NBA China Light

Chapter 40 The madness of the agent circle, Bill Laffey's final choice?

At the same time, the United States on the other side of the ocean.

At the United Center in Chicago, the Seattleites fell under the iron horse of the Chicagoans after a fierce battle.

Under Michael Jordan's crazy performance, the Bulls won Game [-] of the Finals!
Successfully defeated the opponent with a big score of 4:2 and won his fourth championship trophy!

On the podium, Jordan held the O'Brien Cup high and waved his arms excitedly, as if telling all the fans: Your uncle is still your uncle!
Also from this moment, symbolizing the nightmare of the entire league, he is back!
Even though he has been away from the game for two years, he, Michael Jordan, is still a lingering nightmare in the hearts of the players!

With the end of the finals, it also announced the end of the busy season.

Things began to calm down on the court, but off the court, things began to surge.

The draft is coming, and the free market is also full of big fish.


The sudden appearance of Zhou Ke disrupted the previous plans of all the teams.

It also caused another industry-a big earthquake in the NBA agent world!

I don't know who posted the video of the exchange between David Falk and Zhou Ke on the Internet that day, which immediately caused an uproar in the NBA agent circle!

No one doubted David Falk's vision, after all, he was God's agent.

For this reason, after the video was exposed, countless managers wanted to recruit Zhou Ke under their command!
This battle is even more powerful than the fight for Jordan back then.

In the early morning, before the sun came out, Zhou Ke had already done [-] push-ups and was about to get up and take a shower.

But when he finished washing and turned on his phone, he was shocked by the scene in front of him!

The inbox of the mobile phone has been exploded!

Zhou Ke was dazzled by the 99+ information.

Most of the contents of these text messages are self-introduction letters from some agents.

"Zhou, I'm xxx. I used to represent xx star. Maybe I'm a good choice for you."

"Dear Zhou, I am the agent of xx star, including xx and so on. I think it is a very good decision to choose me. Our cooperation will be very pleasant."

"Zhou, I have been following you since the top 16. Your talent is amazing. If you are lucky enough to work with you, I think you will be the next basketball god!"

Seeing all these messages, Zhou Ke felt melancholy.

In his opinion, these people are nothing more than talkative parties. They talk about the hype, talk nonsense, and the promises they give are also very attractive.

But I didn't see a reliable word from beginning to end.

It didn't mention at all how to plan Zhou Ke's NBA career, which completely gave people a feeling of unreliability.

These people look like those selfish agents who attract players, then suck blood from them, and stuff a lot of money into their pockets.

This kind of phenomenon is very common in the NBA agent circle, and it is completely harmful but not beneficial.

Zhou Ke naturally wouldn't believe it, let alone choose.

For this reason, Zhou Ke directly selects all, and then deletes, which is an easy solution.

Just as Zhou Ke deleted those spam messages, the phone immediately rang.

Another text message!It is torture!
However, this message seems to be different from the previous spam messages.

At the beginning, he did not introduce who he is, but gave some detailed plans, how to plan Zhou Ke's NBA career, how to create topics for Zhou Ke, and analyze some of Zhou Ke's abilities and characteristics.

Looks like a lot of homework has been done.

It wasn't until the end of the message that he left a sentence: "These are some of my plans and analyzes for you. If you think it's feasible, that's my luck. I also hope that we can talk face to face."

At the end of the text message, I marked my name: Bill Laffey.

Just from the text in the text message, you can see the sincerity.

For Bill Laffey, Zhou Ke has a lot of good feelings in his heart. This old agent has not many stars, and the resources at hand are also quite good. The most important point is that he let Zhou Ke see his own. sincerity.

Might be a good choice.

A high-end office in a tall building in New York, USA.

Bill Laffey was engrossed in looking at the phone screen.

Looking at the phone that hasn't been ringing for a long time.

His heart was uneasy: I hope that someone else has not taken the lead.

"Ding dong!"

The screen of the mobile phone suddenly lit up, and Bill Laffey was secretly delighted, and immediately opened the inbox of the mobile phone!

Looking at the contents of the inbox, the smile that was about to bloom on his face immediately froze.

"xxx Gym, to celebrate the first anniversary, from now on..."

There was a burst of excitement, but it turned out to be an empty joy, and I almost lost my breath and had a cerebral hemorrhage.

Bill Laffey took two deep breaths to calm down.

"Ding dong!"

Just calm down, the phone rang again.


Could it be Zhou's call?

The flame that had just been extinguished in Bill Laffey's heart grew stronger in an instant.

He didn't have time to think, and without any hesitation, he immediately pressed the answer button.


"Hello, sir, we are xxx gym, and you can enjoy a 8% discount when you apply for a gym card from now on..."

"Thank you, I don't need it."

Bill Laffey hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

He, who has always been good-tempered, couldn't help cursing in his heart: I wish your gym will close down as soon as possible!Dog @raised!


Without giving him a chance to breathe, the damn cell phone rang again.

As the saying goes, there are only three things, and the anger that Bill Laffey had endured finally broke out.

He answered the phone and roared angrily:
"f@ckb@ch! Don't harass me, I don't need your gym card!"

Seeing the always kind old man so furious and swearing, the assistants beside him didn't even dare to take a breath.

After yelling, there was no sound on the phone.

Bill Laffey continued to scold angrily: "Damn biao, why don't you recommend your fitness card?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then he spoke.

"Mr. Bill, you are so funny, where did I get the fitness card?"

A magnetic voice came to Bill Raffi's ears.

"I think we should be talking about the contract, not the fitness card."

Bill Laffey twitched when he heard it, and asked with ecstasy in his heart:

"Who are you? Really!"

Through the mobile phone, Zhou Ke could even see Bill Laffey's excited appearance.

Even the tone of his speech trembled slightly with excitement.

But after thinking about it, he wanted to give himself a big mouth for those damn things he said just now.

He immediately apologized and said:
"I'm sorry, Zhou, that was not my intention just now."

"Those words were for those damn harassing calls."



On the other end of the phone, Zhou Ke suddenly felt that this and the old naughty boy were quite interesting.

The laugher has no intention, but the listener has the intention.

Zhou Ke didn't know, so he laughed casually, which made Bill Laffey's heart jump wildly in fright.

"I read your text message, maybe you have a good idea."

Zhou Ke put away his smile and said.


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