NBA super point guard

Chapter 711 Nash's Disciple

In fact, against the Suns, Li Muhua felt that there was no need to be so nervous.

The Suns still adhere to the consistent style of fast break, with a small fast lineup mainly, including the old cat Mobley, Dragic and Beasley, it can be said that they are all fast break players.

The difficulty facing the Knicks is how to defend the Suns' counterattack.

In fact, the word defensive counterattack is often used in football games. In basketball games, it is generally called fast break, which means to grab a rebound and attack quickly, catching the opponent by surprise.

The Suns pursue extreme speed.

This season, the Suns still haven't changed, still pursuing fast.

Just one word, I only say it once.

How to play fast and quickly make changes in offensive and defensive transitions is the highlight of this game.

It is also the team that D'Antoni has trained before.

Coach Woodson is facing a big enemy, taking over the mess left by D'Antoni, and now he is facing the Suns. If he loses the game, the coach will have no glory.

What was originally a simple matter made Coach Woodson completely complicated.

On the day before the game, Coach Woodson called several main players, and then discussed how to deal with the Suns, and even broadcast a video to show some key points of the offensive and defensive transition between the two teams.

As a result, Anthony and Stoudemire didn't take it seriously, and Li Muhua didn't take it seriously.

This season's record is gratifying, and Anthony has contributed a lot. Although the team has changed the core and the team has made some changes in the lineup, it has not lowered any team status.

The change in style of play made the team more harmonious.

Stoudemire also got a lot of shooting space.

But when it comes to offensive and defensive transitions, it still depends on Li Muhua.

"LI, maybe you have to work harder. Once Mobley launches an attack, you have to react!"

When summing up after the meeting, Coach Woodson did not forget to remind.

Li Muhua nodded.

The coach paid so much attention to it, it was considered as arranging tasks. Li Muhua didn't try to defend too much, but calmly judged which words should be listened to and which words should not be listened to.

What a joke, with an overclocked brain, the calculation speed can directly adjust the body's response to the game.

It's just that the physical strength may be more consumed. After all, Kidd is not suitable for this kind of game.

Before the game, the core players were interviewed by The New York Times.

Li Muhua:
"Yes, this game is also a test for us. The tactics of the Suns have been imitated by many teams, but there are not many successful cases. Of course, the same is true for us. We are constantly looking for tactical flaws. Make the offense better. Playing against the Suns is fun, maybe it will let us know where we are not good enough. The game is like this, learn from the experience, and then make a change!"

"The tactical level is for the coaching staff to consider. What we need to do is to perform the tasks assigned by the coach. When I was in the Nuggets, my defense was not good, so I thought about my future. It must be an offensive and defensive player. All-around team. When I came to New York, a lot of people talked to me about this, including LI, and he always said, hey, Cameron, you have to pay attention to the defensive problem!"

"Yes, he has always been so outspoken, I made a change later, our record is getting better and better, I want to be inseparable from everyone. Happy game, and then I can win, my thoughts have always been In this way, in my world, there is nothing more important than basketball right now!"

Anthony often praises Li Muhua in the media, which seems to have become a habit.

The facts were indeed as everyone had guessed. From the very beginning, the two teams fell into a heated battle.

On the opening jump ball, Gortat gave the bat to Mobley.

Dragic’s position in the Suns is not a point guard, but a shooting guard. Mobley is really in charge of organizing. This is very strange. Ordinarily, Dragic should be the most suitable as Nash’s disciple. of.

Who knows what the Suns are thinking.

Nominally playing as a point guard, Dragic's main task is to dribble the ball and be responsible for the support of the ball. He can't mix up an average of less than 6 assists in a game. This is Nash's disciple.


Mobley quickly advanced to the frontcourt, then transferred the ball to Dragic, and Dragic quickly passed it to Beasley on the other side. Beasley was very fast and directly rushed in.

This is Stoudemire's defense, which was wiped clean at once.

Chandler made a supplementary defense, but Beasley didn't pass the ball, but chose to go directly. After hitting the iron, Gortat grabbed a rebound and got another offensive opportunity.

Gortat made a good throw at the basket.

Chandler couldn't take care of it, and Stoudemire didn't help in the defense in time.

The Knicks attack.

Dragic was in charge of defending Li Muhua, while Brewer was being targeted by Beasley. Anthony simply ran to the other end of the flank to open up space.

Stoudemire came up to pick and roll, and Li Muhua threw Dragic away.

Dragic switched defenses very quickly, directly pitting Mobley against Li Muhua.

Li Muhua was not in a hurry, and after shaking the ball a few times, he threw it into the inside lane, assisting Stoudemire who re-cut and made a forced layup.

The defensive matchup is fast, but it can be seen from the help defense that the Suns really don't worry about losing the ball.

The Suns attack.

Dragic threw the ball to Mobley, and Mobley still chose to break through, and when he was approaching the basket, he handed the ball to Gortat.

Still playing center forward, Gortat hit a hook.

Chandler was slightly dissatisfied. The Suns' offense was very fast. The Knicks basically didn't interfere, allowing the opponent to easily break into the paint and score on the boxer's head.

Played a little too casually.

The Knicks attack.

Anthony came to the top of the arc to cover, and while Li Muhua moved to the right wing, Dragic was chasing and defending. This kind of ball is difficult to switch defenses. In just a moment of switching, Anthony can shoot in the open.

As long as the outside line blooms, it proves that the fast break strategy that the Suns are proud of will fail.

Dragic's speed is not fast in Li Muhua's eyes.

So with this kind of ball, Li Muhua planned to be more stable.

Stoudemire came up to cover again, Li Muhua slapped the ball and turned around. After attracting the defender, Li Muhua smacked the ball to Anthony and Gua made an air cut layup.

Tactics don’t need to be complicated. For a team like the Suns, which basically equals defense, as long as the offense is successful, it will naturally be chaotic. This has nothing to do with the level, but mainly depends on the mentality of the players.

The Suns attack.

After passing the ball a few times, Beasley received the ball and began to break through crazily. People often say that Beasley is a tendon. presence.

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