NBA China Light

Chapter 83 Don't bully the poor

"Don't bully the poor boy!"

"The competition hasn't started yet, so it's not certain who will win!"

No, why did the deer die?Anyway, it doesn't matter who wins or loses!
Milwaukee, in front of the TV, Ray Allen looked angry and dissatisfied.

Even though you are the No. [-] pick, the NCAA champion, and the MOP, you don't have to be so arrogant!

Under the leadership of Ray Allen, the Bucks have not lost a single game until now. They have won two consecutive victories, but they were directly passed by Zhou Ke?

This made the young and vigorous Ray Allen furious, and he was about to show off to this arrogant Chinese kid in the next game!
But whether it can be done is another story.
Bringing the camera back to Boston, amidst the loud cheers of the fans, Zhou Ke walked into the player tunnel.

Hearing the cheers of so many fans, Zhou Ke had mixed feelings in her heart, but she also strengthened her determination to accomplish that goal on this stage and in the palace of her heart!
However, I can have this stage, I have to thank coach Don Huggins.

I don't know what happened to him after I left, whether he was targeted by those two fathers and sons, I have to go and see the old man when I have time.

"What do you think?"

Just as Zhou Ke was meditating, Su Ya's crisp and soft voice came to Zhou Ke's ears, making one's bones shudder.

"No, no, I was thinking of you."

Immediately pulled Zhou Ke's soul back.

"Poor mouth, I didn't see that you were thinking of me, I was standing in front of you, and you haven't seen it yet."

Su Ya pouted, pretending to be angry.

But that little hand dishonestly moved slowly towards Zhou Ke's abdomen.

"Let me see if I was injured by that big guy."

Just like that, Su Ya's little hand stretched in step by step in such a majestic manner.

"Are you hurt?"

Zhou Ke raised a ghostly slanted smile, and deliberately pushed her body forward.

"It seems, it seems, there is no injury."

Touching Zhou Ke's firm and muscular abdominal muscles, Su Ya's smiling face blushed, and she hesitated and withdrew her hand.

"Let's go, let's go back, my dad has already prepared a big meal."

Huaxia, in the early morning, all the fans roared out of the window in the middle of the night as if they had been bewitched.

It can be vaguely heard that these fans are screaming:

"Zhou Ke is amazing!"

At the same time, at the Nike headquarters, all the senior executives frowned.

Last time, they took a gamble and used their brand influence to attract Zhou Ke and let Zhou Ke do child labor for them.

As a result, Zhou Ke didn't even look at them.

When they were about to give a second plan, their old rival Adidas directly offered Zhou Ke a superstar-level contract, which put them in a dilemma.

"The risk is too great, we can't take that much risk on a rookie."

A Nike executive stood up and said.

"There are too many injuries or other influencing factors in the future, and we cannot invest such a huge amount of energy in him!"

"I also agree, a Chinese boy, you have to know that he is of yellow race, this style of play is bound to cause serious injuries, we can't put the future on him."

"Maybe Allen, Iverson is a good choice."

Another high-level executive also stood up and echoed, and also took out a document, handed it to the troubled Bowerman, and then continued:

"In these few games, the potential Allen has shown is not inferior to Zhou Ke, and he has more loyal fans. You must know that he has been one of the most popular rookies since college."

"And Zhou Ke is just a bastard born out of nowhere, and his credibility is still questionable."

The executive obviously came prepared, perhaps because Iverson's agent took advantage of him and directly praised Iverson in front of everyone, but Zhou Ke was said to be worthless.

After listening, Bowerman didn't know how to make a choice, and he turned his attention to Phil Knight beside him.

"What do you think?"

"4 million in 6 years, plus independent brands, we will get [-]-[-] points for independent brands."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Phil Knight dragged off work, was silent for a while, and then seemed to have made some important decision.


"I object!"

"Me too!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire high-level office was boiling!

All the senior executives stood up excitedly from their chairs.

What a joke!A Chinese rookie who has only played three games, unexpectedly offered such a premium contract, do you think our money is all blown by the wind?Not worth it at all!

Moreover, the 4-year 6 million contract is nothing more than a huge cost to launch Zhou Ke's personal independent brand, and it's worth fifty-five cents!This is simply outrageous!
Spending such a huge price on Zhou Ke, I'm afraid it's not a brain tan!

Looking at the resolute eyes of his old partner, Bowerman took a deep breath and stood up, saying:

"I agree."

Three words, one sentence, but like a depth bomb, it directly silenced the office.

The eyeballs of dozens of executives were about to pop out, and the office was stunned for nearly a minute or two.

"Crazy! Go crazy!"

In the early morning of the next day, among the top ten balls on the sports channel, Zhou Ke had six balls!
"Today's top ten balls are the fifth balls. Let's see Zhou Ke forcefully smash Huashan, and the mountains and rivers are brutally dunked!"

"The third goal of today's top ten goals! Let's see Zhou Ke's ghostly figure, and the dunk again under the single-handed basket!"

For so many years, it was the first time that half of the top ten balls were occupied by one person!

It really makes people feel crazy, and it also makes everyone redefine Zhou Ke!

This Huaxia kid is really a little too strong!
However, this is not the most jaw-dropping news, more exciting news is yet to come!

Just after the top ten balls were broadcast, during the peak viewing period, an advertisement was suddenly missed.

"Nike is willing to come up with a 4-year 6 million sneaker contract and create a solo independent brand for Zhou Ke! And Zhou Ke owns 50.00% of the independent brand's shares!"

This commercial spot directly caused an uproar in Quanmi!
What is this concept?It is the treatment that even the most popular player at the moment, the absolute top brand of Nike at the moment, and the god of basketball—Michael Jordan has never enjoyed it!
The small news was broadcast in less than 10 minutes, and it was circulated wildly all over the meter!
There is no other reason for choosing to insert an advertisement at this time. Nike just wants to show Zhou Ke and see his sincerity.

Nike apologized for their previous stupid behavior, this time they showed their sincerity to Zhou Ke in front of the whole of America!
"Fuck! Zhou, have you seen the news! Have you seen the news!"

"This is crazy!"

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