NBA super point guard

Chapter 91 True Core

As soon as the fourth quarter came up, Ginobili made sudden shots and scored 10 points in a row.

The Thunder faced defensive hell in these few minutes, and the players began to lose themselves.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Brooks requested a timeout.

The Spurs are too dirty to play, almost the same as the Jazz. The most gentle way is to touch the buttocks, grab the jersey, and that's not all, there are even thighs.

The players complained all the time.

Li Muhua felt chills when he heard it. Before the relationship and when he was facing Uncle Bao, he was still in a good mood.

"LI, if you go up to organize and attack, remember, don't fall into the rhythm of the Spurs!"

Brooks pondered for a while, then looked at Li Muhua.

Pause back.

Li Muhua dribbled the ball past halftime, and Parker started to press high.

Generally speaking, the high position is more dangerous. On the one hand, the point guard must find opportunities to pass the ball, and on the other hand, he must avoid the press. Ball control is a technical job.

As the spokesperson of the French sports car, Parker's speed is not slow, Li Muhua did not stick the ball, but passed it to Westbrook.

The main function of Li Muhua on the court is to press the rhythm, not to play tactics.

The position at the top of the arc can not only respond, but also pass the vacancy, with the best view.

It is still difficult for Westbrook to beat Ginobili. After the breakthrough, he did not shake off Ginobili, so he could only choose to make a layup.

Smash the frame and strike the iron.

The Spurs grabbed the rebound, and Parker didn't choose a fast break, but slowly pressed the rhythm.

In the last quarter, the competition is the will and patience of the two teams.

Facing Li Muhua, Parker did not choose singles, handed it over to Ginobili, and began to run without the ball.

Li Muhua's pace was not slow, and Parker's running position emerged in his mind.

"It's here!"

Li Muhua snorted, and when Parker was about to return to the flank, he cut off Ginobili's return pass with his palm.

fast break.

Everyone in positions one and two started running.

Parker followed closely, and Li Muhua wanted to pass to Westbrook, but the position was not very good, and Ginobili had already gone straight into the middle, so he had no choice but to miss the fleeting opportunity.

Li Muhua made a gesture and stopped outside the three-point line, apparently wanting to reorganize.

Parker also breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed slightly.

Li Muhua raised his hand and threw a three-pointer, everyone was stunned.

Are the two teams agreed to fight for rhythm? Why have they already voted?


There was a crisp netting sound.

Westbrook came over to celebrate.

Li Muhua showed extremely high intelligence in this ball, and he shot like a needle in the sea, instantly extinguishing the desire of the Spurs to start.

The Spurs played very patiently. Parker handed it over to Ginobili, and after a few passes, Duncan took the last shot and hit the board.

In this way, the two sides came to the last minute.

The Spurs 94:95 the Thunder, the Thunder's advantage is not obvious.

After the timeout, the Spurs drove the ball, Ginobili took control of the ball, and then made a direct shot from outside the three-point line. Durant interfered and missed the shot.

Then, Duncan got stuck at the basket, Krstic couldn't take off, and the rebound was caught by Bonner.

Make a tip-up and still hit the iron.

Duncan finally got the rebound and made up the ball.

The time has been consumed for 40 seconds, and there is only 20 seconds to attack.

The last goal can be said to be full of suspense. The Thunder can run out of time or make a fast break, but the risk is relatively high.

The pressure is all on the Thunder.

"Guys, I know you are very tired, but sometimes the outcome is in a flash. The last ball is given to Kevin. Whenever there is a chance, Kevin will shoot. The second choice is LI. Do you understand? ?”

Brooks kept making arrangements for the final attack on the tactical board.

Pause back.

The Spurs' defense was like an iron wall, and the Thunder almost couldn't serve the ball.

Westbrook rushed to the frontcourt quickly, but was entangled by Parker when he wanted to stick the ball. Seeing that the ball was about to be lost, he had no choice but to pass it to Li Muhua.

As soon as Li Muhua received the ball, Ginobili was next to him.

"Dude, vote if you can, just like the old days!"

Ginobili was entangled with his hands and was still nagging.

Li Muhua blocked Ginobili with his left arm, and kept patting the ball with his right hand.

On the surface, Li Muhua's face was full of anger. He couldn't shoot a three-pointer in front of Ginobili before. The relationship between the two is not difficult to understand, but Li Muhua's mind is constantly calculating the timing of the phone.

Durant has no chance to catch the ball. Finley is very entangled. If it is passed, it will be a mistake.

Li Muhua glanced at the basket, and chose to turn around and step back to make a jump shot.

The ball jumped very high, and Ginobili also jumped high, almost touching the ball. Li Muhua shot it instantly, and the basketball flew high into the air.

Very high arc of rotation.


After Li Muhua fell to the ground, he saw the goal and made a fist and a hook.

"did you see! fuck!"

Li Muhua cursed excitedly in a low voice, and walked past the expressionless Ginobili.

The Thunder led by two points, leaving only 6 seconds left for the Spurs.

Originally, Li Muhua thought that the last shot was Ginobili or Parker, but the Thunder made a massive siege, but the ball passed to Finley who ran out of space.

Michael Finley, the forward swingman of the Spurs.

The average three-point shooting rate can reach 37%, and when Finley catches the ball, the Thunder players suddenly feel cold.

Absolutely great space.

Finley made a three-pointer from the top of the arc. When the timer showed 0, the flight trajectory of the basketball was very flat.

Smash the frame!

Finley missed the winning chance on the last shot.

"Oh yeah!"

The Thunder players hugged each other excitedly.

Double-killing the Spurs this season, it seems that the Thunder have become the nemesis of the Spurs.

After the game, Popovich was interviewed:
"The Thunder team is in very good condition and reminded us. At least from this game, we have seen many of our own shortcomings. Just don't make the same mistakes in the playoffs!"

"Yes, we thought we were going to lose at the time. Normally we performed very well. It was only at the last moment that you knew what was going on with the beating of the heart!"


"Kevin's performance in this game is remarkable, especially our several arrow players, who performed very well. Of course, LI has a big heart. We all know that this kind of thing is not the case. First time of the season!"

Li Muhua kept a low profile:

"The ball was handed over to me. The opportunity was not good at that time. I was a little impulsive. Although I won in the end, it is undeniable that the shot at that time was indeed a bit reckless!"

Li Muhua originally thought that these words would solve the matter of the last vote, but who knows, it was exaggerated by the media.

"The true core of the Thunder, LI's status in the team is gradually improving!"

The next day, ESPN's report hit the title directly.

This made the Thunder very uncomfortable. Of course, Li Muhua had no choice at the time, and Durant's running position was also a problem, but this is definitely not a problem with the locker room or the team leader.

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