The game continues.

De Rossi passed the ball to Keita, and Keita took the ball to attack. Facing Vadzi's defense, Keita directly chose to force.

After two rounds, Vadzi was eaten by Keita.

Seeing that Wadzi was passed so quickly, Mourinho on the sidelines was immediately disheartened. The players in the reserve team are still too immature. It is still too difficult for them to face the long-famous Keita. up.

They play more games than you watch, how do you compare with them?A peerless genius like Zhang Ming is something that can be met but not sought after.If you can get Zhang Ming, just be happy.

After passing Wadzi, Keita drove straight into no one's land, riding thousands of miles alone and quickly killed Chelsea's penalty area.

Yamamoto and Rocky double-teamed Keita, and Keita passed the ball directly to Totti without hesitation.

Seeing Totti take the ball, Rodri and Amir hurried over to double-team the defense.

Totti did not have a stalemate with Rodri and the others and passed the ball to Gervinho.

Seeing Gervinho take the ball, Zhang Ming hurried over to defend.

Gervinho is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf with the ball, facing Zhang Ming's defense, he directly chooses to force him.

"Like a flower, check Gervinho's composite index."

Seeing that Gervinho opened his posture and was about to force himself, Zhang Ming woke up the system and asked.

"Gervinho's composite index is 90 points, good at breaking through."

Hearing what the system said, Zhang Ming put all his energy into defending against Gervinho.

If Gervinho passes himself, it will be a one-shot.The defenders on their side are busy defending Totti and Keita.If Gervinho is allowed to pass, it will be disastrous for goalkeeper Petr Cech.

Gervinho is a talented attacker of the new generation, and Zhang Ming is a superstar this season.The two young men refused to accept anyone.

Gervinho is determined to compete with Zhang Ming.As a budding newcomer, they are all proud.Leicester City's Vardy shined last season, and Gervinho wanted to compete with Vardy.

However, Serie A and the Premier League are two different leagues. If you want to play against each other, you can only hope for the Champions League.Unexpectedly, the sky failed, and Leicester City failed to qualify for the Champions League.

Just when Gervinho was disheartened, Zhang Ming turned out to be born, and he completely exploded Vardy in the Premier League a month ago.This made Gervinho more convinced that Zhang Ming should be singled out to defend his dignity as a Serie A supernova.

Seeing Gervinho with sharp eyes in front of him, Zhang Ming knew that this kid was going to attack.Zhang Ming naturally spared no effort to use the aliens' pendulum defense.

Gervinho jumped up and down, bent over and pouted, and rushed from left to right.But the pendulum style of the aliens is not in vain. The pendulum style with wide opening and closing is used for defense, and the defensive area is too large.With the physical strength of Zhang Ming's eight kidneys, he maximized the pendulum defensive advantage.

Facing the impregnable defense, Gervinho finally knew why Zhang Ming could be called a supernova.Faced with this kind of defense, let alone himself, even if Melo came, it would be useless.

After a stalemate for 1 minute, Gervinho passed the ball.

Zhang Ming had already tried his best at this time, and he was limited to defending Gervinho, but he still couldn't break the ball.It seems that the Roman teenager in front of him is definitely not in vain.

Seeing that Gervinho admitted to passing the ball, Chelsea's scouts breathed a sigh of relief.Brother Ming is still awesome, the name of supernova is not just blown out.

Just when everyone was cheering and cheering, Zhang Ming always felt that something was wrong.Rome is a 433 attacking formation, but there are three forwards.Only two of them were guarded, and there was one more?

Just when Zhang Ming felt bad, the Roma team was already celebrating a goal.

It turned out that after Gervinho was defended by Zhang Ming, he passed the ball to the left forward Florenzi of the Roma team.Although Florenzi is not as famous as Totti and Gervinho, as the third striker of the Roma team, he is also somewhat capable.

What's more, after receiving a pass from Gervinho, no one defended himself at all, and he could be said to be facing Cech directly.

As an attacker who can take shots in the Roma team, he will not score a one-handed goal directly against the goalkeeper.

Although Cech has tried his best to save, it still doesn't help.Roma quickly equalized the score.

Seeing the Roma team celebrating to their heart's content, Chelsea's scouts were much more lonely.Especially Cech, struggling to kick the ball out of the goal, in order to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

If this trend continues, it might be beaten into a sieve today.The famous name of the first life, I am afraid it will be destroyed today.

The game continues.

The morale of Chelsea's scouts has plummeted.The morale boosted up by Zhang Ming's preemptive goal just now is gone now.

Zhang Ming felt helpless looking at his disheveled teammates. Such a team is doing well.Now that the score is equalized, the morale is low, in case the Roma team scores another goal.Overtaking the score, this group of boy scouts may be about to collapse.

In any case, let's go ahead and bring morale back.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming stared at the front and played seriously.

Vadzi passed the ball to Ravitch, who faced Keita's defense, panicked and passed the ball directly to Benjamin.

After Benjamin received the ball, he dribbled through with confidence and wanted to force Nainggolan, who was defending himself.

As Benjamin, who has been exposed to professional football training since he was a child, he has his own pride.Seeing that Zhang Ming, who was originally not as good as himself, was shining brightly, how could he be reconciled.

But Nainggolan had such an easy time. After two rounds of stalemate, Benjamin had no choice but to pass the ball to Zhang Ming.

Now Chelsea's offense depends on Zhang Ming, Zhang Ming is the backbone of this gang of scouts.

Seeing Zhang Ming take the ball, the three Roman defenders Mbiwa, Holevas and Manolas came to double-team Zhang Ming.

Facing the defense of the three, Zhang Ming would never have a chance to break through.

Zhang Ming, who was blocked to death, was also in a state of desperation at this time.His teammates are not good enough, and he has no breakthrough skills.

While frowning, Zhang Ming saw Balotelli asking for the ball.

Zhang Ming found the right opportunity to pass the ball to Balotelli.

The former world No. [-] Maicon defended Balotelli closely.

Maicon and Balotelli are old acquaintances. They were teammates when they were at Inter Milan.Working together under Mourinho, they can say that you know how good I am and how fast you are.

At that time, Maicon was Mourinho's proud shield, and Balotelli was the sharp blade.Inter Milan achieved brilliant results that year.

Facing Maicon's defense, Balotelli held back his energy and prepared to take it by force.What Balotelli means is: you are already in the sunset, what else can you do, do you think you are at your peak?

What Maicon means is: it’s just right for you to come, let me also see how far you have grown.

In the past, the spear and shield of Inter Milan began to fight like this.

Everyone stared at the old pair of spear and shield.

In the end, it was half a catty, and no one could do anything to anyone.Balotelli can't eat Maicon, and Maicon can't steal Balotelli.

In the end Balotelli barely shot, but regardless of the strength or the line, it was not satisfactory.The ball was directly confiscated by Roma goalkeeper De Sanctis.

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