The strongest striker system

Chapter 130 The 17-year-old Chinese striker has a dream of being a child emperor

There is no doubt that after the game, the 2-year-old Chinese teenager Sun Yingxiong, who completed 1 shots and 17 pass, helped Ajax beat Almeiro 3-1 at home, and was once again selected as the best player of the game. players.

Since the start of the Eredivisie League, Sun Yingxiong has played four consecutive games since the second round of the Eredivisie. He was officially selected by the Eredivisie as the best player of the game. In the first 5 rounds, no player can compare with Sun Yingxiong.

After the referees who whistled the game, as well as the coaches and players of both sides all withdrew, Sun Yingxiong, led and escorted by several staff members, participated in a small award ceremony held on the sidelines.

In addition, it attracted more than 50 journalists from all over Europe. After the award ceremony, they surrounded Sun Yingxiong to interview Sun Yingxiong. Because there were too many reporters on the scene, the few who originally maintained the order of the scene The number of staff members was not enough, and for fear of causing disturbance at the scene, the event organizer hastily mobilized more than 30 staff members to maintain order.

In this game, for Sun Yingxiong, although he played a bit depressed, he still completed two shots and one pass, and created three goals in this game alone, becoming Ajax to win the game greatest contributor.

Facing the siege of more than 50 media reporters from all over Europe, Sun Yingxiong felt that if he refused to accept the interview, he would definitely be considered by the outside world as playing big cards. Moreover, these media reporters whom he refused to interview After the game, all the news reports about him refusing to be interviewed to play big names, then his reputation will be notorious!
Although Sun Yingxiong felt that his physical strength was almost exhausted after playing this game, he was exhausted and did not want to be interviewed by the media. What's more, more than 50 media reporters poured in at the scene, thinking secretly for a while After working hard, I decided to rush the ducks to the shelves, and accept their interview reluctantly.

However, Sun Yingxiong asked the on-site staff to explain to the media reporters who surrounded him in front of the awards platform that he would leave after only three questions, and he would choose the questioners at random.

For these media reporters, being able to take a close-up shot of Sun Yingxiong after the game is already a high-spirited experience. If they can choose three of them to ask questions, they will certainly be satisfied. None of the media reporters stood up to object.

After all, Sun Yingxiong, as the hottest rising star in European football at present, scored 11 goals regardless of the league before the Eredivisie. With such a high scoring efficiency, looking at the entire European football, even Messi and C Luo, I'm afraid it won't reach this level.

Moreover, those top European giants who spend a lot of money, such as Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga, Manchester City, Liverpool, Manchester United and Chelsea in the Premier League, Juventus in Serie A, Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga, and Paris Saint-Germain in Ligue [-], have all sent The scouts came to watch Sun Yingxiong's performance on the spot. It is estimated that in the winter transfer window more than three months later, he will definitely snap up Sun Yingxiong at any cost.

Under such circumstances, the reporters who came to interview the media naturally could not let go of any opportunity to ask Sun Yingxiong about whether to leave the team during the winter transfer, even if it was Sun Yingxiong himself or Ajak The Sri Lanka Football Club has declared more than once that Sun Yingxiong will continue to play for the team and has no plans to leave the team.

In the highly commercialized European football world, there are no transfer agreements that cannot be reached, only club chairmen who are not capable enough. Facing Sun Yingxiong and Ajax Club’s previous statements, the chairmen of these top European football clubs, and Media reporters, of course, still don't give up.

No, the Spanish "Aspen" football reporter who was asked the first question immediately asked Sun Yingxiong directly: "Sun Yingxiong, hello, first of all congratulations on completing two shots and one pass in this game. Helped Ajax win the game. If I remember correctly, this is already your 5th goal in the first 11 rounds of the Eredivisie, ranking first in the Eredivisie scorer list.

"Next, the question I want to ask is that Mr. Florentino, the chairman of Real Madrid Football Club, showed great interest in you in an interview with the media yesterday. He will play in the next round of the Eredivisie League. , come to the scene to watch your game up close. What do you think about this? Or, do you have anything to say to Mr. Florentino, who admires you very much?"

As we all know, Spain's "Aspen" is almost equivalent to Real Madrid's mouthpiece. It has been advocating Real Madrid and criticizing Barcelona all the year round. The accuracy of the news released by this reporter should not make the people on the scene have any doubts.What's more, on the front page of AS News this morning, the interview with Real Madrid Chairman Florentino confirmed that he is very interested in Sun Yingxiong and will be on the scene in the next round of Eredivisie. Watching Sun Yingxiong's game, this is a real news.

Facing the question from the reporter of Spain's "Aspen", Sun Yingxiong first showed a somewhat surprised expression, because he could not confirm the authenticity of this news. From last night to now, he has been resting and training, and there is no He has no time to read European media reports, not to mention that he doesn't know anything about Spanish, even if he holds a copy of "Aspen" written in Spanish in his hand, he can't read a word like a bible.

After Sun Yingxiong confirmed the authenticity of the news to the Spanish "Aspen" reporter who asked the question just now, he, who was still surprised by this just now, recovered his face and replied with a smile: "Thank you Spain A question from Mr. Aspen reporter. Just now, I have verified the authenticity of this news with you. At present, I have not seen the specific content of the report, so I dare not say too much.

"However, I still want to say it here. I am very grateful to Mr. Florentino, the chairman of Real Madrid Football Club, for his love for me. If he can take time out of his busy schedule, he will watch me live in the next round of Eredivisie. Of course, I am very honored. You know, Real Madrid is one of the best clubs in the world. It has many of the best players in the world. I am also a Ronaldo fan.

"Also, when I was playing football in China, one of my biggest dreams was to join Real Madrid one day. Moreover, as a main striker for Real Madrid, I wanted to score more goals for Real Madrid. To more championships. However, the team I am currently playing for is Ajax, which is also a very good club. It has a glorious and long-standing youth training tradition, and spares no effort to cultivate young people. Having nurtured generations of young talent, I am grateful for the club's ability to sign me and allow me to play.

"Here, I have to take the trouble to declare to the public that I have a three-year contract with Ajax. If Ajax does not take the initiative to let me leave the team, I will not trigger the breach clause and I will continue to play. Still Yes, my mentor Mr. De Boer, without his consent, I will not leave Ajax. Although my dream since I was a child, I hope that one day I can represent Real Madrid!"

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