The strongest striker system

Chapter 162 China's 17-year-old striker wins a penalty for the Eredivisie giants

Klaassen, who was standing at the top of the arc outside the penalty area, grabbed the ball that was cleared by Sun Yingxiong in the penalty area. He quickly turned around and took two or three steps forward. When he looked up, there were no players from his team in front of him. .

Moreover, Kongolo, Feyenoord's left central defender, was about ten meters away from Klaassen.

Seeing this situation, Klaassen didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He hurriedly dribbled the ball to the right line, blinked his eyelids twice, and he had already dribbled the ball along the right line and broke through to the center line by himself, reaching the opponent's goal line. halftime.

However, Kongolo, who had already pushed out from the back line, did not intend to give up. He continued to rush towards Klaassen, who was advancing along the right line at this time, hoping to steal Kelasen.

It was too late, but it was too late. When Klaassen dribbled the ball and walked to the right sideline alone, Sun Yingxiong, who was originally in the penalty area, hurriedly greeted the two partners on the front line and served as the left and right wingers. Lucas Anderson and Al Ghazi, the three of them rushed out of the penalty area and into the opponent's half.

Of course, Ahmadi, who played on the left side of Feyenoord's third midfielder, did not dare to neglect. He followed Kongolo to pinch Klaassen, who dribbled the ball forward along the right line, hoping to intercept If Klaassen advances, even if he can't steal the ball from Klaassen's feet, at least he must stop Klaassen from advancing and pass the ball back.

Sure enough, Klaassen saw that he was about to be pinched by two Feyenoord players. He was afraid that he would lose the ball, so he quickly knocked the ball back to Al Ghazi who rushed out along the right line.

Al Ghazi, who had already arrived at the center line, caught the ball from Klaassen about ten meters away in front of him. He stopped on the spot, looked up, and found that Sun Yingxiong had rushed forward. Arrived at the top of the arc outside the opponent's penalty area.

In addition, Al Ghazi also discovered a situation, that is, after Feyenoord's right central defender Kongolo pushed out, only the left central defender Van Beek was in the middle of the front of the penalty area .

Whether it's Feyenoord's left back Nelom or right center back Wilke Shere, both of them are about ten meters away from Van Beek, and they put on a posture to block the two sides attack.

After seeing this, it took about two seconds. Without guards, Al-Ghazi kicked a long pass from the center line on the right side, and went directly to the distance in front of him. Sun Yingxiong's head about 30 meters away.

Sun Yingxiong, who was sprinting towards the opponent's penalty area with all his strength, only turned his back to the passer. However, when the ball was about to fall, he saw the direction of the ball through the side light, and the ball passed right in front of him Swipe across, about one meter high from the ground.

Under the condition of launching, Sun Impression immediately stretched out his foot to block the ball, and stopped one meter in front of him.

After Sun Yingxiong stopped the ball, the right central defender Van Beek, who was almost five meters away from the front, and the two full backs Nelome and Wilke Shire, all three of them went to Sun Yingxiong together. The position jumped over.

Seeing this scene, Sun Yingxiong rushed forward with the ball, ready to pass Van Beek who was coming from the opposite side. After less than two seconds, when the two of them were about meters apart, Sun Yingxiong saw When it came to Van Beek, who rushed over fiercely from the opposite side, there was a length of about [-] centimeters between his legs.

Ever since, Sun Yingxiong poked the ball with his toe, and the ball quickly passed between the legs of Van Beek in front of him. At this point, Sun Yingxiong got rid of Van Beek's defense and continued to rush forward with the ball. In a blink of an eye, he entered Feyenoord's penalty area.

Van Beek, who was passed off, felt very uncomfortable. At the same time, he also felt that he had lost face. The one who passed him off was just a fledgling kid, and he was only 17 years old.

What makes Van Beek even more unacceptable is that the way he got past him just now turned out to be the ball passing through his crotch. , I will be in Feyenoord in the future, how will I be in the Eredivisie League!

