Real Madrid didn't panic after conceding the ball, just like not conceding the ball, Alonso slowly controlled the ball to organize the attack.

Real Madrid is really different. After the team loses the ball first, there will generally be psychological fluctuations.But there is no such thing as Real Madrid.

In fact, in the eyes of Real Madrid, playing against Chelsea is like boxing between an adult and a kindergarten child. It doesn’t matter if you score first, anyway, you will definitely lose in the end.

Alonso passes the ball to Modric.

Zhang Ming is very familiar with this Modric, who was born as a sheep herder just like himself.

This guy is incredible, he is the leader of the Croatian national team, and his status is equivalent to Brother Zhi of the Dragon Kingdom.

For Modric's ability, he is nicknamed Cruyff Jr. or the Magic Flute. This is the strongest affirmation.

In terms of individual ability, Modric does not lose Barcelona's Xavi and Iniesta at all.However, the Barcelona midfield genius duo cooperates too tacitly, and it has already produced the effect of one plus one greater than two.In the Spanish national derby, the reason why Real Madrid lost was because they were blown out in midfield.

No matter whether Modric and Alonso or Di Maria can't cooperate with Harvey and Iniesta's tacit understanding, this is also the most distressing thing for Real Madrid chairman Florentino.

At this moment in the Stamford Bridge Stadium, in the best box, Florentino was also watching the game intently.Sitting next to him is the transfer market giant Mendez.

"If Zhang Ming is brought to the Bernabeu, the combination of Zhang Ming and Modric will definitely be able to suppress the combination of Xavi and Iniesta."

"This guy's liquidated damages are [-] million. Considering his ability, this is definitely worth the money. If you want to take this guy away, just pay the liquidated damages directly."

Hearing Florentino's muttering, Mendes echoed.

"Liquidated damages are not a problem, mainly because of his personal treatment. This guy is different from other players. Other players will put pressure on the team when they see the olive branch we throw at Real Madrid. They would rather cut their salary than transfer to We come to Real Madrid. But this kid does the opposite. I have visited him personally. What a face, he is indifferent. I can't figure it out."

Florentino said puzzledly.

"I can handle this, but the salary must not be too low. I have received three offers in my hand, all of whom are not short of money. If the annual salary is less than 3000 million euros, there is definitely no hope. It may even reach the level of madness." 5000 million beats. Don't look at me like that, I have my work ethic and I'm definitely going to work for the players."

Mendes looked at the surprised Florentino in front of him and said with a smile.

"3000 million beatings? 5000 million beatings? Cristiano is only 2000 million beatings."

Florentino said in surprise.

"If you Real Madrid's reputation can't attract Zhang Ming, then you can only attract it with treatment. That bully in France is also interested in Zhang Ming. You know their financial resources."

Mendes said with a smile.

"They are just nouveau riche, where is our Real Madrid attractive."

"Mr. Florentino, I also told Zhang Ming what you said. But Zhang Ming doesn't agree with you. In his words, you are just Shiliu Lang living on your laurels."

When Mendes said this, Florentino was taken aback for a while.

The game continues on the field.

Modric has an outstanding overall view and delicate footwork, how can Matic be prevented.Within a few rounds, Modric shook Matic to the ground.

After passing Matic, Modric quickly rushed to Chelsea's big penalty area.

At this time, Duan Xuan and Huang Jianxiang were not idle either:

"Real Madrid's attack just now may not be in the state, and now this attack is too important."

"Yes, the adaptation period has passed now. Both teams have entered the state. Real Madrid conceded the goal first, and it can be said that they entered the state late in the away game. Now this attack is particularly important. If you still can't score, then It's just a matter of ability."

"Okay, let's see how Real Madrid organize this attack."

"I think Ronaldo is definitely the main player. As for whether it is true or not, let us wait and see."

At this time, the Chelsea penalty area was already overcrowded.Except for the goalkeeper, the players from both sides are almost all around here.

Modric passed the ball to Di Maria, and Di Maria has nothing to say about his ability to break through the wing.Take Ivanovic with the ball.

Ivanovic stuck in his position tightly.Staring at Di Maria without giving way.

Di Maria dribbled the ball near the bottom line, dunked the ball with his right foot, flicked the ball back, and then ran back quickly.When Ivanovic caught up, Di Maria had already passed the ball.

Di Maria's cross is of very high quality.The big tall Bale jumped high, grabbed the first point, and headed the ball towards the goal guarded by Petr Cech.

Petr Cech tried his best to knock Bell's header away.Cech saved the goal that Bell was almost sure to score, and his confidence also greatly increased.

Essien received the ball from Cech's single palm, and directly kicked it out to the midfield with a big foot.

Real Madrid's Marcelo receives the ball from Essien's clearance.

Marcelo is also a guard with a knife, and he dribbles the ball forward.

Just when everyone thought Marcelo would drive straight into the small penalty area, Marcelo passed the ball directly to Ronaldo.

Seeing Ronaldo holding the ball, everyone in Chelsea was tense.This is the most powerful striker in Real Madrid and even in the world.

Seeing Zhang Ming defending Ronaldo close to him, everyone relaxed a little.

"Like a flower, check the comprehensive index of Cristiano Ronaldo."

Facing the president, Zhang Ming woke up the system and asked.

"Cristiano Ronaldo has a composite index of 100 points and is good at breaking through."

Fuck it, the president is awesome, he got full marks.I only have a composite index of 96 points, which is a gap of four points.He is also good at breaking through, so he must be outsmarted, otherwise it is impossible to guard against this guy.

"Are you sure you can do it alone?"

"It should be ok. Show your professionalism and let me see how strong you can be. Some people in Long Country say that you are number one in the world. I don't believe it."

"You'll believe it right away, but I'm not advising you to find another helper to help you defend, or you'll regret it."


Seeing that Zhang Ming and Cristiano Ronaldo have been arguing, the fans of Longguo who stayed up late watching the game couldn't sit still:

"I didn't expect that Zhang Ming and the CEO would match up. Who would win? The CEO is my idol, and Zhang Ming is from our Dragon Kingdom. How difficult is it? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

"Upstairs, what the hell are you pretending to be, send it away. Don't be so embarrassing outside."

"Go to Nima, I'm posting it here, what the hell can you do."

"You two go out and argue, we are watching the game."

"I still want Zhang Ming to win. Stones from other mountains cannot be attacked."

"Upstairs hit you, brothers rushed up. Go up."


On the court, the duel between Zhang Ming and the president has entered a heated stage. Ronaldo tried to charge several times, but he couldn't get past Zhang Ming.

"I didn't expect you to have some ability. No wonder our Real Madrid can take a fancy to you. But don't be complacent, I'm going to make a big move."

As soon as Ronaldo finished speaking, he rushed towards Zhang Ming on a bicycle.

"Do you think you are the only one with the big move? Today I will let you see what is wall defense."

After Zhang Ming finished speaking, he put up a human wall without hesitating his physical strength.

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