In the United States, the NBA playoffs of the 1995-96 season are in full swing.

At the same time, the NBA lottery meeting officially started after the person in charge gave an order!
The first person to draw lots was the representative of the Vancouver Grizzlies. He stood on the lottery table with a smile on his face, and then confidently rushed out a rolled-up note from the box.

This note has the greatest probability of winning the lottery!

But when the note is slowly straightened and the picture is barely visible.

I saw a big Arabic numeral 3 written on that piece of paper!

The representative of the Vancouver Grizzlies, the bright smile just froze in an instant. If he hadn't stood in front of the camera and looked at his expression, he might have cried aloud!
The highest probability of the No. [-] lottery, but the No. [-] lottery was drawn. One thing to say, the representative of the Grizzlies is indeed a bit dark, which is simply unlucky.

On the contrary, seeing that the Grizzlies did not draw the No. 76 pick, the representatives of the [-]ers immediately beamed with joy.

That expression seemed to say: "Young man, I told you not to talk about martial arts, this is retribution, hehe."

After the representative of the Grizzlies left the stage lonely, the representative of the 76ers came to the stage to draw lots.

Tonight, they are luckier than the Grizzlies. They successfully drew the No. 1996 pick in the [-] draft!

And another new team that has just joined the NBA, the Toronto Raptors, they won the second pick.

The top three finally settled.

The remaining fourth pick went to the Milwaukee Bucks.

The fifth pick went to the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Cardinal Auerbach was looking forward to it, and the Boston Celtics only got the sixth pick in the end.

The remaining seven to ten picks were taken by the Los Angeles Clippers, New Jersey Nets, Dallas Mavericks, and Indian Pacers.

The last three picks in the lottery are split among the Golden State Warriors, Cleveland Cavaliers and Charlotte Hornets.

In this regard, all the lottery autographs are well-deserved.

Compared with the lottery area, not many people will pay attention to the remaining picks.

After the lottery ceremony, the most dazzling people on the scene were the representatives of the African Chiefs Grizzlies and the European Emperor 76ers.

"We were a little bit unlucky, but this is not a big problem for us, we can still win good players with the pick in our hands!"

Facing the interview, the representative of the Grizzlies comforted himself:
"You know, Michael was also a prospect back then."

"And his achievements are known to everyone."

On the other side, the representatives of the 76ers were very happy when they were interviewed by reporters, with a smile on their faces.

"It's a good result, we won the No. [-] lottery."

"This year, there are many outstanding young people. We haven't decided who we want to spend the No. [-] pick on, but we prefer a defender with immediate combat power."

For the 76ers, the team already has the head star Jerry Stackhouse. If they can win another guard with immediate combat power in the draft, then they will have a great success on paper. strength in the East.

"However, we do not rule out other outstanding players. You must know that there are too many coveted young players in this class."

The 76ers representative added to the camera.

"For this reason, the number one lottery in our hands is even more precious."

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. The No. 76 pick in the hands of the [-]ers can be used for trading in addition to the draft.

This passage can be regarded as a message to other NBA teams. If you want the No. [-] pick, you can use the immediate combat power in your hand in exchange.

With the end of the lottery, the news on the scene was also exposed by the media.

After hearing the news released by the 76ers, many teams immediately started to move.

It seems that there will be a storm in the trading market!
The storm finally began to set off in Boston first.

Auerbach asked someone to release the news that his team was very interested in Stephon Marbury and Marcus Comparable.

In fact, this is just a smoke bomb for the Cardinal, in order to make other teams focus on these two.

It's easy for me to pick up the leak, and I'll take Zhou Ke when the time comes!
In addition, under the smoke bomb, Auerbach has already started asking the 76ers for an offer.

In order to show his sincerity in trading, Auerbach directly told the 76ers' executives: "You can choose the players!"

It turned out that a hot face was put on a cold ass, and the 76 people were not interested in you as a broken branch, so they just refused.

However, this cannot be blamed on other 76ers. What they want is good immediate combat power, and the players of the Green Army are all role players. They don't even have a fringe All-Star player. They really suck.

"Call me the Toronto Raptors immediately and ask them for an offer."

After the 76ers had a closed door here, Auerbach immediately called his assistant to connect with the Raptors' top management.

"General manager, our sixth pick is already pretty good, can't we still win Zhou Ke?"

The assistant felt that it was unnecessary and said: "Although Zhou Ke seems to be very talented, he has only played four games, and there are still many variables."

"In addition, he is still a Chinese player, which is probably a big deduction item. I think it is a bit risky for us to choose with the sixth pick."

It is not difficult to hear that when the assistant said that Zhou Ke was a Chinese player, there was a hint of disdain in his tone.

"That can only mean that you are short-sighted and short-sighted."

There was a trace of coldness in Auerbach's eyes, and he continued: "Zhou Ke's talent, no matter how bad it is, at least it's an All-Star start!"

"Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean other teams can't see it!"

As soon as the words fell, Auerbach called the Raptors management by himself.

On the other side, as soon as the 76ers hung up Auerbach's call, they immediately received a connection from the Los Angeles Lakers.

There is no doubt that their goal is also the No. 76 pick in the hands of the [-]ers.

After repeated weighing, Jerry West decided to give it a go and win Zhou Ke in the draft!

The success or failure of the Zishan Army's revival depends on it!
With this inevitable determination, the Lakers gave the 76ers a bargaining chip.

On the phone, the 76ers executives chatted very harmoniously with Jerry Stern.

However, during the ensuing conversation, the logo man, who was originally smiling, suddenly showed embarrassment.

Because the 76ers once again put forward an extremely harsh condition!

That is, the Lakers are required to send another one, this year's round of draft picks.

This condition can be said to be a headache for Jerry West.

Before he could think about it, the 76ers hung up the phone because another team called.

As the representative of the 76ers said at the time, this No. [-] pick is priceless!
To get it you have to bleed a lot.

Otherwise, forget it!

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