At this moment, after making Van Beek feel extremely humiliated, it can be said that anger rose from his heart, and evil grew out of his guts.

Van Beek, who is good at chasing speed, was passed by Sun Yingxiong with the ball piercing his crotch. He froze in place for about two seconds, then turned around and rushed into the Sun Yingxiong in the penalty area chased.

Sun Yingxiong, who has already formed a one-shot chance, originally had the opportunity and space to shoot after passing Van Beek and entering the penalty area, because in front of him, only Faye standing on the goal line Nord goalkeeper Vermeer is alone.

However, due to the high-speed dribbling just now, and from the corner of his eye, he has already seen Feyenoord's left and right full-backs Nelom and Wilkshire, who have passed from the left and right corners of the penalty area. He rushed in desperately, trying to block Sun Yingxiong.

Seeing that he was about to break into the small penalty area, just as Sun Yingxiong was about to stop the ball and shoot again, the Feyenoord central defender Van Beek, who was chasing up from behind, stretched out suddenly. kicked Sun Yingxiong firmly to the ground.

Fortunately, Van Beek's outstretched kick hit the shin guard. Otherwise, Sun Yingxiong's ankle would definitely be kicked. I'm afraid I won't be able to play in the rest of this game.

Suddenly, Sun Yingxiong, who was standing on the line of the small penalty area, was about to stop the ball to shoot, and was suddenly kicked down from behind. Of course, he was caught off guard. While lying on the ground, Sun Yingxiong let out a cry "Ah...the scream.

Not only that, Sun Yingxiong, who was lying on the lawn, only hugged his ankle that was kicked by Van Beek from behind with both hands. Although there was a shin guard behind him, Van Beek kicked very fiercely. After Sun Yingxiong fell to the ground, the shin guards behind his calves flew out.

It can be seen from this that Van Beek, who was furious and angry, was full of anger at that time. When others fouled in the penalty area, they all went for the ball. However, Van Beek's foul this time was obviously It's aimed at people.

The chief referee standing not far from the penalty area, and the first assistant referee on the left side of the penalty area almost at the same time, the former blew his whistle, and the latter waved the small flag in his hand.

Whether it was the referee blowing the whistle or the first assistant referee waving the small flag in his hand, both of them agreed at the same time that Van Beek, as a defensive player, kicked the offensive player Sun from behind in the penalty area. Hero, is a definite foul move.

After the call stopped the game, the referee ran all the way into the penalty area, walked up to Van Beek who had fouled by kicking someone from behind, and immediately took out a yellow card from his jacket pocket.

It stands to reason that according to Van Beek's foul action of hurting others, it is not an exaggeration for the referee to show him a red card and send him off. I have to say that this is Feyenoord's home court, and the referee still gave Van Beek To save face, he just showed him a yellow card and gave him a lenient treatment.

However, after the referee showed Van Beek a yellow card, he also verbally warned Van Beek that if he committed excessive fouls in the rest of the game, he would be punished at that time. Show him a second yellow card, then turn two yellows into one red and send him off.

Just now, Van Beek, who was still a little angry, was not too angry about the referee showing him a yellow card. After listening to the referee's stern verbal warning, Van Beek's anger dissipated. He was sent off with a red card in this game, which would be really embarrassing.

After all, just now, Van Beek made a foul by kicking someone behind the back. He not only kicked Sun Yingxiong to the ground with chest tightness, but also failed to touch the ball. If there was a VAR video involved in the game at that time, Van Beek’s foul must have been To get a red card.

In addition, Van Beek will be subject to additional penalties and fines, because this malicious foul is an unsportsmanlike behavior. However, after the game, Van Beek was still suspended by the Dutch Football Association for five years. field and an additional penalty of [-] euros.

After seeing Sun Yingxiong holding the ball in the penalty area and being kicked down by the opponent's back, many Ajax midfielders rushed into the penalty area. Some people went to see Sun Yingxiong who fell to the ground. Some people walked up to the referee and protested emotionally, demanding that the fouled Van Beek be shown a red card, and they could not show mercy.

