Seeing that the referee was about to blow the whistle to start the game, the players from both sides also set up their formations.

Paris Saint-Germain's starting XI is:

Goalkeeper: Trapp

Defenders: Thiago Silva, Marquinhos, Maxwell, David Luiz

Midfielders: Verratti, Lucas, Pastore

Forwards: Cavani, Augustin, Angenda
This is a typical 433 attack formation.

Chelsea's starting lineup is:
Goalkeeper: Petr Cech

Defender: Ivanovic, Terry Cahill Essien
Midfielder: Matic Zhang Ming Lampard

Attacking midfielder: Oscar Williams
Forward: Balotelli

Chelsea's 4321 Christmas tree formation built by Mourinho can be described as handy.

As the referee's whistle sounded, Chelsea's away game against Paris Saint-Germain's Champions League eight-for-four match began, and Paris Saint-Germain took the lead in kicking off.

Thiago Silva passes the ball to Verratti.

Verratti was full of confidence, broke through with the ball, faced Lampard's defense without passing the ball, and directly forced it.

As an Italian, Verratti is also a midfielder. In his eyes, other midfielders are not qualified.In terms of midfielders, it depends on Italy. Of course, Spain is still slightly better.

Verratti didn't take Lampard seriously at all, British player?Or play in midfield?Are you kidding? No, a group of rough guys who only know how to fight their bodies. They don't have any skills.

Of course, Verratti's arrogance also has its own pride. Verratti's footwork is really not covered.The football seems to be alive under Verratti's big 43-yard feet. Wherever Verratti kicks, the ball will run.No matter the strength or line is perfect.Lampard really couldn't guard Verratti. It wasn't until Matic came to help defend that Verratti passed the ball to Lucas.

Lucas didn't have the confidence of Verratti anymore. Faced with Zhang Ming's defense, he directly confessed and passed the ball to Augustin.

Augustine dribbled the ball into Chelsea's penalty area, and faced Essien's defense, he chose to hit the goal directly.

Seeing Augustine hit the goal, not only the Chelsea defenders, but even Paris Saint-Germain's midfielders were stunned.

What's wrong with this shit?Have you entered the small penalty area? Besides, the other two forward teammates Cavani and Angenda are in a much better position than you. You can't be so blatant.

Augustine's shot didn't even go into the door frame, and flew directly to the stands, and it flew to the stands two meters above the crossbar.

Zhang Ming wondered if there was an old friend of this guy in the stands.Otherwise, how could he send the ball directly.

No matter how angry Cavani and the others are, the game will continue.

Cech throws the goal kick to Terry.

Terry turned and kicked the ball to Lampard, who dribbled the ball.Facing Pastore's defense, Lampard just turned around and passed.

After passing Pastore, Lampard drove straight in, and it was not until David Luiz came to defend that Lampard passed the ball to Zhang Ming.

After Zhang Ming received the ball, he dribbled past Lucas and passed the ball to Oscar.

Oscar took the ball and went straight to the bottom quickly, which immediately attracted a large number of Paris Saint-Germain defenders to stare at him.

Suddenly Oscar shifted the ball widely and passed it to Williams on the other side.

Williams didn't stop when he got the ball, and passed the ball directly to Balotelli.

After Balotelli got the ball, he was double-teamed by Thiago Silva and Maxwell.

Balotelli passed the ball to Zhang Ming.

Seeing Zhang Ming take the ball, and it was still in the penalty area, it was too dangerous.Paris Saint-Germain's three defenders David Luiz, Maxwell and Marquinhos came to defend Zhang Ming at the same time.

Facing the double-team defense of the three, Zhang Ming didn't hesitate, and directly passed the ball to Balotelli.

Because Zhang Ming attracted a lot of Paris Saint-Germain's defender firepower.At this time, only Thiago Silva defended Balotelli alone.

Balotelli dribbled through Thiago Silva. Thiago Silva is not an ordinary person, so it is so easy to break through.

Seeing that he couldn't break through Thiago Silva, Balotelli was in a hurry.

It is said that wisdom comes from quickness, and Balotelli really thought of a good way in his anxiety.

Balotelli saw that Thiago Silva could not break through and passed the ball to Oscar.

Balotelli hurries past Thiago Silva as he passes the ball.

At this time, Thiago Silva is still hesitating whether to help defend Oscar or continue to defend Balotelli.Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

After Oscar took the ball, he neither broke through nor controlled the ball, and passed the ball directly to Balotelli.

Seeing that Balotelli received the ball again, Thiago Silva rushed to Balotelli like a mad dog.

Although Thiago Silva's movements are fast enough, there is still no time.

Balotelli shot directly, and the football flew towards the goal along the parabola set by Balotelli.

Although Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper Trapp has already made a save, but Trapp's business level is really not good, he was half a beat slow, and he felt lonely.

Balotelli's shot went into the net.

Chelsea scored the first goal in the away game.Temporarily leading Paris Saint-Germain at home with a score of one to zero.

Balotelli, who broke the deadlock, was extremely excited and ran wildly to vent his inner joy.

Looking at Balotelli celebrating wildly, Cavani's eyes could burst into flames.

"The little man succeeds, bah."

Cavani muttered softly.

"What? Are you not convinced? I am very responsible to tell you that this is just the beginning."

Zhang Ming walked up to Cavani and said with a smile.

Although Cavani was not convinced, it was an indisputable fact that the score was behind. Holding back his anger, he glared at Zhang Ming indignantly.

The game continues.

David Luiz passes the ball to Verratti.

Verratti broke through with the ball and rushed directly to Matic's defense.

After rushing past Matic, he went straight into Chelsea's penalty area.

Seeing that Verratti drove straight into no one's land, Terry hurried over to defend.Facing Terry's defense, Verratti passed the ball to Cavani.

Zhang Ming defended Cavani closely all the way.

"Ru Hua, check Cavani's composite index."

Seeing that Cavani was about to force himself, Zhang Ming woke up the system and asked.

"Cavani, with a composite index of 95 points, is good at breaking through."

"Master, your comprehensive index is 97 points, and you have both offense and defense."

Holy crap, the composite index has risen again, to 97 points.Ma De, this small card only has a comprehensive index of 95 points, what the hell are you doing.I have 97 points, which is two points higher than yours.

In the face of Zhang Ming's defense, Cavani didn't talk nonsense, and just opened his posture and did it.

Zhang Ming was also unambiguous, and directly opened his posture to defend.

Cavani suddenly exerted force and rushed towards Zhang Ming's right.

Although Cavani's speed is fast enough, it is not enough in Zhang Ming's eyes.

Seeing the opportunity, Zhang Ming directly broke the ball.

The ball was broken, and Cavani kept running forward.

Two seconds later, Cavani felt that something was wrong. He stopped attacking and found that Zhang Ming had already dribbled the ball to his rear.

"Despicable and shameless villain."

Cavani quickly chased back while cursing.

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