Standing on the sidelines to watch the game, the head coach of Ajax, the giants of the Eredivisie League, saw that Sun Yingxiong almost scored twice by himself in the first half hour of the game. play, but did not feel happy about it.

On the contrary, De Boer frowned because of this, and couldn't be happy no matter what, he put on a serious face, as if he was not satisfied with the players on both sides of the game.

Standing on the left and right sides of De Boer, the head coaches of the reserve team Stam and Odrink, both of them looked happy, especially focusing their attention on Sun Yingxiong alone.

Even when Sun Yingxiong won the penalty kick and scored it overnight, and the wonderful moment when he just scored an empty goal, the two of them still couldn't restrain their inner excitement, and they couldn't help applauding.

In addition, there are more than a dozen football training base staff standing on the sidelines. They mainly provide logistics support. When they saw Sun Yingxiong playing football in an unreasonable way, they all shocked them. Jaw dropped.

Especially seeing Sun Yingxiong's brilliant performance scoring two goals made them feel unbelievable about it. It was hard for them to imagine that this 17-meter tall player from China who was only 1 years old could be in the Scored two goals in the opening three and 9 minutes, which is really too good.

They have worked in the football training base for more than ten years. During the summer and winter transfer windows almost every year, they can watch the players who come to the trial training here at close range, but they have never seen a player who can be as good as Sun Yat-sen. The hero is rampant on the court like this, but no one can match it.

More importantly, they were able to score two goals within half an hour on a field full of masters, which made them dumbfounded and amazed.

Even after scoring two goals, the players of the red team were not in a hurry to launch an attack. They continued to play defensive counterattacks. On the contrary, they forced the yellow team, which was behind by two goals, to continue to hold high the banner of offense, and launched a siege to the red team's goal. .

But the problem was that there were as many as eight defensive players inside the penalty area of ​​the red team, leaving only two small and fast players standing outside the penalty area to wait for an opportunity to launch a quick counterattack.

Facing the red team's defensive strategy of placing a bus in front of their own goal, the players of the yellow team have nothing to do. If they walk and the ball hits the penalty area, they will soon be kicked by the defender. destroy it.

If they take the high-altitude ball, because Sun Yingxiong has the high point in the penalty area, he can accurately predict almost all incoming balls, and take off with a two-second advantage over others, pushing the ball out of the penalty area outside.

To say that the busiest player on the court is none other than Sun Yingxiong.

Whether he is on the offensive end or on the defensive end, he plays brilliantly. He can not only score goals in the opponent's penalty area, but also destroy the opponent's ball in his own penalty area. He is definitely an offensive and defensive player. model.

Besides, apart from the two goalkeepers of the red team and the blue team, the two most leisurely people on the field may not be able to find anyone else.

Under normal circumstances, facing the yellow team's offensive, the red team's goalkeeper should be very busy in the penalty area. However, he couldn't touch the ball for a long time, because most of the incoming balls were almost missed by the Sun. The hero broke out of the penalty area by himself, and saved the yellow team from attacking again and again.

Although De Boer, who was standing on the sidelines watching the game, had a stern face, said nothing, and frowned, but he was also observing the performance of every player on the field all the time, especially the players who interested him , bear the brunt of Sun Yingxiong.

Seeing that Sun Yingxiong made a header inside the penalty area for a while to clear the siege, and then rushed out of the penalty area to launch a counterattack, his figure was almost everywhere in the entire huge stadium.

What puzzles De Boer the most is that this 17-year-old boy from China is so exhausted on the court. Doesn’t he feel tired? Then when will he start? What about the cramp, can he survive the first half? It may be difficult.

Just when De Boer was worried that Sun Yingxiong was exhausted, at the 42nd minute of the first half, Sun Yingxiong made a clean tackle on the ground at the front of his own penalty area and then lay down. He didn't get up on the ground, his cheeks were grim with pain, and his hands were placed on his legs.

Seeing this, De Boer breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself, "Look, let me just say, this kid is working so hard on the field, and before the end of the first half, his legs will cramp." Yes, I was unfortunately hit by what I said.

When the referee saw Sun Yingxiong fell to the ground, about 20 seconds later, when the ball fell into the hands of the red team, he stopped the game and walked quickly to the ground The great Sun Yingxiong, after bowing his head to inquire for a while, told the staff of the football training base on the sidelines that the No. 9 player of the red team had cramps and needed to be treated by the team doctor, or carry Sun Yingxiong out of the field Get treatment and let the game go on.

Previously, De Boer, who was standing on the sidelines watching the game, had been silent all the time. Until this moment, he waved his hand and let the four staff of the football training base next to him rush into the field carrying a stretcher.

Soon, the four staff carried Sun Yingxiong to the outside of the field on a stretcher, and a team doctor took out ice cubes, put ice on Sun Yingxiong's thigh muscles, and did some treatment for Sun Yingxiong's cramps. relieving action.

There are still about 3 minutes left, and the first half is about to end, but Sun Yingxiong ends up receiving treatment for his leg cramps at this time, and the red team immediately loses a general on both offense and defense who can play a role in calming the sea.

It may be because Sun Yingxiong was exhausted on the field to participate in defense and offense before, which exhausted their physical strength so much that the cramps could not be relieved within three to five minutes. The red team had to be eliminated before the end of the first half. Forced to fight with 5 people.

As a result, facing the situation of playing more and playing less, the yellow team continued to launch a fierce attack. Only 1 minute after Sun Yingxiong was off the field, they finally took advantage of a free kick at the front of the penalty area to get back a goal.

When the yellow team member who took the free kick threw the ball into the sky above the red team's penalty area, the red team's defensive players were a little uncomfortable with Sun Yingxiong's absence. In the end, he was caught by the small forward of the red team who was ambushing at the front of the small penalty area.

I saw that the yellow team's small forward, who was only 1.7 meters tall, used unconventional stopping and shooting movements, and stopped the ball directly into the red team's goal by stopping the ball with his chest.

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