Facing Chandler's dominance, the Brazilian film star was discouraged and did not show off his acting skills.

No one dares to touch porcelain in front of the boxing champion. If you try it, the boxing champion will directly throw an elbow, and the referee will not even give him a chance to blow the whistle.

Since he partnered with Chandler in the Mavericks, Li Muhua felt so comfortable with Chandler playing inside. He threw the ball into the inside if he didn't agree with him. Whether it was aggressive or defensive, Chandler was always the team's last key. pillar.

The Cavaliers attack.

Irving went straight through the crotch and forced a breakthrough, and passed the ball to Thompson behind Li Muhua.Thompson held the ball on the other side, was double-teamed by Thomas, passed to Alonzo, and hit a jumper.

The Cavaliers' style of play is simple, mainly relying on Irving's breakthrough to revitalize the team.

The other players all rely on their touch.

There is no way to do this, and it is a bit difficult to deal with Owen.

Li Muhua alone can't limit Irving, but he can hand over Irving to the inside to fight, and the rest only needs to contain the outside players.

The Knicks turned on the defensive mode, relying on defensive rebounds and began to slowly exert strength on the offensive end. Li Muhua assisted Brewer in various ways and abused Miles into a dog. With such strength, the Cavaliers' defense is like window paper , it will break with one poke.

After increasing the height of the inside defense, Irving's breakthrough does not have much room to play.

But the Knicks are different. Li Muhua can distribute the ball to the basket at will after the pick-and-roll, and Kent Thomas screens, and Copeland gets room to shoot.

Li Muhua can also throw three-pointers from the outside.

The deficiencies of the defensive lineup are obvious, and the offense can't play in a wave.

No matter how bad Irving is, the offensive level is there. If the breakthrough is not good, he can make a jump shot with an emergency stop. This is also a unique skill.With his short stature and decent speed, coupled with his physical talent, Li Muhua did not increase his strength on the defensive end too much.

It's not the playoffs, just a moderate regular season.

The score never opened, and the Knicks dragged the rhythm very slowly.

At the end of the first half, with Li Muhua leading the team, the Knicks only led by 4 points, but they maintained their suppression, which did not give the Cavaliers led by Irving a chance to rebound.

In the third quarter, Anthony, who played less than one quarter in the first half, started playing.

In this way, the Knicks once again adjusted the offensive rhythm, which can be said to be slower and slower, suppressing the speed, forcing Irving to expose his worst defense, and Kidd is responsible for organizing the offense.

In terms of adjusting the lineup, the Knicks have been quite unsuccessful.

The positional battle is mainly reflected in the slow rhythm, and the tactics are mainly based on pick-and-roll changes. Anthony tried his best to maintain the off-ball movement, while the quality of other players' screens is quite critical. As long as he is a step slower, Anthony may lose his offensive opportunity.

In modern basketball, pressing the tempo represents weak offense.

It's not that Anthony's skills are poor, but it's impossible for forward players to hold the ball all the time. Basically, they spend almost a lot of time without the ball in the half-court offense.

For Anthony, this is not good news. Low singles need to hold the ball, and high shots need to catch the ball. The change of the two positions, although it is just a few steps, requires other players to keep up with this rhythm in time.

This requires particularly high tactical literacy for role players.

Mainly Anthony is ruthless.

Irving is not afraid of scoring, and Anthony is not afraid of playing against anyone. What he lacks is blue-collar cover.

The Knicks, which lost Stoudemire, are not as easy to open up the low space when attacking as before. This has nothing to do with the outside line, but with the guarantee of Anthony's touch, the Knicks can at least maintain the entire game.

In the fourth quarter, Li Muhua and Anthony teamed up to score consecutively at the last moment, which completely sealed the victory and won the home victory in one fell swoop.

In this game, Li Muhua scored 25 points, 11 assists and 3 rebounds, and made 18 of 10 shots. 25 of 15, scored 41 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, and played a phenomenal performance.

But the Knicks scored in double figures with five players, while the Cavaliers only had two.

The loss is not wronged, Irving alone can't beat other teams at all.

"This game allowed us to see the battle of two different point guards. Irving's performance is really impressive. Whether it is an outside shot or a breakthrough score, we can envy his talent, but in terms of organization, It is indeed his disadvantage, I can only say that this is the style of shooting guard, but there are many such combo guards in the league now!"

The on-site commentary was not too much, and by the way I praised Owen a few words.

For the rest, I dare not say that the small star is going to drive the whole team, not because he is having fun, and it is fine if he can drive the victory, but if the light star scores, the other teammates are just watching the show?

Li Muhua just felt that Owen's style of play was a bit extreme.

It's not that it's not good, but the ability to lead the team is really unsatisfactory. Generally speaking, this kind of single-B style of play will cause very stiff quarrels with teammates.

Attack with the ball, you can't play without the ball, and the combo guard can also score.

Obviously, Irving is a point guard with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Although there is nothing to say about winning the game against the underdog, but in the absence of Stoudemire, the Knicks changed a strategy to win, which is not easy.

For a long time, the Knicks gave people the impression of the Big Three.

When playing against the Bulls at home, at the request of many media, the team held a pre-match press conference, mainly introducing the current situation of the Knicks.

After Li Muhua took the stage, he was questioned by many reporters.

"Amare is an integral part of the team. We want to perform better when he is out. Yes, our goal this season is the championship. We hope he can come back in the playoffs. Need him. We are a team, whether it is three cores or two cores, our confidence in winning will not change!"

It can be regarded as shouting from the air, so that Stoudemire can recover from his injuries with peace of mind.

This guy is always worried about losing his main position, and will be made things difficult by the management when it comes time to renew his contract.

When facing the reporter, Li Muhua had to boast more.

Well, even if you are not around, we have to take you with you, and you are also responsible for lying and winning.

Uniting teammates is easy to say, but it is actually so difficult sometimes.

The Bulls are coming aggressively, even if Rose is absent, it is not easy to play.Coach Woodson was too lazy to use his brain, and directly applied the model of the previous game to this game.

Regardless of whether it works well or not, let's do it like this first.

To everyone's surprise, Coach Woodson ran into a dead mouse this time, and the game was played quite easily.

Li Muhua led a few friends from the perimeter to fire frequently. Anthony and Chandler were in the low post. Brewer played as a support screen and played neatly. The Bulls fell into a scoring shortage from time to time during the game.

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