NBA super point guard

Chapter 78 Key players

1 seconds.

The arc of the basketball flying out is very high, spinning slowly in the air.

Li Muhua raised a fist with one hand after landing.

This is the standard of victory.


With a crisp sound of hitting the net, Thunder teammates frantically hugged Li Muhua.

competition is over.

"It's an incredible lore"

"Yeah, it's exciting, let's watch it again."

"Unbelievable, this is LI's rookie season, and it's his second lore of the season!"

The two commentators looked incredible.

Li Muhua was so exhausted that he could hardly walk anymore, shook hands with Nash and the others, and hurried back to the locker room.

In the battle against the Suns, Li Muhua scored 25 points, 11 assists and 4 steals, hitting All-Star numbers.

The reporters were very excited. It's really rare for an undrafted pick to perform like this. Moreover, Li Muhua's average assists per game is already close to 10.

This means that Li Muhua has challenged the best point guards in the league.

"Yes, I didn't make a special lore tactic, this is completely LI's subconscious behavior, oh? What? The distance is far away. NONO, you don't know, this is very normal in LI's dictionary!"

In an interview, Brooks praised Li Muhua's usual training attitude.

There is no need to question the level of the three-point leader.

What?Two steps beyond the arc?

Don't forget, this is the three-point leader this year.As for what he usually trains, Brooks didn't tell the truth, he only said that he practiced three-pointers.

Li Muhua's training attitude has a lot to do with the team's environment, such as the Bad Boys of the Pistons.

Yes, the bad boy army led by Isaiah Thomas, the trick is to step on the opponent's foot, which is disgusting.

It can be seen that the environment of a team is very important. The current Thunder team can be said to be an army of good boys. There are no nightclubs and parties. Under the leadership of Brooks, they only know about training every day.

Durant and Westbrook are very diligent, and their training attitude is no worse than that of Li Muhua.

The key is that their talents are still very good, and Li Muhua can't do it if he doesn't want to be active.

"Coach Scott, this is the Thunder's first season, we can all understand, what is your vision for the next season?"

The ESPN reporter stood up holding the microphone.

Brooks did not answer immediately, but thought for a while:
"Mr. Presti also asked me, my answer is very simple, I want to let these children fly, thank you!"

Brooks nodded after answering.

It was only then that people discovered a terrifying thing. Durant and Green are the twin stars of the Thunder team, while Westbrook is another core. Now with Li Muhua, after careful calculation, the Thunder team can easily get 20+ There are quite a few people.

After the key, the two are still rookies, which is scary.

No wonder Brooks is so confident.

Li Muhua also felt that he was in good shape in this game. The key was the flexible use of running without the ball. He didn't feel it before, but after watching the video tape, those technical moves seemed to be recorded by Ultrain, directing Li Muhua's actions.

Li Muhua felt a little unbelievable, could super brain still have such a use.

It's just that during the competition, Li Muhua didn't think too much. After getting on the plane, Li Muhua fell asleep without thinking too much.

Another back to back.

The Golden State Warriors are at home against the Thunder.

The main force of the Thunder team is exhausted, and the schedule is tight. There are always a few back-to-backs every year, and it is clear that they are giving away heads.

The Warriors are in good shape and are playing fast, especially under the leadership of Jackson, fast but not messy.The substitute lineup had Maggette's crazy impact, and the exhausted Thunder couldn't cope at all.

Although both teams scored high scores of over 120, the Thunder still lost.

In this game, Li Muhua was very uncomfortable. The result of his desperate fight with the Suns last night was that his state was a bit out of tune today.

In terms of tactics, the execution was finally in place. Li Muhua scored 15 points, 8 assists and 1 steal, but made 5 turnovers.

The right to shoot has also reached 7-9 times, which can be regarded as the core rotation player of the team.

The Warriors scored in double figures with seven players, blossoming in full bloom, defeating the entire line of the Thunder.

Back to Oklahoma.

The team rested for two consecutive days, which is rare in normal times.

On the third day, the Thunder played against the Lakers at home.

The Ford Center arena is also full. As long as the popular teams come, the ticket sales are surprisingly good. I have to say, this is ironic.

"I'm coming to see you play, perform well!"

"Roger that!"

After Li Muhua replied to Doyle, people entered the locker room.

After Presti came in, he looked around:
"Guys, I didn't want to disturb you. After all, I'm in charge of the operation, not the locker room. Even if you bring a girl in, I'm sure I won't be too lenient!"

The players laughed, it was rare to see the general manager be so humorous.

"Yesterday, there were media reports that Kobe was going to break through his career scoring total today, and he threatened to win the game well, so I don't think I need to say more!"

Presti's expression is calm, as if this is a very common thing.

The players immediately understood that there are people taking records every day in the league, especially superstars, taking records is considered big news.

"We will try our best!"

After Brooks spoke on behalf of the players, Presti left satisfied.

Li Muhua didn't know where Brooks got his confidence. It's a good thing to have backbone, but last time they faced the Lakers, the Thunder were helpless. In such a short period of time, they didn't do any special training.

After the game started, it was really difficult to play as expected.

Although Durant played steadily as always, Green played a bit ugly. Under Odom's interference, Green's shooting fell short.

Instead, Weaver did well.

The Lakers blossomed a lot, Kobe only took a few shots and stopped, constantly creating opportunities for his teammates, the Lakers' outside line was completely opened.

The player Sefoloza, who was just traded by the Thunder the day before yesterday, was eye-catching. He defended Odom very well and was very active in rebounding. In this case, he even maintained the score in the first quarter.

Green's speed is fast, but his body is average, and it is obviously difficult to fight against power forwards. In this regard, Sefoloza protects Krstic very well, forming a cross defense inside, and will not easily lose his position.

Gasol regained his image of a soft-hearted man. Kobe's several passes failed to form an assist, so he yelled at his wife a few words in anger.

Sefoloza is strong on the defensive end, but the offensive end can only be selectively ignored. The shooting rate of 4 of 1 shots is a bit gratifying.

After the first quarter, the Thunder trailed by 10 points.

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