"Brother Yao, are you planning to return to the court?" Wang Wei asked enthusiastically.

"Otherwise?" Dayao patted Wang Wei's head and said.

"Wo Cao, then I have to quickly send this good news to Moments." Wang Wei took out his phone and prepared to break the news.

"You kid, don't make trouble for me." Dayao grabbed Wang Wei's two hands with one hand.

And it's more than enough, that's the huge gap in size.

Fatty Wang Wei who was originally not small, in front of big fat Yao Yao, was like an adult and a child.

"Why can't you post it? Isn't it a festive thing to let everyone know that you are coming back to the court?" Wang Wei didn't understand why Dayao didn't tell him the news.

"No need, I just simply want to get back on the court and play.

As for fame and interests, these are now a burden to me. " Dayao said disapprovingly.

"Okay." Wang Wei could only obey what Dayao said, otherwise, he was worried that he would lose his head.

"Let's go, I'll take you to dinner together!" Dayao wanted to take Lin Nan to have a good meal together.

Several people left the hotel and came to the "Yao Restaurant" jointly run by Dayao and others.

I have to say that Lin Nan has always wanted to come here to taste it.

It's a pity that I never had the opportunity to come here. No, it was because I didn't have the money to come here at that time.

But this time, the shop owner, Dayao, brought him here in person.

When the boss comes to eat, the serving speed is obviously faster than other guests.

Just a few minutes.

The waiter came up with 10 plates of Chinese dishes. Lin Nan couldn't help swallowing a small mouthful of saliva smelling the delicious aroma of the dishes.

Not to mention the big foodie Wang Wei, he gulped down a few mouthfuls of spit, but since no one moved his chopsticks, he could only endure it.

"Everyone eat, you're welcome." Dayao was actually quite hungry, but he was the host, and Lin Nan and Wang Wei were distinguished guests.

In order to reflect the friendliness of his host, he wanted to wait for the two of them to move their chopsticks before eating.

Lin Nan was not polite anymore, he took the lead and took a piece of shark fin to taste it carefully.

Wang Wei became fierce, and ate four or five big pig's hooves one after another. If Lin Nan hadn't stopped him in time, Wang Wei would have wanted to eat a few more big pig's hooves.

It can only be said that the Chinese dishes cooked by "Yao Restaurant" are too suitable for two people's appetites.

This is for sure, otherwise there would not be so many Chinese staying in the United States, running all the way here to consume.

During the meal, Dayao received a call from McGrady.

The two had talked on the phone before, and after knowing that Dayao would come to the United States today, McGrady planned to meet Dayao.

Dayao told Mai Di that he was having lunch with Lin Nan and asked Mai Di to come and get together.

McGrady was very happy to meet Lin Nan.

The arrival of McGrady made it easier for Lin Nan and Wang Wei.

Dayao asked the kitchen to add another four or five dishes.

"Maizi, come to the Rockets, I want to be your teammate!" Dayao said, looking at Maidi sincerely.

Dayao really wants McGrady to return to the Rockets, but McGrady said that he still needs to think about it.

"Thank you Yao, please give me some time to think about it." McGrady smiled.

"Don't think about it, Olajuwon, Drexler, Francis, they all decided to go back to the Rockets.

It would be a real pity if you don't come back. "Dayao didn't want to miss McGrady, a good teammate.

He wants to see that when the team needs it, McGrady can stand up and attack the city.

Hearing what Dayao said, McGrady was moved, and his teammates were strong, how could he not be moved?

However, he didn't rush to answer Dayao, but turned to Lin Nan, "Lin, which team do you think is more suitable for me to come back?"

Lin Nan, who was eating a big crab, was stunned for a moment. Why did McGrady ask me about this?
To be honest, Lin Nan's biggest concern is to get all the stars back to the top as soon as possible.

In that way, he can just lie down at home and operate it, instead of running to face-to-face operation like he did at the beginning.

As for where the stars want to go, he doesn't want to ask, you can go wherever you like.

But seeing Dayao's face begging for help, Lin Nan thought about it and said a few words.

Lin Nan put down his chopsticks and said, "Maizi, you performed very well during the Magic period. I think your comeback there is a very good choice."

McGrady nodded after hearing this. During the Magic period, he won two consecutive scoring titles, and his skills were almost complete.

Dayao's face turned black when he heard that, my god, brother Lin Nan, if you want to say that, then you might as well not say it.

In fact, Lin Nan hadn't finished speaking, he shrugged and continued: "But I want to see you come back in the Rockets."

Maddie asked in confusion, "Why?"

Lin Nan said with a smile: "Because you can score 35 points in 13 seconds in the Rockets."

In his first year with the Rockets, the 25-year-old McGrady is no worse than in the Magic, and it can even be said that his style of play is more mature.

He defeated the Spurs in 35 seconds and 13 minutes, and he has performed the magic to the extreme!
Facing the Mavericks (Lone Ranger) domineering dunk Bradley and the feat of killing the Mavericks, McGrady once reached the pinnacle of his career, but it is a pity that he still cannot escape the "curse of the first round".

This time, McGrady will break through the first round of the playoffs no matter what.

And this is why McGrady has been hesitant about where to go. He wants to stay in the Magic with "Warcraft" Howard, and also wants to come to the Rockets to partner with Dayao and "Dream" Olajuwon.

Listening to what Lin Nan said now, McGrady felt that what Lin Nan said was right. Although he averaged fewer points per game in the first year of coming to the Rockets, it was because the team's tactics required him to reduce the number of shots.

In fact, McGrady felt that the competitive state at that time was not worse than that in the Magic period.

That being the case, McGrady decided to return to the Rockets.

"Okay, then I will listen to you Lin, I will return to the Rockets!!!" McGrady said firmly.

Dayao grinned happily.

The same goes for Wang Wei. He fell in love with watching the NBA because of the "Yao-Mai Combination". Later, the "Yao-Mai Combination" disbanded.

The task was completed, Lin Nan didn't say any more, he continued to eat the delicious dishes "bazababaza", just after taking a small bite, Dayao toasted Lin Nan to express his thanks.

If Lin Nan hadn't spoken for him just now, McGrady couldn't have agreed to return to the Rockets so quickly.

If it continues to drag on, one of them will be poached by the Magic.

next week.

The NBA has entered the most tragic and turbulent period in history.

All 30 teams in the league are busy recalling stars.

In order to compete for the big-name players who have played for the team.

The team owners are not less infighting and playing tricks.

They came to talk, proposed high salaries, and even played the emotional card on social media.

As long as they think it is possible, those team owners will do everything they can.

There is only one purpose, to re-recruit the favorite star into the team.

The team was busy robbing people, but Lin Nan was idle.

Just when Lin Nan felt that blood was useless, he received a call from the leader of Qiao Gang.

The return personnel of the Bulls have all been determined, and Lin Nan can go to help them restart the peak at any time.

After confirming the time, Lin Nan got up and went to Chicago.

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