NBA China Light

Chapter 126 Defense?Send points?

Looking at Zhou Ke standing in front of him, Luke Langli felt a pang in his heart. He didn't know what evil he had done. He wanted to defend Zhou Ke. If you don't take the defense seriously, you will definitely get sprayed after you leave the field. But if you defend seriously, can Zhou Ke be able to defend this week if you don't take it seriously?

"Bang bang bang bang bang."

Zhou Ke kept changing the rhythm, watching Luke Langli's legs trembling tremblingly.

"Damn it, attack quickly if you want to attack, why torture me?"

"If you don't attack, then I will take the initiative to attack!"

Luke Langli couldn't bear Zhou Ke's torment, so he rushed up with a stride, as if he blew himself up and rushed to steal it.

Undoubtedly, this kind is to give points, Zhou Ke directly took a horizontal step and easily passed Luke Longli!

Outside the three-point line, Zhou Ke made a cold-blooded shot without hesitation!Three points scored!
Even if you give away points like this, why don't I, Zhou Ke, not accept it?
"Hey! Luke! Can you defend? Can you fight? If not, come down now!"

Off the court, when Phil Jackson saw Luke Longley make such a low-level mistake, he yelled angrily!
"If you don't want to play anymore, let me get off the court now, there are still many people waiting to get on the court!"


Luke Longley wanted to refute, but didn't know how to speak.

Isn't it just a reward for letting me defend Zhou Ke?Both Pippen and Michael can't defend, how do you tell me to defend?Isn't this Tian Ji's horse racing tactic?

He couldn't guard against it at first, and he was sprayed even after being thrown away. Luke Langli was also about to cry.

"It doesn't matter if you can't defend yourself, but you can't give this kid three points! You must know that three is greater than two!"

Phil Jackson seemed to have seen Luke Longley's inner thoughts, and he also comforted him.

The next round, the Bulls' offensive round.


In the middle distance, Jordan's best position, pulling it up is another easy fallback hit!
It was almost the same tactic again. Jordan avoided Zhou Ke, and then hit Di Brown on the list. Di Brown was also put on a pain mask for this. The confidence he had just played was directly defeated after two rounds .

But there is no way to do this. It is still bearable to make some small sacrifices for the team.

Luke Longley and Di Brown were also bleeding inside. One was put on a pain mask by Zhou Ke, and the other was put on a pain mask by Jordan.

Another round of the Celtics' offensive round. This time, Luke Longli didn't pounce forward, but just kept his eyes on Zhou Ke. As long as Zhou Ke wanted to shoot a three-pointer, he was pounced on.

Let you rush, don't give you a three-point chance!

However, the same sentence, if you don't give me a three-pointer, I won't shoot a three-pointer?

Stepping on the three-point line, Zhou Ke directly accelerated super fast as if crossing the road in the early morning, and easily threw away Luke Langli and went straight to the inside!

Next to it, Rodman and Pippen also immediately moved to defend.

Facing the supplementary defense, Zhou Ke didn't intend to stay in the slightest, and rushed towards Rodman with a big hip!It is to fight!

Having learned the lesson from last time, this time, Rodman didn't dare to go up the moment Zhou Ke rushed in, but just for a moment, he was thrown behind by Zhou Ke with a stride!

By the time he reacted, Zhou Ke had already rushed to his basket!

Fortunately, there is Ron Harper under the basket!

Maybe it's because newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Maybe Ron Harper hasn't faced Zhou Ke before. When he saw Zhou Ke rushing over, he didn't have the slightest timidity. Gai Zhou Ke!



The next moment, two loud noises came at the same time!
The sound of the whistle, the sound of falling to the ground, the roar of the basket!
Look at the referee's gesture, two points are valid!Add a free throw!
Zhou Ke successfully marked two plus one!On the ground, Ron Harper looked confused and terrified at this moment, and he didn't even know what happened, so he just fell to the ground.

Knowing that a burst of pain hit his brain, he finally understood why Rodman was stunned when he rushed in just now. It was completely hit by a tank!

It made him out of breath for a while!On the other hand, Zhou Ke, as if nothing happened, easily scored a dunk after completing the confrontation in the air!
Standing on the free throw line, Zhou Ke made a steady free throw and scored another three-pointer!
In the two rounds after returning from the timeout, although the two teams successfully scored according to their own tactics, the point difference was once again widened by two points!
Because it is still the same sentence, three and two!

In every round of offense, Zhou Ke scored three points!And Jordan hit the mid-range!

"Control fouls! Control fouls!"

Off the court, Phil Jackson was very satisfied with Ron Harper's defensive attitude. After all, facing Zhou Ke's chariot-like impact, it was courageous for a stunned young man to dare to rush forward to fight like this. Great.

But in comparison, after this ball, Ron Harper should not make such a reckless choice, after all, his butt is still aching until now!

"Don't worry, fight according to our own tactics!"

Although the score was still expanded again and again, there was no worry on Phil Jackson's face.

Three is greater than two, this is a fact, but two points are easier than three points, this is also a fact!

No, in the offensive round, Jordan used almost the same tactics again, easily eating Dee Brown alone and adding two more points!

In this position, it can be said that Jordan can hit ten times in ten shots!
And the Celtics' zone defense tactics seemed to be completely non-existent in front of Jordan. They didn't have the slightest effect at all.

"It feels like the Celtics' zone defense seems to be lacking a bit. They don't seem to be very familiar with this defensive tactic."

"Yes, their zone defense didn't show any effect at all when they were facing a demolition. I don't know why coach ML Kyle chose this tactic?"

Not only are the two commentators quite puzzled, but the fans in the stands also have puzzled expressions. Although the team is temporarily leading, it's not like this is how to waste the leading points, right?

This defensive tactic is all about giving points, and Jordan will succeed a few times after taking a few shots!
"What @b defense! Is this coach out of his mind??"

"Let's get out of class, ML! What kind of tactic is this? It's just giving away points! If Zhou Ke hadn't exerted his strength on the offensive end, the point difference would have been evened out long ago!"

"Please stop your **** tactics!"

On the sidelines, some radical fans have begun to curse!

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