"Lin, this is the return list of our Bulls." Gang Leader Qiao handed Lin Nan a piece of information about the players.

Lin Nan took it and looked at it seriously.

The information clearly records the height, age and weight of Jordan and others.
What Lin Nan is most concerned about is the players' peak restart time.

As he watched, the information was also entered into the system.

Soon, a huge virtual interface that everyone can see emerged.

It shows a list of player portraits, which is what Jordan looked like when they were young.

And behind their avatars, it corresponds to time.

Michael Jordan, restart the 95-96 season.

Derrick Rose, restart the 10-11 season.

Scottie Pippen restarted the 95-96 season.

Dennis Rodman, restarting the 94-95 season.
Elton Brand, Reboot
Without exception, these stars all played for the Bulls in the season they chose.

Only when the two coincide, can Lin Nan help them restart their peak.

"System, turn on the time machine!" Lin Nan issued an order in his mind.

"Ding, Xiaoxi received it!" The system responded in seconds.

"Om~~~" The time machine in Lin Nan's hand made a powerful sound of honey.

At this moment, Lin Nan looked more like a god.

Hearing the beep, Wang Wei became nervous.

Hey, why does it feel so much quieter this time?
The last time Lin Nan helped Kobe restart his peak, the time machine directly shook the entire villa.

But this time, the sound from the time machine was still loud, but it didn't cause the entire arena to vibrate.

Wang Wei speculates that the Timer may be the same as a girl at this time.

For the first time, it will always be heart-piercing, and there will be a lot of movement.

After you get used to it later, you will get used to it, and you will not be surprised.

Fortunately, Lin Nan didn't know Wang Wei's thoughts. If he knew, he would definitely kick Wang Wei over. What else can you think about besides women?

"Start to restart the peak!" Lin Nan issued another command.

The Timer emits a blinding beam of light.

Lin Nan noticed the difference.

Compared with helping Kobe to restart his peak last time, the light this time is obviously brighter and thicker.

Lin Nan thought it was quite normal. After all, last time there was only Kobe Bryant, but this time there were 1 people.

The more HP points are consumed, the emitted light will naturally be brighter and thicker.

Under the astonished eyes of the fans, blank blood bars appeared above Jordan and the others.

If there is no comparison, there is no discovery, and Lin Nan discovered the difference again.

He found that the length of the blood bar on the top of each person's head was different.

The blood bar above Jordan's head is the longest, followed by Pippen and Kirk Hinrich is the shortest, he is less than one-fifth of Jordan's.

What the hell?

Lin Nan didn't bother to guess anymore, he asked the system directly.

Lin Nan: "System, why are the lengths of their blood bars different?"

Xiaoxi: "Ding, tell the host that the factors that determine the length of the blood bar are mainly related to the player's ability value and age.

The stronger the ability and the older the age, the longer the blood bar will be, and vice versa, the shorter the blood bar will be. "

Lin Nan: "Oh."

Xiaoxi: "Does the host have any other questions for Xiaoxi?"

Lin Nan was silent.

Xiaoxi: "Does the host have any other questions for Xiaoxi?"

Lin Nan remained silent.

Xiaoxi: "Does the host have any other questions for Xiaoxi?"

Lin Nan couldn't keep silent any longer.

Lin Nan: "No, if there is, I would have asked."

The system is finally quiet.

And Lin Nan kept his eyes on the field.

With the massive consumption of blood points, the blood bar above Jordan's head is constantly being filled.

Kirk Hinrich, who has the shortest blood bar, is the first to return to the top.

A string of numbers that only Lin Nan could see appeared beside Kirk Hinrich [Health point consumption: 3957. 】

Immediately afterwards, other people also completed the activation.

Ben Gordon [blood point consumption: 4762. 】

Joakim Noah [blood point consumption: 5033. 】

Leon Brand [blood point consumption: 5222. 】

With the return of the first four stars, the fans can still hold back the excitement in their hearts.

When the next four stars returned, the fans went crazy and started screaming.

Ross [blood point consumption: 7103. ], the rampant and omnipotent flat-headed Ross is back.

The fans just saw Rose lower his head, and Lin Nan, who was close, noticed a detail.

He clearly saw that the corners of Rose's eyes were wet, maybe Rose was too excited.

Rodman [blood point consumption: 12163. ], the big bug who can turn rebounding into art and cause headaches for all opponents is back, with a rebellious expression and colorful hairstyle. He is a bad young man in himself, but it does not affect him in the slightest to become a god on the court.

Pippen [blood point consumption: 12559. ], Pippen has not changed much except that he is a little younger, and he still looks like a shy uncle, but anyone who has played with him knows that these are superficial.

Pippen played very fiercely, far from being as harmless as it seems on the surface.

This can be clearly seen from the fact that Pippen was selected to the defensive team 8 times in his career.

Jordan [blood point consumption: 21328. ], that braised egg known as No.1 in history is back.

Oh no, it's Gang Leader Qiao who's back.

The fat figure of Gang Leader Qiao disappeared.

With a lean body, he seemed to be full of explosive power.

Helping these people restart the peak cost Lin Nan more than 8 blood points in total
At this moment, Lin Nan saw the Bulls logo appear on the system interface.

Below the logo is a column of player portraits, including Jordan, Rose, Rodman and other 8 players.

There is also a team logo that also appears in the system interface, which is the Lakers.

And under the Lakers logo, there is only Kobe Bryant.

Lin Nan was not surprised by this situation.

At present, only Kobe of the Lakers has completed the restart peak.

When Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and the others finish, they will also appear in the list below the Lakers logo.

Seeing Gang Leader Qiao and the others standing on the field with glowing faces, Lin Nan was happy, but also felt pain for a moment.

Damn, how did it take so much blood points to activate the old hooligan?They are more than twice as much as Kobe.

Moreover, Pippen and Rodman also consumed more blood points than Kobe.

It's not scientific.

Kobe's overall ability should be stronger than Pippen and Rodman, why is it that he doesn't consume as much energy as the two of them?

By the way, the system just said that the age of the star restarts the peak, and the blood points consumed will also increase accordingly.

Kobe restarted himself in the 04-05 season.

As Kobe's predecessors, Pippen and Rodman were earlier.

From this point of view, when the ancient god Russell restarts the peak, he may consume more blood points than Joe's leader.

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