NBA super point guard

Chapter 99 The beginning of the new season

On September 9, the training ground.

Westbrook was stretching and talking non-stop.

"Have you heard? Four people were signed in one go this morning, and they are all non-guaranteed!"

"What's the matter, didn't I also sign the right and wrong guarantee last year?"

"But four people were signed at once, and the media said Presti was crazy!"

Li Muhua waved his hand and didn't care.

The Thunder selected three rookies in the summer, and then there was no other action until this morning, when they suddenly announced the signing of four players.

And these four are all abandoned by other teams in the NBA.

It’s not to blame for the media’s reverie. After all, last year’s undrafted pick Li Muhua, as well as Durant and Westbrook, were missed. Presti’s vision has been recognized.

This summer, the Thunder left a lot of people. Currently, the relatively stable players include Durant, Westbrook, Li Muhua, Green, Krstic, Weaver, Sefoloza, and Collison. The main lineup of last season.

The uniform team has basically not changed, and a new offensive coach has been added.

Rex Kalamanda, the new offensive assistant coach, turned into a devil and drilled the Thunder rookies for four months.

Taking Li Muhua as an example, Kalamanda yelled at him every time he collapsed to the ground.

"Ruppy, don't you know that this is the beginning of training?"

It was a nightmare, Li Muhua gritted his teeth and persisted, but he shuddered when he thought about it.

Of course, the benefits of this hell-style training are also very obvious.

When the lights first came on, Li Muhua returned to the apartment.

"Honey, when will you change your place of residence?"

Like a boudoir who welcomes her husband home, Doyle put her arms around Li Muhua's neck and kept acting coquettishly.

Regarding this apartment, Li Muhua left many good memories, including eating instant noodles in the middle of the night, and even one day in summer, when he tricked his girlfriend back home and went to bed on a night with ulterior motives.

"Here. Let's see how the team signs with me next year!"

Li Muhua kissed Doyle and kicked the door shut.

Buying a house is already in Li Muhua's plan, and everything depends on Andrew's negotiations with Presti at the end of the new season.

That night, Oklahoma City encountered a thunderstorm.

On the second day, in the training ground.

"Okay, guys, it's time for the training camp again. It seems that you have been training very hard during this time. Of course, some of you are having fun!"

Brooks called the players together, and then began to lecture.

After receiving the physical examination form Kalamanda made for the players, Brooks nodded with satisfaction after reading it.

Durant was like a cheetah out of the cage, Westbrook's muscles swelled, Green's figure got bigger, and the only one was Li Muhua, who looked the same as before, but gained 5 kilograms.

Brooks was very satisfied with the state of the players. After introducing a few newcomers, he returned to the office.

One of the newcomers impressed Li Muhua very much, James Harden, who looked very strong, was the same height as Li Muhua at 1.96 meters.

The key is that Harden has a higher draft ranking than Westbrook.

Harden's eyes were bleary, he looked like he couldn't wake up, and he looked like a young boy.

"My name is James Harden, everyone can call me James!"

Harden looked reserved and spoke a little shyly.

The old players all laughed, and Green gave the order directly:

"James, go get some ice cream!"

Harden nodded, turned around and left the training ground.

Li Muhua was stunned immediately, this was the legendary old bird bullying the rookie.Instead, he secretly asked Green why he didn't encounter this situation when he came last year.

"Kevin and I were both newcomers the year before last, and we were messed up by the veterans. The Sonics used to have a lot of bad people, that is, Ray Allen was a good person. Besides, the team was newly established last year, and we are all newcomers. , how can there be such a comfortable day!"

Green was full of complaints, and it was hard to imagine that he was still a taciturn person who bullied newcomers and had longing for life.

"It looks very young, our team is getting younger and younger!"

"Not bad, this year the Warriors chose a baby face, and was named the team that selected elementary school students by the media!"

"I've seen that player, isn't he old enough to drink?"

A group of people discussed Stephen Curry, the son of Dell Curry.

Stephen Curry has become the favorite of the Warriors, and he has also become a primary school student in the media. His one-handed shooting ability is good, and his technical characteristics are in line with the Warriors' three-pointer tactics.However, the players of the Thunder burst into laughter, and they all took it as a joke.

After Harden came back, the players ate ice cream and talked about recent media reports.

Last month, in an interview with LeBron, he also specifically mentioned that Durant is expected to enter the All-Star. Everyone knows that it is a matter of spitting, but what LeBron said is too nutritious, and Durant directly went back. , The Cavaliers want to win the championship, the hope is relatively slim, the lineup is comparable to the Lakers first.

LeBron is the superstar touted by the league, and Durant is just a new favorite, and the media immediately became angry.

"Durant leads the second position, and the inside line is still weak!"

ESPN lineup reviews.

"Kevin, what honor do you plan to win this year?"

Li Muhua supported Durant. To be honest, Li Muhua didn't like LeBron James either.

As the No.1 player in the league, he never stopped playing weak teams, especially when he played against the Thunder last time, he used his physical fitness to crush Durant, as if a gorilla was pinching the neck of a chick.

Everyone present can see that this is a kind of absolute contempt, which is different from competition.

Durant averaged more than 20 points per game last season, ranking fifth in scoring in the regular season.

"Li, thank you, I think after this summer's training, I will let them take a good look at it!"

Durant said gratefully.

Kalamanda walked over with a newspaper in his hand, and read out the battle forecast.

"The rise is still too far away, 20 wins is close to the limit!"

The bleachers reported on the Thunder's record predictions, rising, that was Brooks' speech after his first victory in office.

Kalamanda is a very serious person, and he is not usually a joker, but at this time he read out the vicious language of the media.

"Boys, wanting to rise is not empty talk, that's what Scott expects of you, understand?"


"Then why are you still in a daze, move for me!"

With Kalamanda's loud roar, the players rushed to training.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, October 10th.

In the 09-10 NBA season, the preseason game started.

The Thunder came to Memphis to challenge the Grizzlies away.

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