For the expectations of the 15-16 season, Zheng Lin has no plans yet.

Xiao Shisan arranged for Zheng Lin.

[Mission 16: We are in the top [-] twice in a row, no matter how you say it, it’s time to break through, right?Complete the breakthrough in the Champions League, at least the semi-finals;

Success: A bottle of level potion (below level 90, directly upgrade to one level);

Failure: directly reduce one level;
Completion time: May 5 of the following year. 】

[Task 16: The current Manchester City lineup cannot support multi-line combat, so it is necessary to ensure the qualification for the 17-[-] Champions League, so complete this task!

Success: A bottle of level potion (below level 90, directly upgrade to one level);

Failure: directly reduce one level;
Completion time: before May 5 of the following year]

This seems to be all given for nothing. Of course, apart from the first one, the second task is not too difficult!
Although the current Premier League teams have reinforcements, Manchester City still has the strength to guarantee a seat for themselves.

This is Zheng Lin's self-confidence, because after strengthening De Bruyne, he believes that Manchester City should not be bad in midfield creativity. kind of performance.

The rest is about how to cooperate with De Bruyne. On this point, Zheng Lin decided to let nature take its course. Anyway, the contract has reached the third year, and the rest of the four-year contract depends on whether they can cooperate happily!
【Host, your idea is wrong. If you want to leave, then you should make sure of it, instead of hesitating here like a bitch! 】

Xiao Shisan appeared out of nowhere, directly shaking Zheng Lin with fright.

Want to leave Manchester City?
For now, Zheng Lin is doing pretty well in Manchester City. Apart from some young and radical fans, Zheng Lin feels that Manchester City is still worth staying!

But then his thoughts were shattered.

[After Manchester City introduced De Bruyne, how do the other midfielders of the team plan to arrange? 】

This is an interview about Olesco, the management of Manchester City.

Olesco, a senior technical adviser to the Manchester City general manager with grizzled hair and a wrinkled face, and his dim old eyes flashing inexplicably from time to time when he speaks, this is not an easy final.

[De Bruyne is an excellent player. I believe he can become an indispensable part of Manchester City's midfield. For others, it depends on the coach's idea. 】

[I think that after the start of the next season, Manchester City needs to negotiate the renewal of players. Have you considered which players must stay? 】

[Fernandinho, our captain Kompany, David Silva, etc. 】

As if he didn't get the information he wanted, the reporter made a point of saying, "Then about Zheng Lin, how does Manchester City plan his future in Manchester City?"

[Zheng Lin?Hmm... It depends on the arrangement of coach Pellegrini. I believe that De Bruyne will form a very good midfield combination with him, assuming...]

Before he could finish speaking, the voice from the microphone was silenced, but the way the lips moved made one realize that there should be a premise.

With the help of Xiao Shisan, Zheng Lin understood it—assuming he had another skin color, then he would be the perfect midfielder.

[Another white man, hey, the IQ of these old gentlemen is really questionable! 】

Xiao Shisan couldn't help but sighed. At this moment, he couldn't help but worry about whether Zheng Lin would do something radical.

Zheng Lin knew exactly who this person was. He was one of the club's top consultants. He only had the right to make suggestions, but he could also get involved in the decision-making circle.

[Ahem, cough, host, do you want me to get him something subconscious? 】

For Zheng Lin who stopped the movement and said nothing, Xiao Shisan realized whether it was a mistake for him to help someone understand that lip expression.

[No need, he is a veteran native of England, you can’t change their thinking for a while, and for the rest of the time, you come to assist me, I want to improve myself quickly! 】

Then Zheng Lin sent a text message to Mendes-delaying the contract renewal negotiations with Manchester City.


When Zheng Lin redoubled his training, there were also so-called lip language experts who broke the news of the senior consultant's words.

【what does this mean?Change skin color?Skin color and bloodline are all given by parents!Is this discrimination against people of color? 】

[Upstairs is correct, it is hard to imagine that such a person can become a senior consultant of Manchester City! 】

[What's so strange about this, this kind of thinking is extremely correct in the consciousness of the older generation, he has been brainwashed long ago! 】


As this matter fermented, Zheng Lin did not come forward, but his agent Mendes came forward to express his dissatisfaction with this statement, thinking that it was an extremely absurd argument.

This also made the general manager of the team who had just finished tossing about the transfer matter completely taken aback by this matter.

His senior consultant went out to cause trouble again?
This is really a headache. If it weren't for his seniority in England, he would have kicked him out straight away. He hasn't done anything serious. Instead, he often causes troubles and needs Manchester City officials to wipe his ass.

This time, his words may have caused trouble.

For Zheng Lin's plan, he, De Bruyne and David Silva will form a frontcourt trio, with Fernandinho as the midfielder.

Compared with De Bruyne, he will still trust Zheng Lin's ability to attack tough problems more.

After all, after two years in the Premier League, many of the difficulties Manchester City encountered were handled by Zheng Lin.

Just like the final winner of the Champions League in the first half of the year, without him, I am afraid that when going to Camp Nou, it would have been a formality!
These are just his conjectures. He also hopes that De Bruyne can be as good as Zheng Lin. At that time, he may need to replace another top midfielder, so Manchester City's invincible midfielder will be born!
But what is needed right now is to appease Zheng Lin. Zheng Lin did not ask for a salary increase. He has a headache. The liquidated damages of 2.5 million yuan is what they have always wanted to cancel, but they can't find any reason to cancel it. one.

In his thinking, if the club takes the initiative to propose, it will make the players more convinced that they will not touch this point, and may even raise the price on the ground.

But with the old man doing something, he had to come forward.

After making an appointment with Mendes, he didn't hear anything unusual. The most terrifying thing was that there was nothing unusual. Now he hated this "bad old man" to the core!
"Notify the PR department to deal with this quickly, I don't like to see them the next day!"

And the party Zheng Lin also received the third task;
【Mission [-]: Being despised and ridiculed by others, then as the host of the players, they must counterattack them with goals!Tell them how powerful the host is!

Success: Reward 2 multipurpose points,
failed: None;

Time limit: none]

This third task made Zheng Lin excited. There is still one month before the start of the next season, and Zheng Lin can't wait!

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