NBA super point guard

Chapter 741 Just ask if you are afraid

Now no one doubts Rondo's ability to lead the team. After Ray Allen left, the Celtics with Hard and Pierce aging, Rondo became the new giant.

But it was useless, and the Celtics still lost.

No matter how good the state is, Harder can't run, Pierce can't move, and the only Jeff Green is in a brave state, but it's a pity that he is used as the sixth man and his performance is limited.

Powerful speaks of a team, not an individual.

Rondo's statistics are good, but he can't lead the team to win. Even though the game broke out at the beginning, it still made the Knicks feel ashamed.

Li Muhua scored 21 points and 12 assists. In terms of matchups, he did not lose to Rondo at all.

Don't talk about rebounding, our body can't handle it at all, if we want to grab rebounds, we will be bullied every minute.

The point guard just does his job, like Rondo, who has become the number one brush of the Celtics.

Shu Pete returned to the team in time to ease the defense on the back line and the outside offense. Li Muhua's passing can be more flexible, and his touch has maintained a normal level. Under normal circumstances, he can give Li Muhua a lot of assists.

After all, Shupet's actual role is more than that of Brewer.

As for assists, for a traditional point guard who mainly focuses on passing, it is very easy to get 10+.

When being interviewed by reporters on the sidelines, Li Muhua shook his head:
"Rajon's strength is needless to say, he is a first-class point guard, and his ability to analyze the situation on the field is no worse than anyone else. When I play against him, I always play very carefully!"

"Paul Pierce still maintains a good state. We used to have conflicts, but that was only a matter within the field, and our technical characteristics are similar, and we have many common topics!"

The media is not interested in picking things up. Pierce is too old to fight Anthony.

Pierce looked calm:

"I want to apologize for my previous behavior. Cameron is really a good person. He has a wider heart than me in many things. In fact, we should be good friends, not rivals. I have played more than a dozen times in the league. In [-], I met many players, but when it comes to similarities, I am afraid it is Carmelo Anthony. If there is a chance, I believe we are willing to sit down and discuss technical matters.”

What Pierce said had a tragic flavor, which made many people realize that the truth may have thoughts of retiring.

The former Big Three of the Celtics have lost their glory in the past, and I am afraid that they are about to fall apart. Only Pierce and Garnett are sticking to it, and they have no interest in the desire for a championship. All that is left is to enjoy basketball.

Anthony was very happy, and finally made it through.

There is no more fighting, and there is one less enemy in the east.

Instead, it was Pierce who commented on Li Muhua:
"I know that Rajon and LI have a good relationship, and I have heard some things about him from Rajon's mouth. After LI went to the Knicks, I found that the Knicks' record is getting better and better. Of course, There are efforts of each of them, but when it comes to organizing offense and observing the form of the court, I used to think that Rajon is very strong, but later found that LI's level is higher than him!"

"A fairly low-key point guard, so you can't find his shortcomings, it's scary, or organization, or offense, you can't figure out the next move, his vision is better than any player in active service, yes, this is My concept!"

Pierce rarely used such a large space to praise a player.

The last one was LeBron James of the Cavaliers. Pierce once said that the league will belong to the world of little emperors in the future.

The future is yours.

These words are already poisonous milk. James has been unable to get ahead in the Cavaliers, so the Big Three of the Green Army made it up.

In terms of grievances, I'm afraid their hatred is even greater.

It made Li Muhua very surprised that Pierce said such words in a good manner. The two had no chance to match each other, and they rarely interacted with each other. Usually when they met, they just waved and said hello.

It's not that close.

It can only be said that the older you are, the less competitive you will be.

On the 27th, the Knicks played away against the 76ers.

This game was played very strangely, Li Muhua didn't even feel anything, and lost the game inexplicably.

Yes, the opponent is super god, and then the teammates are all cheated.

It's that simple.

Anthony made crazy shots, 28 of 9, becoming the team's first pit.

The rest of the players are horrible, Shupet 6 for 0, Kidd 3 for 0, Chandler 2 for 0, and the rest are not much better.

Li Muhua scored 13 of 8 and scored 20 points and 6 assists, which is pretty normal.

Teammates don't give the opportunity to get assists. This is really helpless. It seems that everyone can't play overnight.

Zhu Huolidi broke out unexpectedly, 25 of 16, scored 25 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds, dominating both offense and defense.

Being pressed and beaten all the time, Li Muhua was depressed.

Coach Woodson didn't hesitate too much. After the third quarter, he replaced the main players and took the initiative to admit defeat.

Since he didn't play well, there was no need to play so hard in this game.

The players are in a bad mood.

The most obvious of these is Anthony, the less he goes in, the more he shoots, and as a result he digs holes for the team hard.

This matter was not that complicated. The All-Star Game was about to start. As a result, the votes Anthony received, according to the ranking, did not get a starting spot after two rounds.

Don't blame Anthony for being impatient, this game is a good epitome.

Playing quite anxiously.

Everyone on the team had a reason for the team's loss. It is impossible to blame Anthony alone, but the media doesn't think so. The poor performance of the boss Anthony is the culprit for the Knicks' loss.

But this season, the Knicks' record is obvious to all, even if they lose one or two games, it doesn't matter.

Players who care about honor naturally cherish feathers and want to be an All-Star starter.

Li Muhua is no exception.

The next day, the Knicks returned home to face the Hawks.

This is the case with the most stable team, the Eagles. They can't win the championship, but they can still make the playoffs. No one dares to underestimate the Eagles tactically.

It is really surprising that a team without a superstar can play so steadily.

Especially this season, in the absence of Louis Williams, the Eagles are not afraid of wrestling with anyone.

The head coach is the newly appointed Mike Budenholzer.

Perhaps many friends are not unfamiliar with this name. Yes, Mike Budenholzer has been an assistant coach with Popovich since 1996, so I asked you if you were afraid.

If the Eagles management hadn't been pestering, Mike Budenholzer might still be under Popovich.

There is no star tactics, but only pick-and-roll offense and positional warfare.

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