NBA China Light

Chapter 66 Fishing Nets?tear you to pieces

"Perfect defensive strategy! As expected of Popovich! The opponent's every move is almost in his expectation!"

"Oh oh oh, what a wonderful defensive tactic, at this moment Zhou Ke is like a young fish in a fishing net. He has nowhere to go and can only be slaughtered!"

The on-site commentary also praised Popovich's defensive tactics.

"Not only double-teamed Zhou Ke, but also cut off his passing route, and David Robinson was sitting under the basket."

"Zhou Ke has nothing to do, haha."

"No, there is another way."

Another commentator continued; "That is directly challenging David Robinson under the basket, hahaha, but is this possible?"

After finishing speaking, the two laughed at the same time.

That smile was somewhat contemptuous, disdainful, and contemptuous.

Rookie challenge David Robinson?
is it possible?impossible!
The four major centers, David Robinson, known as the man of the admiral, has explosive athletic ability.

Go in and challenge?It's almost like getting a cold!
Popovich's tactic is absolutely perfect!

It is not difficult to see from the expressions, their admiration for Popovich.

Through the study of Zhou Ke in the preseason, Popovich worked out a tactic to defend Zhou Ke early on.

Through the observation of the last opening game, he further improved his tactics!
This tactic was specially customized by him for Zhou Ke-lock Zhou tactic!
It can also be seen from it that he attaches great importance to and fears Zhou Ke!

The camera turns and returns to the field.

Seeing Zhou Ke who was advancing.

As soon as the Spurs defenders swarmed up, they were about to catch a turtle in the urn and completely block Zhou Ke to death!

There are chasing soldiers in front, back, left, and right, and the position of each defender just blocks Zhou Ke's field of vision, cutting off Zhou Ke's passing route!
This big net that covers the sky is about to be closed, let's see where you, Zhou Ke, can escape?
But Popovich missed one thing, that is, Zhou Ke never thought of running away?

"Fishing net? Then I will tear your fishing net!"

Faced with the situation of catching a turtle in a urn, Zhou Ke remained calm in the face of danger, and rushed towards the basket without slowing down!
David Robinson, who was sitting under the basket, saw Zhou Ke coming at a gallop, he immediately paused, and strode forward to meet him!
There are blue veins on that strong arm!
Facing David Robinson, one of the four major centers, Zhou Ke was not afraid at all, and he didn't mean to stop under his feet!
There is only one sentence in his heart: "I fight the elite!"


Zhou Ke stepped on the sole of her foot suddenly, jumping up as if stepping on a ladder, holding the ball high with her right hand and flying towards the basket!


At the same time, David Robinson is struggling to jump.

Those giant palms were like tiger claws, moving towards the leather racket in Zhou Ke's hand!
Zhou Ke must teach Zhou Ke a good lesson by acting as a gesture!
A small rookie is going to challenge me at the basket?I don't know if you are too crazy, or you look down on me, David Robinson!

It's too bad that the four major centers don't pay attention to it!

In the air, the two are flying toward each other, and one of them is about to smash the ball!
One person stretched out a giant palm, and was about to seal it!

The two momentums are fighting against each other!
"Seal, +1!"

Seeing that the two were about to collide, David Robinson's giant hand was about to slap the ball in Zhou Ke's hand and fly it away!
This block, he is bound to win!


David Robinson slapped hard with all his might.

As a result, I took a lonely shot!

Zhou Ke twisted in the air, passed the ball over David Robinson's head, and then smashed it hard into the basket!

Just as David Robinson was in a daze, there was a loud noise from the basket behind him!

The basketball in the Alamo Dome let out a painful wail, and the basket was trembling with pain from the dunk!

The ball smashed into the basket, and Zhou Ke landed lightly.

After landing, Zhou Ke glanced at the Spurs bench with an indifferent smile.

That look seemed to say, "Hey, your net, it's broken."

4: 5!

Zhou Ke scored two more points, and the Celtics completed their lead for the second time!

Seeing Zhou Ke lightly falling in front of him, David Robinson was dumbfounded.

Was he really dunked by a first-year rookie, a Huaxia player?

The four great centers, the admiral, were dunked by the rookie? !
This blow to David Robinson was like a high school student being beaten violently by an elementary school student!
He froze for quite a while before recovering.

In the stands, the two commentators who were still bragging about Popovich's tactics just now fell silent.

He just stared and stretched his neck, abaaba.
What the two of them said just now was still lingering in their ears, and Zhou Ke slapped her face!

Don't be too quick to slap your face!

Watching Zhou Ke's gaze, Popovich on the coach's bench froze the sly smile that had just been raised at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that he had miscalculated, how could he treat Zhou Ke as a normal person?
No, it should be how can I treat Zhou Ke as a human from Earth?
His tactics are designed for people, and Zhou Ke is probably not an alien!
The ball was dunked, and the wailing of the basket resounded throughout the audience, directly eliminating the shouts of the Spurs fans just now!

The whole place fell silent immediately.

After a pause of three or four seconds, the fans came back to their senses.

The heads of the audience at the scene were all filled with question marks, and there were bursts of puzzled surprises at the end.

"wwwwwwwhatf@uk! What is this thing! Why can he adjust it freely in the air!?"

"? This, isn't this going to be checked?"

Although Zhou Ke's shot was very explosive, the Spurs are a strong team after all, and they still maintain their own rhythm on the offensive end.

Avery Johnson took the ball across the half court, stood at the top of the key, faced the defense of Dee Brown, and he did it again, asking for David Robinson's pick and roll.

But this time, he used the pick-and-roll to get rid of Di Brown, and just about to break through to the inside, before he could accelerate, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!
It was Zhou Ke who was wearing the No. 16 battle suit!
The two looked at each other and refused to give in to each other.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Avery Johnson quickly crossed the dribble, and suddenly a rhythm change went towards Zhou Ke's right!
"Goodbye, rookie!"

Avery Johnson twitched his lips and glanced at Zhou Ke triumphantly.

At the same time, Zhou Ke almost looked at him with an expression of giving him a glance.


Avery Johnson didn't take Zhou Ke's reaction to heart, but felt that Zhou Ke was fooled by himself!

Without a stop, Avery Johnson quickly rushed to the basket!

"I'll pay you back!..?"

Avery Johnson squatted slightly, about to blow up the ball, and dunked with a tomahawk!
However, the next moment, he saw a puzzled scene.

He rushed inside, but his teammates on the baseline started running back.

"?? Is it to celebrate my dunk in advance?"

"Haha it sure is!"

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