Football: Just joined Chelsea and was targeted by Real Madrid

Chapter 167 What Do You Take My Family For?

The next day, Zhang Ming woke up refreshed, and was shocked when he saw Yamamoto with his face covered in injuries.

"Xiaoshan, what's wrong with you? How did you become so aggressive overnight?"

Seeing that Yamamoto's face was full of injuries, Zhang Ming asked knowingly.

"Then what, I got up last night and accidentally fell into the toilet when I went to the toilet. Oh, what a bad luck."

Yamamoto said nonchalantly.

Fuck, I didn't see it, you kid is pretty good at making excuses.

You're still in the mood to make excuses, so hurry up and go to the pharmacy and order some Dali pills for supplements.If it goes on like this, the fiancée will run away sooner or later.

Zhang Ming looked at Yamamoto with a hippie smile and thought from the bottom of his heart.

Ma De, last night, Yamamoto's internal strength was not good enough, and he was inhumanely repaired by Ye Zi.Zhang Ming still heard Yamamoto's screams.

After breakfast, Haruko and Ye Zi cleaned up the dishes.Haruko rode a little donkey and took Ye Zi to Wang Sicong's shopping mall.

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome. I have a super invincible VIP card, and everything there is free. If you can't take it, just ask a truck to pull it back."

Zhang Ming said to Ye Zi.

Originally, Zhang Ming was quite embarrassed about taking Wang Sicong for free, but since he heard Wang Sicong's analysis that time, he realized that he had helped the old Wang family earn astronomical amounts of money invisibly. How could Zhang Ming be polite to Wang Sicong?

"Brother-in-law, you are very kind."

When Ye Zi heard Zhang Ming's words, she ran over and hugged Zhang Ming's arm and said coquettishly.

Zhang Ming is very beautiful, the touch of that arm is really like flying.

After Haruko and Ye Zi left, Zhang Ming and Shan Ben rushed to the team.On the way, Zhang Ming wanted to remind Yamamoto to order Dali Wan for supplements, or to go out and help find Amir to get some Asan oil.

But thinking that this is Yamamoto's privacy, and it is the most embarrassing thing for a man, Zhang Ming gave up after thinking about it.

Yamamoto, you wish you luck, kid.If you don't get your wits about you and keep messing around like this, your fiancée will put a hat on you even if you don't run away.

Zhang Ming looked at Yamamoto and thought secretly.

When he came to the team, Zhang Ming felt that the atmosphere became obviously tense.Even the boss Abramovich has come to the team, which is Abramovich's usual practice.

Once there is a game that is about to play against a strong team, Abramovich will come over to cheer the players up.In fact, Abu didn't say anything, it was the most simple, rude and effective way - sending money. Although Abu was serious, everyone thought the boss was very cute.

In fact, there is another important reason why Abramovich attaches great importance to this weekend's match with Manchester City, and that is that Christmas is coming soon.This Christmas game can attract the enthusiasm of the fans the most. Once the victory over the mighty Manchester City is won, the reputation of the team will rise like a rocket.

After Abramovich left with a few pleasantries, Mourinho began to play.

Mourinho first explained the technical and tactical play, and then started the team training game.

Zhang Ming was naturally assigned to the main lineup. Facing the substitute players, Zhang Ming was always uninterested.

Although substitute players such as Benjamin and Yamamoto have greatly improved in terms of skills and mentality after several starting games, there is still a big gap between them and the main lineup.

In the end, the main lineup won with a score of [-]-[-].

At the end of the day's training, Zhang Ming rode a little donkey back home.Yamamoto also followed on his little donkey.

When Zhang Ming returned home, he saw that Qingzi and Ye Zi had prepared dinner and were waiting.And the sisters even built a Christmas tree in the living room.

Zhang Ming is not interested in Christmas, and Zhang Ming has read the Bible.The Bible does not say at all when the Lord Jesus Christ was born, it only says that the Lord Jesus Christ was born in a manger.

Some people say that if you can put a newborn baby in a manger, the weather will never be cold, and it must not be winter.But Zhang Ming thinks this is not necessarily the case. The Lord Jesus Christ was born in Israel in the Middle East, where there is no winter at all.

The exact date of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is always a mystery.But everyone needed a Christmas, so they chose the snowy winter.

Seeing that Haruko likes Christmas very much, Zhang Ming also tried his best to cooperate.

After dinner, Zhang Ming took Qingzi out to press the road and feel the atmosphere of Christmas.

The shops on both sides of the street have already filled the windows with Christmas trees and Santa Claus wallpapers.Some businesses put up Christmas trees in their stores.The festive atmosphere is not inferior to the Spring Festival in Longguo.

Seeing Qingzi enjoying the festive atmosphere like a little girl, Zhang Ming was also happy in his heart.

Such a day was unimaginable before.

"Ah, Haruko. It's really you. I heard that you ran away from home. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Just as Zhang Ming and Haruko were having fun pressing the road, Caizi, a scum, suddenly appeared.

"Caizi, why are you here?"

Haruko asked in surprise.

Ma De, needless to say, they are working for a hundred people to sleep.

Zhang Ming thought secretly.

Qingzi and Caizi were chatting passionately there, while Zhang Ming was watching the beauties on the street in a daze.Madeleine, the little girl in winter is not as pretty as summer.

Just like that, Zhang Ming and Qingzi came out to press the road.When we returned, there were only three of us.

Zhang Ming didn't even know how Caizi was able to touch Qingzi, so Qingzi took Caizi home.

Zhang Ming and Haruko returned home with Caizi, and saw that boy Yamamoto drinking with Balotelli.Ye Zi and a cow girl were helping to pour the wine. Needless to say, the cow girl was brought by Balotelli.That kid Balotelli would wink and interact with Ye Zi from time to time.

"You are back. You are not here. I don't feel like drinking alone, so I found a minibus. It's just in time for you to come back. Let's have a drink together."

Seeing Zhang Ming and the others come back, Yamamoto said enthusiastically.

You're so good at it, Balotelli is also something you can provoke?
Zhang Ming looked at Yamamoto and became angry.

Balotelli, as his hard-core younger brother, still has to give face, so Zhang Ming sat down to drink with Balotelli and Yamamoto.

He was almost done drinking, and Balotelli's words imply that he also wants to live here:
"Brother Ming, it's still lively at your house. I've decided, I'll stay at your house. We exchange skills in the team, and we can even compete in the evening."

Balotelli said excitedly, that expression seemed to give Zhang Ming a lot of face.

The cow girl brought by Balotelli also looked at Zhang Ming expectantly.

"Okay, Xiao Ming, the suggestion of the minibus is good. Anyway, your house is quite big, and it will be lively with more people."

That kid Yamamoto echoed.

"Xiaoba, my friend's hotel has an exclusive room for me. The environment is quite good, do you want to try it? I know that Christmas is coming soon, and your expenses are very high. From now until New Year's Day, you are in I will pay for all the expenses of the hotel, brother? How about it?"

Zhang Ming ignored Yamamoto, but said to Balotelli.

Hearing Zhang Ming said that there is a hotel to live in, Zhang Ming's villa immediately became unsatisfactory.He hurriedly found an excuse to take the cow girl away.

"Xiaoshan, if you dare to bring anyone to my house again, you will get out of here."

After Balotelli left, Zhang Ming yelled at Yamamoto angrily.

Mad, what have you done to my house?

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