The strongest striker system

Chapter 107 The 17-year-old Chinese forward boasted to beat Barcelona and Paris

When the other players who left the training ground saw that there were hundreds of media reporters from all over Europe waiting on the sidelines, they rushed forward one after another and took Sun who was standing on the sidelines of the training ground. Surrounded by heroes, they could only walk outside while looking at Sun Yingxiong with envy and hatred. Although they felt a little unwilling, they could only feel helpless about it.

In any case, in the summer transfer window, the 17-year-old genius from China who joined Ajax as a free agent has currently scored 9 goals in the first three rounds of the Eredivisie. With 2 assists and 1 penalty kick, he is not only the top scorer in the Ajax team, but also ranks first in the current Eredivisie scorer list, leading No.2 by as many as 5 goals.

Under such circumstances, the other players in the Ajax team who have already played well, naturally feel a little dissatisfied, but they can only hold it in their hearts. If they want to find trouble with Sun Yingxiong, not only It is the club that will punish them, even the fans who love their home and watch over them will probably only stand on Sun Yingxiong's side.

Therefore, under the leadership of several staff members of the Ajax football training base, let the first-line players who have just participated in the public training session in the morning, except for Sun Yingxiong, go to the restaurant not far away to rest for a while, and then Have another lunch, rest for an hour, and participate in the closed training session in the afternoon.

De Boer, who is the head coach of Ajax, did not leave first with the other players who had finished training. Instead, he stood beside Sun Yingxiong and announced to the surrounding media reporters that he could only answer three questions today. question.

When De Boer finished speaking, it caused the wailing of the hundreds of media reporters who surrounded them. However, it was a blessing in misfortune to be able to give the media reporters among them three opportunities to ask questions. If you don't give them a chance to ask questions, they can only go home.

The first person selected to ask a question was a reporter from the Dutch National TV Sports Channel. He asked Sun Yingxiong first: "Hi Yingxiong Sun, I would like to ask you a question, that is, the popularity of the Eredivisie in China is not very high. Gao, since you joined the Eredivisie giants team Ajax, we heard that there is a large food website in China that has purchased the exclusive copyright for one year.

"According to media reports from China, in the first four rounds of the Eredivisie League, but whenever there were Ajax games, the average number of online viewers for each round exceeded 2000 million. It can be said that It is precisely because of your existence, Sun Yingxiong, that the popularity of the Eredivisie League in China has greatly increased, and it has attracted the attention of tens of millions of fans in China. Then, one question I want to ask you is, have you ever thought about it? , Can you play in the Eredivisie League for a few more years, and continue to promote and popularize the Eredivisie League in China?"

When the reporter from the Dutch national television sports channel finished asking questions, Sun Yingxiong first smiled slightly, and then replied calmly: "Mr. reporter, thank you for asking this question. I have been interviewing many media reporters before." When asking questions, I have said more than once that my contract with Ajax still has three years.

"In these three years, as long as the club does not let me go, or the team coach Mr. De Boer standing next to me, he thinks I am an important part of the team, then I will continue to stay in the club. Ajax played. As for, because I landed in the Eredivisie League, the popularity of the Eredivisie League in China has greatly increased, which makes me feel extremely honored.

"To be honest, fans and friends in China, they pay more attention to the five major European leagues La Liga, Premier League, Serie A, Bundesliga and Ligue [-], but Chinese fans really pay very little attention to the European second-tier league like Eredivisie. However, as I entered the Eredivisie League as a Chinese player and showed the strength of Chinese players, I believe that more teams in the Eredivisie League, or the five major European leagues, will start to be interested in excellent domestic players in China.

"If, because of my personal performance in the Eredivisie League, the Eredivisie League can be known to more Chinese people, I am willing to do my best to help the Eredivisie League to be promoted and popularized in China. For now, I Only by playing better in the Eredivisie and showing the abilities of Chinese players can more Chinese people pay attention to and like to watch the Eredivisie.”

Although this question was posed by a reporter from the Dutch National TV Sports Channel, it was clear that Sun Yingxiong's answer made the other media reporters present feel a little dissatisfied.

