After Schurrle kicked the ball away, the situation on the field began to change.

Zheng Lin began to push forward with the ball continuously, his position was no longer limited to a certain area, and his most suitable passing position began to appear.

Hypia was surprised by this change. He thought it would take some time for Zheng Lin to get used to it, but what he didn't expect was that it had only just started in the second half, and it had changed a lot. Looking forward to the game even more!
Zheng Lin's activity in the midfield made Stalinger realize that this guy didn't only pass the ball in one area before. He was famous for sweeping the midfield and being able to run when he was in the first team, let alone He also has a heavy shot.

"damn it!"

Stalinger realized the problem at this time. This was also because Zheng Lin's performance in the last few games was too good, which made them ignore Zheng Lin's presence on the field before.

Then just wait and start adjusting.

Zheng Lin's activeness ensured that he took the lead in controlling the football immediately after the Hamburg team's goal kick was taken.

After intercepting the football, Zheng Lin glanced at the offensive players of the Hamburg team, and he directly dribbled the ball forward, as if he had adapted to his new "role". Zheng Lin's dribbling speed was not too fast at this time. Organize while advancing with the ball, instead of needing space to organize stably, this situation will have higher requirements for players.

Zheng Lin kept advancing at a constant speed while observing the positions of his teammates.

At this time, Milan Badelli and others of the Hamburg team have all settled down. They set up a posture and weave a big net to trap Zheng Lin.

Faced with such a situation, Zheng Lin did not continue to advance, but stopped. He glanced at Sam's position. He knew very well that if he moved forward, he might fall into their encirclement.

The experience of the first half is vivid, and the defensive area of ​​the three formed at this time is constantly shrinking towards Zheng Lin.

Regarding this situation, Zheng Lin glanced back at Raphael van der Vaart who kept approaching him, and asked him to take a deep breath, while making his own judgment in his heart.

After observing Kisling's position, Zheng Lin dribbled the ball directly to the left sideline. This behavior was not in line with his habits. After all, this guy had always been a right midfielder before, and his preferred foot was also left.

Although there are many good shots with his right foot, many people still think that Zheng Lin's dominant foot is his left foot. After all, this guy's previous shooting habit is to shoot with the outside of his left foot or rubbing his left foot.

Milan Badelli looked at Zheng Lin's side, and he knew one thing clearly, that is, Zheng Lin's side will attract the defense, so that the midfielder has room to move.

Judging from the current situation, football needs space, and players need to constantly pull on the field to create space.

If you make good use of the space, you will benefit your team!
And Zheng Lin's pulling side also made the commentators a little surprised. As Zheng Lin moved to the side, the defensive players responsible for defending him had to move together.

After Zheng Lin glanced at Kisling, he withdrew his gaze, stared at Badelli directly, and kicked his feet directly.

"Zheng Lin pulled the sideline. He looked at his teammates in the frontcourt. Is he going to pass the ball?"

"It's the pass, Kisling, Stefan Kisling has gone first
He touched the football first, there was no time for him to adjust, he kicked the goal! "

"Hey, this shot is too straight, and the goalkeeper lifted the crossbar with one hand!"

Another effective attack, but again the best chance to score was lost due to the shot being too direct.

For this result, Kisling was a little annoyed. If he could deflect a little bit, then the ball would be a goal!
I don't know how many times he spitting out cakes. In such a situation, Kisling also started to win the title of a master of cake spitting.

This is of course just a joke, and more of their recognition of Zheng Lin's passing skills. This young man has already tended to develop in the direction of the future master!

The midfield master——Zheng Lin, these are not only the expectations of the fans, but also Zheng Lin's requirements for himself!
"But fortunately, this is a corner kick. For Zheng Lin, they still have a chance! There are still 25 minutes left in the game!"

"Corner, Sam took the corner, a player who replaced Hegler."

As for why Tihegrad is, because the commentator is really disgusted by him, doesn't he know what his strength is?You must recognize yourself on the court, otherwise it will be a joke!

"The corner kick was taken, and the point was later, but Omer took the lead, and the direction of the ball's flight changed. Milan Badelli, the second hit the football, and the ball had already flown to the outside."


Zheng Lin, who had been falling on the edge of the penalty area, "picked up" the ball. He didn't make any adjustments, and just shot angrily!

"It's a pity that this high-quality shot hit the defensive player, and finally changed direction and rubbed the post to get out of the baseline."

"If this continues, the final result will be a draw. This result is not an unacceptable result for the two teams, but they want more!"

"This is inevitable. Isn't sports competition just about wanting to win? If it's not for winning, then they can just lie flat!"

With the situation of the last corner kick, Sam also observed the situation of the personnel in the penalty area and Zheng Lin outside the penalty area. He took a deep breath and this time he chose the front point.

Omer did not grab the best position in the draw, which also caused him to miss this attack.

The ball was finally headed by Heiko Westermann, but it did not go far from the penalty area. This is a more dangerous situation for Hamburg.

Not getting out of the restricted area means that there may be problems.

This problem really appeared in the subsequent situation!

Van der Vaart sent the ball out of the penalty area first, but the person who responded to him did not keep up in time, which caused the ball to change hands again!

Relying on his physical advantage, Omer grabbed the short pass in front of Badelli.

Omer glanced at Zheng Lin's position. He quite agrees with Hyypia's statement. As long as you can bring victory to the team, there is nothing wrong with treating you as a core player!
He passed the ball to Zheng Lin, and then quickly retreated. As a central defender, he knew his responsibilities very well.

What should be done and what should not be done, is clear in his heart, earning a lot of money, becoming a superstar, it is not that he has not thought about it in his heart, but he knows better that he does not have the strength to become a star at all.

After Zheng Lin got the ball, he dunked and pulled, and quickly won a chance for himself to shoot. He directly pumped the inside of his right foot, and the ball turned into an arc and flew towards the goal.

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