The strongest striker system

Chapter 180 The 17-year-old Chinese teenager practiced alone for a full day of free kick shooting

Although he was sweating profusely, Sun Yingxiong was tired and out of breath, but he still had a smile on his face. He didn't feel that the extra three hours of training in the morning to score directly with any ball made him feel any sense. Tiredness, everything makes him energetic.

This is because after a morning of hard work and hard work, he finally mastered the method and technique of Schene to score a free kick on the left side of the front of the penalty area. Although he is compared with Schene, he is still at a disadvantage.

However, it is still very happy and encouraging to be able to master the shooting skills of free kicks on the left side of the front of the penalty area in just three hours.

Of course, if Sun Yingxiong's head is not embedded with the strongest striker system, I am afraid that Sun Yingxiong will practice for three days, 30 days, even [-] days, and he may not be able to master the left free kick at the front of the penalty area. Shooting skills, all these credits, in addition to the hard work and sweat of Sun Yingxiong himself, the strongest striker system embedded in his head is also indispensable.

Seeing that it was almost 11:30, Sun Yingxiong ended his morning training. He collected five footballs scattered around, put them in a net bag, and carried them on his left side. on the shoulders.

Then, Sun Yingxiong used the model of the human wall placed in the restricted area to gather together, carried it on his right shoulder, and walked back to his single dormitory with slightly tired steps. Inside.

After putting down his things, Sun Yingxiong took a cold shower first, and then lay down on his long hair for more than half an hour. After he rested and recovered, he left the single dormitory and went to the Ajak Football Club. Lunch at the restaurant at the training base.

Due to the huge amount of training in the morning, Sun Yingxiong practiced for more than three hours. During this period, he took a rest of about 5 minutes every hour during this period, and then devoted himself to the next session. During the one-hour training, the physical strength consumed is naturally very large.

No, when Sun Yingxiong entered the restaurant of the Ajax football training base, it was around 12:30 noon. At this moment, in the restaurant of the huge Ajax football training base, he came to eat The players and staff, looking around, there are at least 50 people.

Tired and hungry, Sun Yingxiong took a large plate of food in a short while, found an empty dining table in a corner and sat down.

When Sun Yingxiong put all the food on the dinner plate on the dining table one by one, there was almost no room to put them on the two-meter-square dining table, and it was full.

In fact, when Sun Yingxiong filled the dining table with food, before he found an empty dining table and sat down, the more than 50 people who were eating had already looked at him, and each of them saw it. It's really unbelievable that a young player who is only 17 years old eats so much for lunch, he is simply a big eater.

Among them, almost everyone didn't know that Sun Yingxiong practiced free kicks for more than three hours in the No. [-] field in the morning, and naturally cast strange glances at Sun Yingxiong.

Not only the diners, but also the restaurant staff at the Ajax football training base were shocked when they saw Sun Yingxiong take so much food in one go, which was enough for three people.

However, this morning, the restaurant staff at the Ajax football training base had already seen Sun Yingxiong's appetite, and he was not surprised to see it again this time.

For this reason, the restaurant staff at the Ajax football training base with a normal face also told his colleagues about Sun Yingxiong’s breakfast consumption this morning, so that Ajax football training The other staff members at the base were even more surprised after hearing this.

If, just now, they were shocked, then this time, after hearing from the restaurant staff at the Ajax football training base, each of them was shocked, without exception. All with terrified expressions.

If it is in normal times, one of the staff in the restaurant of the Ajax football training base will definitely walk up to Sun Yingxiong and remind Sun Yingxiong not to waste extravagance, take as much as you eat, be diligent and thrifty, and cherish food.

But this time, none of the restaurant staff at the Ajax football training base walked up to Sun Yingxiong to remind them, because they couldn't afford to offend them. After all, Sun Yingxiong is currently Ajax's top scorer , and repeated transfer fee scandals with top European football clubs, he is definitely a superstar in European football in the future. They feel that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Secondly, after listening to the restaurant staff at the Ajax football training base just now, they all agreed that Sun Yingxiong would definitely be able to eat all the food on the table, and he would be able to clean it up Degree.

Sure enough, under the watchful eyes of the dining staff and the staff, Sun Yingxiong, who was so hungry that his chest was on his back, had no time to care about the strange looks from the people around him, and he ate with great relish.

In less than 10 minutes, all the food on the table was wiped out by Sun Yingxiong, not even a little bit of food wasted, which once again made all the food in the restaurant of the Ajax football training base People are extremely shocked.

After lunch, Sun Yingxiong stood up, left his seat, and quickly left the restaurant of the Ajax football training base, because he was full at this time, and now he wanted to have a good sleep Take a nap, and still have the energy to continue the training of scoring directly from the free kick in the afternoon.

After returning to the single dormitory, Sun Yingxiong drank a few sips of water, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep. He closed and opened his eyes. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Yingxiong woke up first when the alarm bell rang.

Before going to bed, Sun Yingxiong set the alarm to ring at 02:30 in the afternoon. Although the Ajax first team usually trains on the No. 02 field at 30 o'clock in the afternoon, the weather today It's hot, Sun Yingxiong thinks he can start at [-]:[-].

He just woke up around two o'clock in the afternoon. After looking at the time, he couldn't sleep no matter what, so he got up quickly, packed his things, and carried a net bag containing five footballs in one hand, and the other hand Carrying the model of the human wall, he left the single dormitory where he lived and went to the No. 400 site three to four hundred meters away.

The weather was still relatively hot after two o'clock in the afternoon. Although it was not as hot as the dog days in China, such hot weather was very rare in Europe, and it looked like a full 30 degrees.

