questioning session started, the media reporters present all uttered wild words about Sun Yingxiong before, and asked the head coach and players of Eindhoven sitting on the rostrum one by one.

At first, the head coach of Eindhoven didn't quite believe that Ajax players would say such big words. After repeated confirmation from the media reporters on the scene, he learned that this was a real situation, so he an hour ago.

In this regard, the head coach of Eindhoven immediately made a harsh statement: If in tomorrow's game, the Ajax player who speaks out loud can score three autumns and perform a hat-trick, he will take the initiative to resign After class.

The Eindhoven player sitting on the rostrum also said very angrily: If this Ajax player named Sun Yingxiong can score three goals and perform a hat-trick in tomorrow's game, then he will do it tomorrow. After the game, run naked for 10 minutes at the Arenal Stadium.

Hearing that the head coach and players of Eindhoven, who attended the pre-match press conference, placed such a big bet, the media reporters at the scene really cheered for a while, because they felt that they did not wait in vain. There was a strong response from PSV.

Two hours after the pre-match press conference held in Eindhoven, major European media reported the incident one after another. Usually, many senior authoritative media among them sneered at the title party.

But tonight, the news headlines on the sports and football pages are more and more sensational. Let's take a look at these headlines.

Spain's "Aspen": Ajax's 17-year-old Chinese teenager uttered wild words and was hit back by Eindhoven's coaches and players"

Spanish "Marca": Ajax's talented teenager predicted that he would perform a hat-trick in tomorrow's game, and the opposing coach and player vowed to fight back"

Germany's "Kicker": "Highlights of the third round of the Eredivisie: If Ajax's 17-year-old teenager performs a hat-trick, the coach will dismiss get out of class and the players will run naked for 10 minutes after the game"

German "Bild": "Ajax vs. Eindhoven: 17-year-old Chinese teenager pk the opponent's coach and captain"

French "L'Equipe": "The focus of the third round of the Eredivisie: wait for Ajax's 17-year-old teenager to perform a hat-trick, wait for the head coach of Eindhoven to dismiss get out of class, and the captain to run naked on the stadium"

Italy "Mulan Sports Daily": "The 17-year-old teenager in the Ajax team is bold: tomorrow's game staged a hat-trick! "

British BBC Broadcasting News Network: "The third round of the Eredivisie is staged: if Ajax's 17-year-old Sun Yingxiong performs a hat-trick, the head coach of Eindhoven will take the initiative to dismiss get out of class, and the captain will run naked on the field for 10 minutes"

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