NBA: The stars return to the peak, and the battle of the gods begins

Chapter 7 has become the most authoritative person in the NBA

I heard O'Neal say that he will make a comeback with the Lakers.

Kobe and Magic Johnson were beaming with joy.

With peak O'Neal, the Lakers are the most popular team in the championship.

Others are saddened.

Compared with O'Neal returning to the Lakers, they actually hope that O'Neal will return to the Heat.

There are two reasons for this.

The first reason, as mentioned earlier, was that O'Neal in the Heat period was far less fierce than in the Lakers period.

To deal with O'Neal during the Heat period, their inside line must still be quite sure.

But when dealing with O'Neal in the Lakers era, their inside line will be tight.

The second reason is that the Lakers have too much background. The peak Kobe and the peak O'Neal form the peak "OK combination".

Plus several veterans of the Lakers showtime dynasty, "Magic" Johnson, "Skyhook" Kareem, "Cobra" James Worthy and others.

Letting these people form a team is simply the master of the king, and it is scary to think about it.

However, there are also a few stars who disagree with this. It is true that the Lakers are strong, but they are not weak.

Jordan is very calm, no matter who the opponent is, Qiao Gangzhu always upholds the belief that he must win.

Iverson didn't care too much. The 76 team has a good background. As long as Dr. J Irving, Barkley and others are willing to return to the team, it is not impossible to fight the Lakers.

The same bleary-eyed McGrady is not afraid of the Lakers.

He may not be able to control whether the game wins or loses, but he is confident that he can beat Kobe in the game.

Even the peak Kobe, McGrady has the confidence to beat.

The same goes for Carter. It is true that the Lakers are strong, but it does not affect his dunking Kobe in the game.

It can be seen from this that the fighting between Xike Dongai and Nanmaibeika has never stopped.

Plus the most dreaded old rascal returns.

The competition in the new season is more intense than Lin Nan imagined! ! !
It can be said that most of these people are not looking for eyeballs and making big money.

But to prove to the world that they are well-deserved superstars.

For example, Warcraft Howard, he has always been worried about the ranking of the NBA's 75 superstars.

Why doesn't he even qualify for this list?
In the new season, Howard is bound to slap his old lady in the face.

He wanted Xiaohua to know that Lao Tzu was definitely qualified to enter the list of 75 superstars.

There's also Fargo sports car Tony Parker, a four-time NBA champion and Finals MVP.

It never occurred to him that he would not be able to enter the list of 75 superstars.

This time, Parker returns to prove that he has the ability to become a member of the 75 superstar list.

Dinner took more than 3 hours to finish.

For this star-studded dinner, Lin Nan ate very happily.

Thinking of his plan has received strong support from the stars.

Lin Nan knew that it wouldn't be long before he could help all these stars restart to their peak.

On the way back to the hotel.

Lin Nan saw that someone sent him more than 20 messages.

After clicking on it, Lin Nan was stunned.

He found out that it was Li Qiuya, the school belle of the university, who had sent him the message.

【Lin Nan, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing recently? 】

[I haven't seen you for so long, but I actually miss you a lot. 】

[Woooooo Lin Nan, why don't you answer me. 】

[Lin Nan, you should be busy with something, then reply me when you are done, I will wait for you. 】

【Lin Nan.】

After reading these provocative words sent by Li Qiuya, Lin Nan's face did not show any joy, on the contrary he felt a little disgusted.

When you sent a message to show your love before, you always ignored the answer and acted like a queen.

It's all right now, seeing me taking off in the US, your words, tone, and attitude have completely changed.

Sometimes Lin Nan really can't figure out why he would fall in love with this kind of woman in the first place.

Lin Nan didn't reply to the other party, and he also deleted the other party.

Anyway, it is impossible to interact with the other party again in this life. Instead of being stuck by the other party like a fly, it is better to delete it directly.

Li Qiuya who is far away in China.

Seeing that Lin Nan hadn't replied, she was very upset.

Bastard Lin Nan, you haven't called me back for so long,
Send another one, if you don't reply to me again, I will play his video directly.

Being patient, Li Qiuya sent another message to Lin Nan.

This message was answered quickly.

[A certain user has turned on friend verification, and you are not his (her) friend yet.Please send a friend verification request first.]

Seeing that Lin Nan deleted herself, Li Qiuya was furious, "Lin Nan, you bastard!!!"

At the kind invitation of NBA President Xiao Hua, Lin Nan appeared in the NBA League Management Center.

Originally, Wang Wei wanted to accompany Lin Nan, but Lin Nan said no.

Ever since he started harvesting blood points, Lin Nan felt like a different person.

In terms of appearance, he is still handsome, but in terms of temperament and mentality, he finds that he has changed a lot.

Just like now, even in the face of the scheming old lady who can't help Xiaohua, Lin Nan can face it calmly.

Could it be that the increase in blood gas points will help me invisibly?

The system didn't tell Lin Nan, so he could only think so.

For Lin Nan's arrival, Xiaohua was very enthusiastic, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Another hug, another tea.

It was not his intention to be so enthusiastic about the China Consumers Association, he was forced to.

Just yesterday, Xiaohua was called by the American basketball management department to talk.

Along with participating, there are NBA team owners such as Jordan and Cuban.

During the conversation, Jordan and several people joined forces to impeach Xiaohua.

In recent seasons, NBA team owners and many super giants have been dissatisfied with Xiaohua's operations.

After Xiaohua succeeded David Stern as the NBA president, instead of making progress, the NBA's reputation became worse and worse.

In the final analysis, it is because the management philosophy of eliminating China violates the purpose of basketball.

What the fans want to see is a basketball game that unites and fights hard and never admits defeat.

But the management philosophy of eliminating China is too commercialized.

In his eyes, besides commercial interests, basketball is commercial interests.

If they can make money, these team owners will recognize it.

The problem is that it doesn't make much money and loses a lot of fans.

The severe decline in NBA ratings is the best proof.

Faced with this mess, the team owners are powerless to change.

And the appearance of Lin Nan this time gave them a chance to change their decline.

They believe that Lin Nan has the ability to change the status quo and revive the NBA, which has been sluggish for many years.

This is also the result that the American basketball management department has always wanted to see.

So during the conversation, the higher-ups asked Xiaohua to actively cooperate with Lin Nan in organizing the basketball game.

Otherwise, they will tell Xiao Hua to leave immediately.

Let Lin Nan take the position of NBA president directly.

In fact, Lin Nan unknowingly became the person with the most say in the NBA.

It's just that he doesn't know it yet.

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