The strongest striker system

Chapter 155 Sun Yingxiong, who plays for the giants of the Eredivisie, teaches the blonde to use cho

Less than 10 minutes later, Sun Yingxiong just ordered the braised pork, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, hot and sour potato shreds, vinegar bean sprouts, old vinegar peanuts, cold cucumber, seafood lump soup, five big white flour steamed buns, one The half-jin bottle of Erguotou was brought up one after another by several waiters.

Looking at the table of Chinese food, Ilana was a little dazed, because it was the first time for her to eat in a Chinese restaurant, and at this moment, the dishes placed on the table in front of him made her look like a His face was bewildered, and he was a little overwhelmed.

On the contrary, Sun Yingxiong, who is familiar with himself, saw the Chinese dishes on the table, and immediately seemed to have returned to his own home. He turned away the waiter standing aside, and the two of them could move their chopsticks by themselves.

Although this high-end Chinese restaurant provides Chinese food to customers, the service it provides is the same as that of a western restaurant. There will be a full-time waiter in every box to serve these guests with dishes and serve tea. water work.

Especially when foreign guests come to dine, these waiters dare not be careless in the slightest. Picking vegetables and serving rice has become a must for them, because there are many foreign guests who do not know how to use chopsticks at all. They are used to using knives and forks at ordinary times, but they hardly need to use knives and forks in Chinese food. In most cases, a pair of chopsticks can be used to complete the meal.

But this time, Sun Yingxiong took a tall, handsome Dutch blonde to dine in this slightly cramped but fresh and elegant box. Next to the two of them, the hero and Ilana, were waiting to be called to provide services such as serving vegetables and serving meals.

As a result, Sun Yingxiong asked him to leave the box. Of course, before leaving, he gave the male waiter a 20-yuan Euro note as a tip. The male waiter quickly took it with both hands and thanked him politely. , and then exited the box.

For this reason, only Sun Yingxiong and Yi Lanna were left in this box with an area of ​​about ten square meters. To some extent, they could be regarded as lonely men and widows in the same room, and the atmosphere was suddenly the same as when they were standing A male waiter is a little different.

Seeing that the time has reached 12:30 noon, Sun Yingxiong, who was only [-]% full in the morning, is now hungry, and he is also facing a table of Chinese dishes that he has been thinking about day and night. Even though these are home-cooked dishes and not big meals, in Sun Yingxiong's eyes, these dishes are even more delicious than delicacies from mountains and seas.

No, when the male waiter standing next to him was invited out of the box by him, less than ten seconds later, Sun Yingxiong picked up a pair of chopsticks on the dining table with his left hand, and took the dishes on the table They all picked up a chopstick, put it into his mouth, and chewed it with relish.

Although Sun Yingxiong felt that these dishes were different from those served by his parents at home or in domestic restaurants, he still ate them with relish, as if he had a taste of his hometown.

After all, this is a foreign country, and many things are made from local materials. Generally speaking, the taste is still very authentic. Sun Yingxiong is not too demanding on food, otherwise, he would not eat it in the previous four months. All of them are Western-style meals, so he must be crazy.

After eating for about 1 minute, Sun Yingxiong swallowed the last bite of the food, and then realized that something was wrong, so he raised his head and stared intently at Yilanna who was sitting opposite him at the dining table. It was found that Ilana was sitting on a chair, motionless, looking at the dishes on the table, with a bewildered expression written on her cheeks.

After seeing this, Sun Yingxiong put down the pair of chopsticks in his hand, and asked Yilanna who was sitting opposite him in a curious tone: "Ilana, these dishes I ordered are all I usually like to eat very much in China, so I specially ordered them to share with you, my only good friend of the opposite sex in the Netherlands, don’t just watch, you also eat with me?"

Faced with Sun Yingxiong's inquiry, Ilana, who was at a loss, looked at Sun Yingxiong with her sad little eyes, and replied noncommittally: "Sun... Sun Yingxiong, I ...I don't know... how to eat these dishes on the table. Usually, I...I like to use knives and forks, but this Chinese restaurant doesn't...doesn't provide knives and forks..."

