At the end of the game, Zhang Ming ran to Qingzi and hugged Qingzi affectionately.

At this time in Longguo, there are many people who stay up late to watch the football.

"You men don't have a good thing. How long has it been since you left Xiaoqi? It's really too much to get involved with the girls from Dongdao."

Deng Mengshi, who was watching the live broadcast with Hao Junmin, saw Zhang Ming holding Qingzi, and said angrily.

"As far as I know, after returning from England, Xiaoqi went to have a room with her little boyfriend. Why don't you say that?"

Hao Junmin questioned his wife Deng Mengshi angrily and said.

At that time, when I came back from England, my sister-in-law Deng Qi ran away with an excuse as soon as I got off the plane.

The next day, Hao Junmin got up early to exercise and saw this girl came out of the hotel with a man, hugging and kissing goodbye.

Hao Junmin was so angry, he went up and pulled the boy who had a room with his sister-in-law and beat him up.

Sister-in-law, whoever sleeps with you will sleep, as long as you two are in love, we brother-in-law will ignore it.

But you just got mixed up with your good brother Zhang Ming, and now you've only been separated for a day, and this is the whole thing, aren't you cuckolding your brother?

The boy who had the room with Deng Qi was already thin, and he had just tossed with Deng Qi, so he was in vain. How could he be the opponent of Hao Junmin, who was strong and strong.Beaten by Hao Junmin, the mouse flees

Deng Qilei said that death is not worth his life.

Hearing what my sister-in-law said, Hao Junmin didn't know what to say.Still think about how to explain it to Zhang Ming.

It's all right now, Zhang Ming has found Haruko.He definitely didn't take his sister-in-law seriously, which is good, and saves him from feeling guilty every day.

Ma De, I will never tell others about blind dates again.

Hao Junmin thought secretly.

"Xiaoqi is still young, just playful. I will figure it out later. As long as we don't tell, how will Zhang Ming know. Wait a few years for them to get married and have a child, wouldn't it be perfect?"

Hearing Hao Junmin mention this, Deng Mengshi said dissatisfied.

In Deng Mengshi's view, her younger sister is still a little girl and not sensible.It's just for fun now. When I grow up, I will definitely understand that Zhang Ming is the right person to marry.Let her play now, and marry Zhang Ming when she has played enough.

"You're pretty cool. But it doesn't matter now. I've already told Zhang Ming that Xiaoqi has a boyfriend in China, and he's the kind who has opened a house. As for whether Zhang Ming will still care about Xiaoqi, I'm do not care."

Hao Junmin went to bed after finishing speaking.

In London, England, Zhang Mingzheng and Qingzi are pressing the road.

"What's the matter with this person? Why isn't there as many people as our Dragon Kingdom? Today is Christmas Eve?"

Zhang Ming looked at the sparse crowd on the street and asked in bewilderment.

On Christmas Eve in Longguo, there were more people on the streets than during Chinese New Year.It's only eight o'clock in the evening locally, it's a good time to come out and pretend to be aggressive, why are there so few people.

"Christmas Eve is to stay at home and guard your family, why do you have to come out?"

Haruko asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you go out on the streets on Christmas Eve and pretend to be aggressive?"

Zhang Ming was even more confused.

The street was so boring, so Zhang Ming took Qingzi home.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Back home, Zhang Ming saw that Caizi, Yezi and Yamamoto were busy with the Christmas dinner, so he asked Caizi in wonder.

How many days has this little girl been here, and she doesn't mention leaving.

"Qingzi, what is your family talking about? We are good sisters, how can you drive me away? At worst, I will pay for living expenses."

Caizi said dissatisfied.

"Caizi, he was joking with you. Don't take it seriously. We are good sisters. How could we drive you away? You can stay here without worry. As long as you don't want to leave, no one will try to drive you away. If Zhang Ming must drive you away, so I will leave with you."

Haruko said with a smile.

Madeleine, what a silly girl.Do you know what kind of good sister you are, so you dare to take it home? !

Since you don't care anymore, why should we worry about it?It would be better if you have a few more good sisters like this to bring along, anyway, it's just for food.

Zhang Ming thought secretly.

"Xiao Ming, it's time to eat."

Just as Zhang Ming was meditating beautifully, that boy Yamamoto yelled at Zhang Ming.

At the dinner table, Zhang Ming and Yamamoto exchanged cups and were very happy.

This boy Yamamoto has been completely dependent on Dali Wan since he went to Wang Sicong's hotel with Balotelli last time, that is, the time he took ten Dali Wan.Without Daliwan, Yamamoto couldn't get up at all.

Ye Zi, who had tasted the sweetness, directly bought Dali pills wholesale and came back, and lived a shameless and impetuous life with Yamamoto every day.

It wasn't until one morning that Yamamoto was foaming at the mouth and taken to the hospital that he stopped.

Now Ye Zi no longer dares to let Yamamoto take Dali Wan, he can't send Yamamoto away for a moment of happiness.

Ye Zi thought very clearly, if Yamamoto loses her hair, then Ye Zi will have nothing.

As long as Yamamoto is still there, Ye Zi can squander the property of the Yamamoto family at will.As for whether Yamamoto can use it, what is this?Are there few men out there?Anyway, eight out of ten women in the East Island will go out to steal food, one more than yourself is not too much, and one less than yourself is quite a lot.

This boy Yamamoto is a fierce drinker. The 52-degree white wine glass is dry and not sloppy at all. He can bluff people as much as he wants.

Zhang Ming felt terrified when he drank like Yamamoto's way of drinking.This kid didn't hold a lot of alcohol, could it be a blessing in disguise?

Although the next three roads are dead, God is fair, let this kid drink so much, he is lucky.

While Zhang Ming was deep in thought, Yamamoto drank another cup.Zhang Mingzheng felt that God was unfair, and when Yamamoto's drinking capacity increased too much, Yamamoto slid directly under the table.

Fuck, it's not even anticlimactic, at most it's anticlimactic.

It took Zhang Ming a lot of effort to help the boy Yamamoto to the bedroom to sleep.

It is said that God is fair, but God also has a nap, otherwise there would be so many unfair things in this world.

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