No, when the reporter from the Dutch National Television Sports Channel finished asking questions, the second person who asked the question was a reporter from the British BBC. He did not ask Sun Yingxiong this time, but asked Sun Yingxiong Ajax coach De Boer with a serious face next to him asked questions.

"Mr. De Boer, hello, I will not ask your player Sun Yingxiong this time. I would like to ask you a question, that is, do you think Sun Yingxiong will leave in this winter transfer window?" Jax and switch to a top European club? After all, Sun Yingxiong signed a contract with Ajax with a liquidated damages of only 5000 million euros. For a top European club, 5000 million euros A future star is still very cost-effective." The second British BBC reporter who asked a question asked Ajax coach De Boer.

When the British BBC reporter finished asking questions, Ajax coach De Boer, who had been standing next to Sun Yingxiong with a serious expression on his cheeks, turned to the British BBC who asked him the question. The reporter smiled.

After about five seconds, De Boer replied with a smile on his face: "This reporter friend from the UK, I think if I remember correctly, you should have asked the question no less than three times on different occasions. , Regarding the issue that Sun Yingxiong will be paid 5000 million euros in liquidated damages by the top European giants to leave Ajax in the winter transfer window.

"Besides, you have also reported to the BBC many times. Many giants in the Premier League, such as Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, etc., all intend to sign Sun Yingxiong in the winter transfer window. However, just now, You have also heard Sun Yingxiong’s answer. He has expressed his attitude, that is, as long as the Ajax club and I myself do not express or agree to his departure, he will not leave, but will continue to serve Ajax. Max works.

"And, here, I want to formally express my attitude through you, that is, our goal of Ajax this year is to attack the Champions League, and Sun Yingxiong is an important guarantee for us to win the Champions League.

"In this case, Sun Yingxiong is not for sale at our Ajax club. Let alone paying the liquidated damages of 5000 million euros on the contract, even taking out [-] million euros, we will definitely not transfer in the winter Window sold Sun Yingxiong, this point, my attitude has not changed since I re-signed the three-year contract with Sun Yingxiong.”

Seeing Ajax coach De Boer's attitude is so firm, the BBC reporter who asked this question just now was almost frightened, because in his opinion, although De Boer was smiling when he spoke, he said Every word he said was strong and powerful, and it could be said that there was a needle hidden in the cotton, all of which reflected his anger, especially the eyes that looked at him, full of disgust and hostility.

When De Boer finished answering, the atmosphere of the scene fell into an embarrassing atmosphere immediately. However, these media reporters still had one last chance to ask questions. Continue to seize the last opportunity to ask questions.

The third person who asked the question was a reporter from the Spanish "Marca". He asked Sun Yingxiong: "According to the grouping situation of this season's Champions League, Ajax is divided into Group F. The opponents in the same group are: Barcelona from La Liga, Paris Saint-Germain from Ligue [-], and APOEL. It can be said that they were assigned to the death group.

"From the perspective of strength comparison, except for APOEL, whether it is Barcelona or Paris Saint-Germain, the strength of the team is far higher than that of Ajax. Just now, the coach of the team standing next to you Mr. Ball, he also made bold words, saying that he will lead Ajax to win the Champions League this season. As the top scorer in the team, have you thought about how to deal with these two powerful opponents in the same group? ?”

He was not impressed by the questions raised by the reporter from the Spanish "Marca", which made Sun Yingxiong heaved a sigh of relief. I feel a little angry and angry about whether he will leave the team in the winter transfer window. If there are media reporters who continue to ask related topics, I can’t guarantee whether De Boer, who is known for his hot temper, will be in front of a group of media reporters. This is something Sun Yingxiong doesn't want to see happen.

After taking a long breath, Sun Yingxiong calmed himself down first, and then he pretended to be relaxed and replied: "Just now, the head coach of the team standing next to me, Mr. De Boer, has already said that we will not only Defending the Eredivisie champions, but also to launch an impact for the Champions League. As a member of Ajax, of course I have a duty to fight for the team towards this goal.