Before Yilanna finished speaking, Sun Yingxiong suddenly realized, and then realized that Yilanna, who was eating Chinese food for the first time, usually used knives and forks to eat Western-style meals in her life, and she did not know how to use them at all. Chopsticks.

Thinking of this, Sun Yingxiong immediately interrupted the hesitant Ilana, and said very enthusiastically: "Ilana, I forgot this, you don't use knives and forks when you eat Chinese food, just like I just said." That way, use chopsticks to pick up vegetables. I forgot that you don’t know how to use chopsticks, come on, let me teach you how to use chopsticks.”

As soon as the good teacher Sun Yingxiong finished speaking, he got up and walked to Ilana's side. He picked up Ilana's unused pair of chopsticks from the dining table, and gently stuffed them in Ilana's right hand in.

In this way, Sun Yingxiong taught Yilanna how to use chopsticks and how to use chopsticks. He grabbed Yilanna's fair and tender hands several times and taught them for about 1 minute. Only then learned to use chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

"Ilana, you should learn to use chopsticks by now, right?" Professor Sun Yingxiong who was standing aside finished, he was still a little uneasy, so he asked Ilana again.

After trying to use a pair of chopsticks to pick up the food three times and successfully putting it into her mouth, Yilanna basically mastered the skills of using chopsticks. She nodded immediately and replied: "Sun Yingxiong, I have finally learned how to use chopsticks with you. Pick up vegetables with chopsticks, and eat Chinese food like you Chinese!"

After hearing Yilana's answer, Sun Yingxiong felt relieved and sat back on his original seat. Just as he was about to use his left hand to pick up a pair of chopsticks in front of him, he heard Ilana asked in a curious tone, "Sun Yingxiong, but what I'm curious about is that you taught me to hold chopsticks with my right hand just now, why do you always use your left hand to hold chopsticks?"

After listening to Yilana's curious inquiry, Sun Yingxiong replied with some uncontrollable displeasure: "Hey, in our Chinese language, I use my left hand to hold food with chopsticks, which is called 'left-handed'. , Most of us Chinese use the right hand to hold chopsticks. So, what I just taught you is also to use the right hand to hold chopsticks."

For Sun Yingxiong's answer, Ilana who was sitting opposite him was a little shocked at first, but after Yilanna was stunned for about three seconds, she continued to ask: "Are you eating?" When you use chopsticks with your left hand, do you also use your left hand to hold the pen when you usually write?"

Facing Ilana's questioning again, Sun Yingxiong smiled and nodded and replied: "Yes, Ilana, I usually use my left hand to hold chopsticks when I eat, and I usually use my left hand to hold a pen when I write. Anyway, the left hand has become My main hand, when holding some relatively heavy things, my left hand is stronger than my right hand."

When Sun Yingxiong finished answering, Yilanna had a smile on the corner of her mouth at this moment, and she said rather arrogantly: "Actually, I am the same as you. I usually write with my left hand and do some physical work." Son, they are all left-handed. Since, like this, you should not have taught me to hold chopsticks with my right hand just now, you should have taught me to hold chopsticks with my left hand. You have to come here and teach me to hold chopsticks with my left hand again. "

So, Sun Yingxiong put down his pair of satchels again, got up and came to Yilanna again, and began to teach Yilanna how to use the satchel with his left hand to pick up vegetables. This time it took about half a minute. In time, Ilana was taught, and he turned back and sat back in his seat, but he couldn't forget the feeling when he held hands with Ilana just now.

Although, in just a few minutes, Yilanna learned to use chopsticks with her left hand under the guidance of Professor Sun Yingxiong, but this was her first time eating Chinese food. , still a little clumsy and jerky, not as familiar with Sun Yingxiong sitting opposite her when using chopsticks.

After moving the chopsticks a few times, Sun Yingxiong put it down, looked at Yilanna who was sitting opposite him with expectant eyes, and asked: "Miss Yilanna, you also used chopsticks to pick up a few mouthfuls of food, How do you taste these dishes? Tell me how you feel?"

When Sun Yingxiong finished asking about five seconds, Ilana, who was sitting opposite him, opened her red lips thoughtfully, and replied: "Because this is the first time in my life that I have eaten Chinese food, I feel that the dishes you ordered taste a little weird to me, but after a few bites, I feel that the taste is very delicious."

