The final harvest of this game, Zheng Lin harvested 1700 victory points.

Although not much, it is a good start for Zheng Lin.

If you really count it carefully, Zheng Lin's gains in this wave are quite high. After all, apart from the bonus of having a first show in the previous game, there are also some random bonuses, so that the gains are so high.

In this game, Zheng Lin scored a high score of 8.1.

The performance on the field, one pass and one shot, plus the key defense in the first half, all have a scoring bonus for him, especially the system likes such players very much.

In this system's scoring system, Zheng Lin's game is: 8.3.

[Goals: 500
Assists: 400
Critical Defense: 300
Steals: 250
Running position: 150
Tactic execution: 100]

Looking at these, in fact, it means that tactical execution is earned for nothing, and everything else needs to be created by continuous running on the court.

This also makes Zheng Lin full of expectations for the next game.

In fact, what surprised Zheng Lin the most was that the main midfielder of the team, due to some unknown reasons, his injury worsened again, and it is estimated that he will recover from the injury in July!
This is not a happy story, but it makes Zheng Lin look forward to the rest of the first league confrontation!
In fact, Zheng Lin has also thought about a question, if he is not in the Bundesliga, can he adapt so quickly?
The answer is no!

You read that right, yes, Zheng Lin will not adapt so quickly, because the time gap between each round of the Bundesliga is relatively long, which is a good thing for young players, especially already in the first line right player.

Due to the long interval between each round of the league, they have enough time to watch the replays, correct their mistakes, and avoid repeating them in the next game.

So this is why those leagues with more intense competition will export their youth players to the Bundesliga, because there is a good incubation base here.

As long as you are willing to learn here, you are destined to gain something.

This kind of harvest is accumulated through hard work, and the more important point is self-discipline!
For Zheng Lin, these are indispensable.

Then in the next few games, Zheng Lin is ready, as long as he plays, he will go all out and fight for a better tomorrow!

In the next game.

Zheng Lin faced Wolfsburg as a guest in the 28th round of the Bundesliga. He assisted Schurrle to score a goal, but the result was not so satisfactory. Leverkusen drew 1:1 with Wolfsburg fort.

The 29th round of the Bundesliga played away against Schalke 04. This is a traditional Bundesliga powerhouse. At this time, their points are firmly behind them. This is a game that cannot be missed.

Although Kisling and Zheng Lin both played well, the final score was fixed at 2:2.

This was a bit disappointing for Zheng Lin, but it also made him realize that he was still lacking in facing strong teams, especially in the choice of balls.

Playing the ball too cautiously made him often miss good games.

Fortunately, it was a draw in the end, which is acceptable for Hyypia. After all, the team's midfielder is still a little young and needs time to grow.

As long as he can perform better in the next game, then this draw will be very worthwhile!

After two consecutive games, Zheng Lin's performance is not very good, but it is enough for Zheng Lin to gain 2400 victory points, which is a new start for his promotion.

At this time, Zheng Lin's data has entered a new start.

【Name: Zheng Lin
Age: 17 years and 10 months
Position: midfield

Growth Template: Barak (S)

Level: Level 60 (6500 victory points are needed to upgrade)

Available Points: 4
Strength: 78 (Because the host's body is too weak, it will return to normal when the host's weight rises to 80KG.)
Stamina: 98
Speed: 75
Shots: 88
Defense: 83
Aggressiveness: 86
Headers: 76
Tactical Awareness: 85
Passes: 80
Traits: Midfield Commander (Silver), Good Long Shot (Purple), Pass Master (Inactive), Good Header (Bronze)

Note: The host has reached level 60, and the displayed values ​​at this time are all detailed values. If you have any questions, please respond to the system in time; the characteristics are purple>gold>silver>bronze>inactive. If you need to upgrade the level or activate the characteristics, then Multiple game victories are required, and the points obtained for each game victory will be judged by the system, and the top league will receive additional rewards. 】

[About these four points, the host can choose to add them to the attributes you want to improve. Note that the exchange of points at level 60 is 1 point = 1000 victory points, and the exchange of subsequent levels will be directly doubled. Please use it with caution. points. 】

Four points, Zheng Lin paid attention to his own attribute points, many of which have a small increase, which means that it is possible to improve his attribute points through competitions, but there are some hard attributes that cannot be improved Yes, that is thinking about speed, tactical awareness and so on.

How about increasing the speed?

Zheng Lin thought of this. Although he is tall and powerful, his speed is not fast enough. For Zheng Lin, facing those fast flying wings, he can't keep up at all, so he can only sigh.

At present, I only have a speed of 75 points, which is enough under normal circumstances, but who can dislike my speed on the court?

Then increase the speed to 80 first. For those BTs above 95, Zheng Lin thinks it is enough. Not everyone can have such a fast speed!

After giving all 4 points to the speed, Zheng Lin's next main task is to adapt.

His goal is to give the opponent an unexpected output in the next game!

The next answer will appear in the game!

On April 4th, facing Hoffenheim in an away game, Zheng Lin handed in a satisfactory answer sheet, with 20 goals and 2 assist, and he was also the initiator of many attacks, which made Hyypia very happy .

Such outstanding performance also brought a lot of scouts who came to watch the game. Most of them knew each other. The goal of this trip was that young man on the field——Zheng Lin!
A child who is not yet 18 years old, a rising star!

Judging from the current few games, Zheng Lin's performance is very good, especially in the case that he is not the core of the offense. He has won two wins, one draw and one loss in the first four games, with 4 goals and 4 assists. On average, that is to say, he has one goal and one assist in every game, which is really great for a rookie.

There are still four games left in the Bundesliga, so these four games will determine Zheng Lin's final worth!

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