Zhang Ming's free kick directly ignited the passion of Chelsea reserve team coach Dacchini on the sidelines.

Dakini, who was originally sitting calmly and calmly on the coach's bench and pretending to be deep, jumped up and slid on his knees as if stung by a wasp, and then jumped up and waved his fists in applause.

"Old Liu, did you take a picture?"

In shock.Wang Jing said absently.

"I got it, I got Beckham."

Liu Minghui said excitedly.

"Hurry up and send it back to the headquarters, our Dragon Kingdom has finally produced a star player."

Friend got the video of Zhang Ming's goal just now from the technical department of the reserve team. After watching it, he quickly showed it to Mourinho.

"Head, do you think this is still the kid from Longguo? What's the difference between this and Beckham?"

Flender said excitedly.

"Flender, we really found a treasure this time. This kid is still young, and in time he will become a world-class star."

Mourinho said excitedly.

"Zhang, it's really you. Do you know that the free kick just now, even if Beckham came, may not be as beautiful as your kick. You are a master of free kicks."

Lavitch shouted excitedly.

In-team practice matches are different from official matches, with each half lasting 45 minutes.The second half of the practice match is 10 minutes.

When Zhang Ming scored a goal, the first half of the practice match had already arrived.

"Zhang, with your shooting technique, it is enough to become famous. Why are you so unknown in your Dragon Kingdom?"

During the halftime break, the head coach of the reserve team, Dakini, came over and asked Zhang Ming.

"Coach, there are too many geniuses in our country, and I am the least popular one."

Zhang Ming said in a foolish way.

What if you don't fool around?
Could it be that he is a sheep herder in China?That's not a shame.Or should I tell the truth that I have system support?Others don't believe it either.

"Zhang, you have a way. You will perform well in the second half. Now that the first team has seen your goal just now, they may come to watch in the second half. If you seize the opportunity, you may be in the first team this season. went."

Dakini patted Zhang Ming on the shoulder and said.

At this time the second half of the game began.

Zhang Ming looked to the sidelines, not only the first-team players followed Mourinho, but there were also a lot more reporters.

"Zhang, I will pass the ball to you as much as possible."

Lavitch came over and spoke in a low voice.

"Archie, don't worry about passing the ball. Your pass is likely to reach me and it may become an assist."

Zhang Ming said with a confident smile.

"Archie, what the hell? My name is Ravitch, what's the matter with this kid?"

Hearing Zhang Ming calling himself Archie, Lavitch thought in bewilderment.But it doesn't matter anymore, playing with data is important.

The game starts and the blue team takes the lead in attacking.

Amir from the Three Kingdoms broke through with the ball, but this kid is still thinking about how to pass the ball to George.Wa Deqi, a clever ghost, went up like a flying shovel, directly shoveling the ball away.

Lavitch followed and broke the ball.

Ears listen to six sides, eyes see all directions.Before Asan Amir had time to entangle Zhang Ming, Aqilavic kicked the ball to Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming got the ball and looked towards the goal. The familiar green line showed 50.00%, indicating that the success rate of the shot was only half.

I just wanted to give up, but found that there were no teammates suitable for passing the ball, and I couldn't handle the ball myself. If I was intercepted, it would be too shameful.

Playing football in the imperial country is about not seeking merit but seeking no fault.It doesn't matter if someone comes to steal the ball after receiving the ball, it is true to pass the ball directly.

If you fail to catch the ball, it means that your teammates are not good at catching the ball, and it has nothing to do with you.

It doesn't matter if you shoot directly and vigorously without passing the ball, it doesn't matter if you don't score. Who can guarantee that your shooting success rate is [-]%?
What if it shoots in, it's a great achievement, and the ancestral graves will all smoke.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming didn't hesitate anymore, and directly volleyed vigorously.

Same line, same spin.When the ball reached the top of the goal, it was another elevator-like spin and drop, hanging straight into the dead corner.

The red team is two to one, beyond the score.

"My God, in just 2 minutes, 1 minute each in the first and second halves, he scored twice and scored two goals. They are still world-class. This is world-class."

"When did Chelsea have such a long-range shooter?"

Seeing Zhang Ming's performance, the members of the first team were shocked and discussed.

"If this guy had joined us last year, we probably wouldn't have lost early in the Champions League."

Lampard whispered to Terry.

"You're right, we just lack a good shooter. We are helpless when we encounter a team that is good at defending. I really hope this kid can grow up quickly."

Terry said expectantly.

"There is hope for this year, maybe we can win the first Champions League in club history."

Lampard also said expectantly.

"Who knows, maybe."

Terry said inscrutablely.

The game continues here, the blue team organizes an attack, George breaks through with the ball, and Zhang Ming goes up to block.

George slammed his bicycle past Zhang Ming and headed for the penalty area.It was Wadzi's flying tackle that brought George to the ground. In the same place, the blue team also won a free kick.

"Long Guo's free-kick skill is fine, but his defense is too amateurish."

Chelsea captain Terry said sharply.

"That's why I put him in the reserve team. His long-range shooting is world-class. Even if Beckham comes, he may not be able to beat him. But his defense is not good, which is also the fault of their Royal players. Common problem. He can only be allowed to receive basic training in the reserve team."

Mourinho said while staring at the pitch.

On the court, George and Zhang Ming fought hard and took the penalty personally.

George's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he couldn't pretend to be forceful. What surprised people was that he kicked the ball into the stands.

"This kid thinks about free kicks too simply. It's not something you can do just by looking at it. It's impossible to kick such a high-quality suspension ball without hard work."

Seeing George's overreaching free kick, Mourinho's assistant Flender said with contempt.

Due to desperately defending Zhang Ming, Amir's physical strength has been severely exhausted.Can't keep up with Zhang Ming's pace at all.

Wa Deqi found the right opportunity and passed the ball to Zhang Ming in the penalty area with a long pass.

Zhang Ming looked at the goal, and the familiar green line showed [-]. Zhang Ming did not hesitate, and directly volleyed vigorously.

"Oh my god, this kid is here again. Can you come in this time?"

"It's not that easy. Don't think that the closer you are to the goal, the easier it is. Unless you hit a low ball, there are so many people in the penalty area, and the line is hard to find. It's even more difficult to hit a high ball. If you pass the defender, you will be in the air above the goal. There is no distance to spin down."

While the players on the sidelines were discussing a lot, the ball kicked by Zhang Ming went straight down like an elevator, rubbed against the crossbar and flew into the net.

Zhang Mingmei completed the sub-trick and the red team led [-]-[-].

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