Having said that, Yilanna pointed to the dishes on the table and commented on them, pointing to the braised pork and commented: This meat has both thin and fat parts, and it tastes a little sweet, with A little salty; point to tomato scrambled eggs and comment: it tastes sweet and sour; point to hot and sour potato shreds and comment: it tastes sour and spicy; point to vinegar bean sprouts and comment : It tastes a little sour; point to the cold cucumber and comment: some are sour and some are spicy, point to the old vinegar peanuts and comment: it tastes sour and crunchy.

Since this is the first time for Yilanna to eat Chinese food, and these home-cooked dishes are eaten, at most she can only comment on the taste. A different kind of experience.

After listening to Yilana's brief comments on the home-cooked dishes on the dinner table, Sun Yingxiong remembered something, reached out and picked up a large white-faced steamed bun that was placed on the plate, and handed it to the person sitting opposite him. Ilana stepped forward and said with a smile on her face, "Ilana, when you use chopsticks to pick up vegetables, you can take one bite of the vegetable and another bite of this."

After staring intently at the big white-faced steamed bun in Sun Yingxiong's hand for a few moments, Yilanna hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out her right hand to take it, but again, in a curious tone, she turned to the person sitting opposite her. Sun Yingxiong asked like a cannonball: "Sun Yingxiong, what is this? How do you eat it? Use your mouth directly? This is the first time I have seen this thing. How do you eat it?"

Regarding the series of questions raised by Yilana, Sun Yingxiong patiently explained and replied: "This thing is called white flour steamed bun, which is the staple food in northern China, which is equivalent to the bread here. We are eating these dishes When I was eating vegetables, I ate steamed buns at the same time. It is worth mentioning that this steamed bun is still Shandong steamed bun from my hometown.

"To eat this steamed bun, of course, eat it directly with your mouth. It is made by fermenting wheat flour. It has no taste and needs to be eaten with dishes. If you eat it dry, most people will feel choked. So, after eating a few mouthfuls of steamed buns and a few more dishes, you can take a small spoon and take a few more mouthfuls of the seafood pimple soup placed in the middle of the table.”

.When Sun Yingxiong finished explaining, Yilanna held a skeptical attitude, and according to what Sun Yingxiong said just now, she picked up a few bites of vegetables with chopsticks, ate one or two bites of big steamed buns, and took two bites of small spoons. Seafood lump soup.

Until this time, Yilanna felt that eating this way really felt very good. It no longer tasted weird like before, but it felt delicious and delicious, and she saw the power of Chinese food.

"Sun Yingxiong, I ate it according to what you said just now, and it really tasted very good. The Chinese food you ordered is definitely delicious. Although it is very different from the Western food I usually eat, it still tastes very good. Eat, it's really good!" Yilanna ate for about 2 minutes, then stopped, put down the chopsticks with her left hand, put down half a large white flour steamed bun with her right hand, and pointed at her grandson sitting opposite her with her right hand. The hero gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, he heard Yilana's praise, which made Sun Yingxiong heaving a sigh of relief. He was still a little worried at the beginning that Yilanna was not used to the Chinese food he ordered.

Next, it is Sun Yingxiong's one-man show alone. He eats his stomach full. If Yilanna doesn't like to eat, wouldn't it make a girl hungry? This makes Sun Yingxiong a little worried Can't bear it.

No, Sun Yingxiong and Yi Lanna, who were sitting opposite each other, began to eat and eat. After eating for about half an hour, the dishes on the table were swept away.

Sun Yingxiong ate four of the five white flour steamed buns he originally ordered, and Yilanna only ate one. As for the dishes, Yilanna ate more scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cold cucumbers. And old vinegar peanuts, while Sun Yingxiong can eat all the dishes on the table.

As for the small bowl of seafood lump soup, Sun Yingxiong and Yi Lanna were almost evenly divided between the two of them, and they drank it clean, not even a mouthful of soup left.

The only regret is that Sun Yingxiong ordered a half-jin bottle of Erguotou but didn't lift the lid, so he had to take it away. This Chinese meal in a foreign country cost a total of 200 euros. Sun Yingxiong came out alone.

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