The referee who had just shown a yellow card to Van Beek could only smile at the emotional protests of the Ajax players, shook his head, and said kindly that he would not change the penalty. In the next game, Van Beek committed an excessive foul. He would definitely show a yellow card to send Van Beek off, but now is not the time to show a red card.

Immediately afterwards, Ajax's midfielders, including goalkeeper Cillessen, rushed into Feyenoord's penalty area. Ke strongly condemned and condemned.

The Feyenoord players didn't give in too much, and quickly flocked to Van Beek's side, protecting Van Beek and preventing the Ajax players from having any physical contact with Van Beek, so as not to A larger conflict ensues.

From the perspective of the players on the Feyenoord field at this time, Van Beek's malicious foul action just now constituted a red card, and the referee only showed a yellow card. For Van Beek's lenient treatment, they are like a mirror in their hearts , thinking that they are the wrong party, they can only hope that the situation will not expand.

The referee saw that Sun Yingxiong hadn't got up from the turf for more than ten seconds, so he rushed towards the Ajax bench on the sidelines and made a gesture for the team doctor to enter the field for treatment.

Two team doctors from Ajax rushed into the field and came to Feyenoord's penalty area. They squatted down and treated Sun Yingxiong, who was kicked to the ankle just now, for pain relief. Painkiller was sprayed on the wrist.

After a preliminary examination and diagnosis by the two team doctors of Ajax, it was believed that Sun Yingxiong's ankle that was kicked just now was not serious, it was just a little red and swollen, which made Sun Yingxiong, who was crying bitterly just now, wipe a few Tears streaming down the cheeks.

At that time, Sun Yingxiong almost thought that after Van Beek kicked his right ankle fiercely from behind just now, he felt the pain in his right ankle so badly that he hardly dared to move it. Stop shedding tears.

After hearing the initial diagnosis made by the two team doctors of Ajax, Sun Yingxiong wiped away the tears on his cheeks, then slowly got up from the turf, and reinserted the shin guards that had fallen beside him. into the sock.

After the two Ajax team doctors briefly dealt with Sun Yingxiong's injury, they first gave Sun Yingxiong a thumbs up at Sun Yingxiong who stood up, and then turned around. Under the urging of the referee , leading Sun Yingxiong, who was limping, left the field from the baseline on the left side of Feyenoord's goal.

According to the rules of the game, after receiving treatment from the team doctor on the field, the player receiving treatment must first leave the field and stand on the sidelines. The referee only allows the player to enter the field to continue the game when he raises his hand to signal that he can participate in the game.

After this turmoil, the referee signaled that everyone from the two teams, except Feyenoord goalkeeper Vermeer, should leave the penalty area, and signaled to the Ajax players to send someone out to punish him. This penalty.

As the core midfielder and captain of the Ajax team, Klaassen of course stood in front of the penalty spot and prepared to take the penalty.

Sun Yingxiong, who was standing outside the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area, began to raise his hand to indicate that he could continue to participate in the game before taking the penalty kick. However, the referee meant that Sun Yingxiong would not be allowed to enter the field until after the penalty kick was awarded. If you continue to participate in the competition, it will be ignored.

After Feyenoord's goalkeeper Vermeer and Ajax's penalty shooter Klaassen were both in position, the referee standing outside the left side of the small penalty area immediately blew the penalty kick The whistle of the ball.

Standing in front of the penalty spot, after hearing the whistle from the referee, Klaassen did not quickly kick the ball placed on the penalty spot, but slowly and intentionally ran up. In fact, the total It was only two meters away, and his run-up was purely for show.

After the run-up, Klaassen stretched out his left foot for a shot, and he did hit the goal with his right foot, and the ball flew straight to the middle of the balloon goal.

Feyenoord goalkeeper Vermeer, who was standing on the goal line, was highly concentrated and was not deceived by Klaassen's fake move. He continued to stand in the middle of the goal. After seeing the ball, he stretched out his hands The ball was held tightly in his arms.

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