NBA super point guard

Chapter 8 The Battle of Oklahoma City


With a loud bang, Durant hung on the basket.

Li Muhua passed the ball from a very strange angle, and no one could detect the slightest intention.

In fact, it all just happened in an instant. When Green let go of Durant, Li Muhua threw the ball in the air, and Durant took two steps and directly lobbed it.

I have to say that the pass was beautiful, and Westbrook's expression became serious. As a point guard, he knew what such passing awareness meant.

Westbrook's speed is fast and his physical talent is strong. Li Muhua relies on rhythm to interfere, but when Westbrook rushes up, Li Muhua can only regret to give up. This guy's physical fitness is very good. .

Thanks to the rhythm skills that Adams imparted to Li Muhua, relying on the frequency of various parts of the body to disrupt the opponent.

However, he couldn't guard Westbrook.

Fortunately, the teammates played very seriously, and it was not easy for the first team to score the next goal.

Half an hour later, Li Muhua had tried his best, and he kept the super brain turned on. His good competitive state made Westbrook feel very uncomfortable, but at the end, Li Muhua sat on the floor panting for breath.

Compared with the state of a few minutes before, now after training, he can last for half an hour. Of course, if it is a real game, he can last for about 10 minutes.

Li Muhua thinks that in terms of physical talent, Westbrook is better than Ginobili, which means that during this period of time, his strength has improved rapidly under the training of Adams.

However, if he is singled out, he still rushes to the street and cannot guard against Westbrook.

"LI, your pass is great, I think I feel a lot better!" Durant said hi, he was very comfortable catching the ball today and played very happily.

"Thank you, you voted so accurately!"

The two flattered each other a few words, but Westbrook was so angry that he was a lottery pick this year, and the strength of an undrafted player actually exploded with him, which made him a little uncomfortable with his pride.

Li Muhua is still very satisfied with tonight's performance. He thinks it's all thanks to Durant. As the core of the team, the defensive focus is all on him, which makes it easier for Li Muhua's pass to tear apart the opponent's defense.

On November 11, the Thunder visited the Toyota Center and ushered in their first game of the regular season.

Before the Rockets and the Thunder had a preseason game, Yao Ming did not play, but Tracy McGrady and Artest teamed up to kill the Thunder.

After the two sides warmed up, they returned to the locker room. The head coach Carlesimo looked serious.

"Guys, although the Rockets are a strong team, I hope your defense will be tougher!" Carlesimo mobilized before the game.

The Rockets have played three games in four days, and they are not as good as the Thunder in terms of physical and mental condition.But in the first quarter, the battle between the two sides was extremely stalemate, and even Carlesimo walked back and forth anxiously on the sidelines.

The Thunder's defense was successful, and the Rockets' shooting percentage in the first quarter was low.

Li Muhua felt that the Rockets' physical and mental fatigue should be the reason. To be honest, the Thunder's defense is very average.

In the second quarter, the Rockets' substitutes rained three-pointers and almost crushed the Thunder.

Fortunately, the Thunder's players are relatively young, relying on fast-break opportunities to bite the score. The Thunder's athletic talent is the envy of the Rockets.

In the third quarter, Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming broke out one after another, pulling the score apart in less than half a quarter.

Westbrook's face was darkened, and Alston didn't even challenge him one-on-one, relying on Yao Ming's huge body to support the ball, throwing three-pointers all beyond the standard.

In the fourth quarter of this situation, the Rockets actually began to let Yao Ming play the inside line again. The abusive Collison had begun to doubt his life. In the end, Carlesimo had no choice but to let Chris go up to double-team.

The Thunder's defense was completely messed up.

Durant played a superstar performance in this game, but he couldn't support it alone. The Thunder's overall feel is not good. Durant alone can't support the entire team.

Although Li Muhua had been sitting next to the drinking fountain, he could clearly see that Yao Ming was sweating profusely, and the Giant was exhausted after playing three quarters in a row.

The Rockets ushered in a three-game winning streak at home, while the Thunder got off to a bad start. Li Muhua's reputation is not obvious, not to mention that he is just a drinking fountain player, and he might be cut off one day, so he doesn't have the nerve to say hello to Yao Ming. Head followed his teammates out of the field.

The schedule of the Thunder team is very tight. The next day is the home opener, and the team flew back to Oklahoma City overnight.

October 10, Ford Center.

This is the Thunder's first home game in Oklahoma City, which is of great significance.

General Manager Presti personally came to the locker room to cheer, and even gave Carlesimo a death order. There are many people from Oklahoma City who came to watch the game today. In order to leave a good impression on the hearts of the local fans, the whole team must Desperately.

Even chickens pecking at each other should fight well and win well.

After the general manager left, Carlesimo fell into deep thought. He didn't know that to play well, he had to give up a certain amount of defense, but he only talked about defense.

"Scott, do you have any good advice?"

After the players came out, Carlesimo followed behind and quietly grabbed Brooks.

"PJ, don't worry, take a look at the situation, if something is wrong, I will speak up!"

"Okay, it's up to you!"

Although the local media in Oklahoma City complain about the Thunder every day, the locals still have high hopes for this team.Before the Thunder settled in Oklahoma City, the entire state of Oklahoma did not have any of the Big Four teams.

The locals are still very optimistic about the future of the Thunder. The second place Durant, rookie Westbrook and others are young and talented.

With a whistle, the audience burst into cheers, and the battle belonging to Oklahoma City began.

Durant was regarded as a life-saving straw by Carlesimo and let everyone play for him.In fact, at the beginning, this strategy was not bad. Durant felt very good tonight, and the Thunder clung to the score.

"Time out!"

During the official timeout, Durant sat down panting, and Li Muhua quickly handed over the Gatorade.

It can be seen that the main offensive task of the Thunder today is placed on Durant, and he is very tired.

"You pay attention, if the situation is not right, don't feed Durant the ball, whoever gets the ball will attack, understand?" Brooks kept emphasizing this point.

Durant's physical strength supported the team's offense for half a quarter, which is already very good.

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