"As a striker, of course I hope to score more goals on the green field. There is only one purpose, and that is to help the team win the game. Now, we have a very good start in the Eredivisie and have achieved four consecutive goals. Win. If I remember correctly, the first round of the Champions League group match will start on September 9. Our opponent in the first round of the Champions League group match is Paris Saint-Germain, a giant in Ligue 18.

"They have a top scorer like Cavani in their team, as well as many well-known stars. In terms of strength comparison, they are indeed above us. However, sometimes winning or losing a game has nothing to do with the strength of the team. The key It depends on which of the two teams in this game can prepare more fully before the game, and can perform [-]% in the game.

"Although Paris Saint-Germain's team is far superior to ours, I don't think we will definitely lose. What's more, we are playing at home and have the advantage of the right time, place and people. I believe that in Germany Under the coaching leadership of Mr. Boll, we will definitely be able to defeat the powerful Paris Saint-Germain in the first round of the Champions League group and win this game."

After saying this, Sun Yingxiong first paused for about five seconds, and then he changed the subject and continued to follow the topic: "Of course, we must admit that whether it is the Spanish giants Barcelona, It is still the French giants Paris Saint-Germain, they all have superstars in their team, and our Ajax can only be regarded as a civilian team. However, even so, they may not be sure of defeating us , and when we face these two strong opponents, we will definitely do our best to beat them within 90 minutes of the game."

These media reporters standing on the sidelines saw that De Boer and Sun Yingxiong, their master and apprentice, were so optimistic about the situation of qualifying for the Champions League group stage this season. They all expressed their goals of hitting the Champions League this season, and suddenly, according to reports, they felt as if they were daydreaming in the Arabian Nights.

You know, whether it is Barcelona or Paris Saint-Germain, the team's strength is far above Ajax, and Ajax is in the same group as these two top European giants, which is the place of death. In the group, it seems to the outside world that Ajax has almost no chance of qualifying for the group.

After the media reporters present asked three questions, De Boer ordered the staff maintaining order on the scene to invite these media reporters out, and let them leave the football training base without landing.

Although there are only three opportunities for these hundreds of media reporters to ask questions, they already feel that today's newspaper has a new big selling point, that is, Ajax coach De Boer and the team's top scorer Sun Yingxiong They all agree that they will be able to break out of the tight encirclement and successfully qualify from Group F of the Champions League after fighting against the two powerful rivals Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain in the same group.

This is not over yet, in front of hundreds of media reporters, the two masters and apprentices also unanimously stated that their goal of this season's Champions League is to win the championship. Once this news is published in the newspapers, it will definitely Created a sensation in European football.

After all, as a second-tier team in Europe, when facing two powerful opponents in the same group, Barcelona and Paris, the probability of qualifying for the group seems to the outside world to be very small, so small that it is almost zero.

Watching these media reporters who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, under the leadership of a dozen staff members, they walked to the gate of the football training base a few hundred meters away, and Sun Yingxiong and Sun Yingxiong who were standing by the training ground De Boer and the two of them let out a long sigh of relief almost at the same time.

Just as Sun Yingxiong had just finished taking a deep breath, he raised his head, looked straight ahead, and took a closer look.

What Sun Yingxiong never expected was that there were two people sitting on the stand more than 30 meters away from him. The one on the right was a girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, and the one on the left was a girl. A boy who looks about fourteen or fifteen years old.

As for the [-]-year-old girl, Sun Yingxiong felt very strange, and he didn't have any impressions in his head. However, for the [-]-year-old girl, he was indeed able to achieve the level of photographic memory. The girl's name It's Ilana.

"Hero, if I'm not wrong, you told me on the bus yesterday that the two fans who came to watch our team's public training session this morning, a man and a woman should be the two of them. Here, this is Let all the players of our team sign their jerseys, and you can give them to them!" De Boer, who was standing aside, took out a signed jersey like a magic trick, and handed it to Sun Yingxiong. In front of him, with a kind smile on his face, he spoke.

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