NBA China Light

Chapter 120 Finding Confidence for Teammates and Enhancing the Mentality of Opponents

In the United States, Boston's North Shore Garden Arena, Jordan scored 3+1!Help the team narrow the point difference to one point!
At this moment, at the half-time logo position, a yellow-skinned young man is surrounded by black men who do nothing. Is this a loss of morality or a loss of humanity?

No!It's just that they don't want Zhou Ke to score!They are implementing today's defensive tactics, that is, they would rather other people score [-] points than accept Zhou Ke's score of [-] points!

Looking at the four people in front of him, Zhou Ke smiled ghostly.

Five people double-team, don't want to give me room to shoot?If you don't want to give it to me, can't I create it myself?

The more people, the more exciting I am!

Facing the double-team, Zhou Ke had an idea, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind!

The next moment, Zhou Ke flicked his wrist ghostly, and directly passed the crotch-wearing human ball, successfully breaking out from the siege of five people!
"Leave the ball alone, stop that kid!"

Jordan roared angrily when he saw the situation.

Hearing the sound, Luke Langli, who was closest to Zhou Ke, went straight to try to pull Zhou Ke down!
Faced with such an obvious foul, the referee on the scene seemed to be indirectly blind, and ignored it directly, without any intention of blowing the whistle!
But, if you don’t tell me, the bad one is not Zhou Ke, but Luke Longley!

The moment he put his hand on it, he suddenly felt that he was pulling a tank, and a powerful impact directly brought him to the ground!

"Bang bang!" With a loud noise, Luke Langley fell heavily to the ground, with pain and discomfort written all over his face, as if he had been hit by a car and flew away!
Forcibly running over Luke Longli, Zhou Ke strode forward to pick up the ball that was rolling out of bounds, and then directly pulled out his hand!


Scored two points!The point difference came to 3 points again!
"Damn it! Damn it! Is this the force of a human being? I also suspect that Zhou Ke has transformed parts of his body. This is not human power at all!"


"We can't just look at Zhou Ke's body!"

Another commentator said: "There is also Zhou Ke's grasp of the ball! Standing out in the middle of a five-man double-team, but you can't ignore the location!"

The two commentators who had just sat down bounced off their chairs at once before their butts warmed up.

Zhou Ke first killed Ali from the heavy siege of five people, and then, like a chariot, directly ran over the defenders in front of him, and then there was a beautiful and intoxicating pull!

"Power! Power! Thisispower! This is power!"

"Young man, you don't know anything about power! That's what power is called!"

"What is power? This is called power!"

"That's it? That's it? That's it?"

The Boston fans at the scene tore off their green jerseys and waved them wildly!The green army has been silent for so many years, is it really about to rise?Maybe it really is today!

"how is this possible"

Falling to the ground, Luke Longli looked at his hands in disbelief. Does this count as a foul?The foul was not blown, and he was knocked directly to the ground.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?" His face was full of doubts about life.

"Why is this impossible?"

After falling to the ground, Zhou Ke walked past Luke Longli with a smile on his face, and at the same time said in a calm tone: "This is inevitable."

After finishing speaking, the corners of Zhou Ke's mouth raised a slight arc, and he calmly returned to defense.

Luke Langli heard Zhou Ke's indifferent and deep voice, and slowly raised his head. Looking at the boy standing in front of him at this moment, he felt a sense of majesty as a king's servant, which made people fear!
Fear, that's right, that's what Zhou Ke wanted.

Don't ask, asking is Zhou Ke's mentality. You Michael Jordan is messing with Zhou Ke's teammate's mentality, and your teammates don't want to escape!
In the next round, the Bulls relied on the triangle offense and used tactics to allow Jordan to get an open position at the top of the three-point arc.


There are still three points! 36:36!The two sides draw!There are still 5 seconds left!
"Three! Woohoo!"

After hitting a three-pointer, Jordan raised his hands in a gesture of three, while nodding his head with a relaxed expression.

"Nice job! Michael!"

Pippen also stepped forward and gave Jordan a high five.

"Defence! Dude, defend this ball!"

Jordan patted, mobilized the enthusiasm of the Bulls, and quickly returned to the backcourt to prepare for defense!
"I'm sorry, but for my foul, we would have led by four points."

Seeing that the point difference was evened out, Di Brown's eyes began to turn red, and he dared not look directly at Zhou Ke.

In this game, from the beginning of the game, he was simply committing a crime. He was first robbed and sent out a blood, and then he was scored 3+1.

In this game, Dee Brown's offensive and defensive performance was completely disastrous.

"It doesn't matter, this goal is scored, maybe we have a four-point lead?"

With a smile on her face, Zhou Ke walked up to Di Brown, patted him on the shoulder and continued, "Believe in yourself."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Ke took the baseline serve and began to advance towards the frontcourt.

The Bulls' defensive strategy remains the same, that is, to stare at Zhou Ke!

And this time, everyone on the Bulls' defense was more careful about their crotch. Now let's see what fancy things you, Zhou Ke, can play!
"Bang bang bang bang bang."

On the court, it was the same scene again, the rhythm of the bat hitting was like the sound of everyone's heartbeat.


Suddenly, Zhou Ke exploded the ball fiercely, as if he was about to protrude!

The Bulls quickly double-teamed. One person can't stand you, but five people can't stand you?
On the court, a historic scene once again appeared, five big men in red surrounded a young man in green!As if to do something bad.

"Surround this kid, the time is up!"

On the timer, the time is counting down rapidly 4
Although he was facing a five-man double-team, Zhou Ke still observed the position of his teammates through the vision between the people!


This time, Zhou Ke didn't choose to be strong, but just feigned a shot, in order to completely open up the shooting space for his teammates!

At this time, Zhou Ke's goal was achieved, and all five members of the Bulls were taken beyond the three-point line by Zhou Ke!But they didn't stop Zhou Ke from passing the ball!

There was only a loud bang, and the ball precisely landed in the hands of Dee Brown on the left side of the free throw line!
There is still more than 2 seconds left!

Dazed for a moment, Di Brown noticed Zhou Ke's trusting eyes through the corner of the eye, as if to say again: "Dude, believe in yourself and shoot!"

"Bang!" The time on the timer will bottom out 1

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