Even so, Sun Yingxiong had no intention of postponing the training after arriving at the No. 25 training ground. As usual, he put down the things first, and then placed the model of the human wall in the penalty area, and then took it out of the net pocket. All the balls were taken out and placed in a row on the right front of the penalty area, about [-] meters away from the goal.

After placing it, Sun Yingxiong was not in a hurry to shoot, but stood in place, closed his eyes, spent a full 5 minutes, as if he was following a movie in his mind, replaying the closed shot yesterday afternoon over and over again. After the sex training session, Klaas performed three demonstrations of free-kick goals from where he stood.

After about 5 minutes passed, Sun Yingxiong opened his eyes, withdrew his mind, breathed a sigh of relief, and devoted himself to the connection of scoring a free kick on the right side of the front of the penalty area.

Before shooting, Sun Yingxiong took another deep breath, then he raised his head, glanced at the direction and distance of the goal, and then he took a closer look at the model of the human wall placed in the penalty area .

After observing for about ten seconds, Sun Yingxiong kicked up and kicked a ball in front of him towards the goal. Unfortunately, this time, the ball hit hard again in the penalty area. man above the wall model.

If it was placed in the past, Sun Yingxiong would definitely be very anxious. After all, the first shot, the ball did not bypass the human wall model in the penalty area, but hit it hard. Then, next, he The mood will be relatively low, as the saying goes: a good start is half the battle.

Sun Yingxiong's kick just now is of course not a good start. With the experience in the morning, he feels that he should get better and better with the passage of time. There is no need to rush for success, on the contrary. The more anxious the heart is, the more chaotic the kick will be.

Next, none of Sun Yingxiong's four kicks hit the target. Counting the first kick just now, three of the five kicks hit the goal wall mold placed in the penalty area. The other two kicks also deviated from the goal.

Sun Yingxiong, who was in a calm mood, retrieved the five balls scattered around, lined up and placed them on the same spot as the penalty spot just now, preparing for the second round of free kick practice.

The five kicks in the second round were even worse than the first round. This time, there were four kicks, all of which hit the ball on the human wall model placed in the penalty area, and the other kick hit the goal. It didn't deviate from the goal, but he fired an anti-aircraft gun directly.

However, Sun Yingxiong was not discouraged by such poor shots in the first two rounds. Instead, he continued to maintain a peaceful mind and practiced the next third round of direct free kicks. Anyway, it will be this afternoon. He will continue to train, and he will always find methods and techniques. This is the truth of the so-called "practice makes perfect".

Sun Yingxiong, who didn't give up, didn't find the method and technique of breaking the goal until it took about two hours. Although he couldn't compare with Klaassen's footwork, he finally Among the at least five kicks, four kicks can easily bypass the human wall model placed in the penalty area.

Among the four-footed shots that bypass the human wall model placed in the restricted area, there are three shots that can hit the goal frame, and among the three-footed shots that hit the goal frame, at least one will be A tricky dead end breaks the door.

You know, Sun Yingxiong has mastered free kick shooting methods and skills in just two hours, which is enough to show that his head is smart enough. Of course, more is the most powerful thing embedded in his head. The strong striker system played a vital role, otherwise, he would have been training hard for a whole day with a big head on his head, and he probably couldn't find the method and technique to hit the goal with a free kick, so he would have to be pissed off.

After finding the method and technique, Sun Yingxiong rested for about 10 minutes, and then continued to devote himself to training, as if he was tireless like an iron man.

In fact, Sun Yingxiong practiced extra in the morning and in the afternoon. After five or six hours of extra training, you are still staring at the scorching sun. No wonder his body is not tired.

However, with all his heart and soul, Sun Yingxiong has already left the matter of physical exhaustion in his head. Now, he has only one goal in his eyes, and that is to master the left and right shooting methods and methods of shooting from the left and right sides of the front of the penalty area as soon as possible. Skill.

In the evening, Sun Yingxiong stopped training. He sat on the sidelines to rest, his stomach growling with hunger, but at this time, the weather suddenly became cooler.

Between two o'clock in the afternoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, the weather was still very hot. Sun Yingxiong trained in this hot weather. Now that the weather has become very cool, he immediately decided not to go. It can be said that it is a race against time to continue to take advantage of such cool weather to eat at the restaurant of the Jax football training base.

Sun Yingxiong, who has a strong self-esteem, is so tireless because he feels that in the training session the morning after tomorrow, the team's head coach De Boer will definitely let him take a free kick in front of the crowd and hit the goal directly. Check out the training results.

If he does not practice more, he can master the methods and skills of free kicks on the left and right sides of the front of the penalty area. At that time, his free kicks will directly shoot the ball to the wall in the penalty area, or the ball will deviate from the goal. If he hits the goal, or the ball is fired from an anti-aircraft gun, or the shooting angle is not tricky enough, and the goalkeeper easily gets it, then he will really be embarrassing.

It is precisely because of Sun Yingxiong's strong self-esteem and his self-motivation that he must try his best to shoot free kicks from the front of the penalty area within two days, even if there is no way to compare Schene and Klaassen. , as long as he does his best and goes all out, then he doesn't feel any regrets.

No, starting from 05:30 in the evening, one of Sun Yingxiong practiced for more than five hours. Until around eleven o'clock in the evening, Sun Yingxiong was really tired and exhausted. Just let it go.

After packing up, Sun Yingxiong dragged his exhausted body, carrying the five footballs in the net bag in one hand, and the human wall model in the other hand, and walked slowly towards the single dormitory building 400 meters away. .

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