NBA super point guard

Chapter 707 Spicy Eyes

Before the game started, Li Muhua and Marion hugged each other.

Injured some time ago, Marion has been on a truce, and finally recovered.As the core, Nowitzki is not there, and Marion is the second head of the team, so he naturally has to take on the heavy responsibility of offense.

The first is the jump ball matchup, Chandler and Chris Kaman.

With the bouncing advantage, Kaman gave the racket to OJ Mayo, and the Mavericks had the ball.

The Mavericks attack.

OJ Mayo entered the half court with the ball, and Li Muhua defended.Marion came up to cover, which is why the Mavericks trusted Marion. He was never picky, and he always rushed to do the dirty work.

From this point, we can see the gap between Marion and Anthony.

In terms of playing attitude, although Anthony is more serious, but in terms of professionalism, Marion is still the first choice.

Marion just came over to cover and threw Anthony away.This time, Li Muhua was quite embarrassed. He would lose OJ Mayo when he switched defenses. In desperation, he could only choose to follow. Marion found a pick-and-roll and played a mobile phone.

The jump shot hit an empty shot.

Marion is looking good.

The Knicks attacked, and Li Muhua was not in a hurry. As he stepped forward, OJ Mayo kept retreating and entangled until he was beyond the three-point line in the frontcourt before giving up.

At this time, Brewer and Stoudemire evacuated the inside line and began to come to the outside line to cover.

Mayo immediately lost sight of Li Muhua.

Behind Brewer, Li Muhua faked a pass and threw it to the flank of the rebound.

Anthony catches the ball on the baseline and goes straight into the air.


One-arm split buckle.

A towel was waving on the bench. Most of the role players could not play in this game, and their physical strength could only be consumed in cheering. Encouraging teammates can sometimes get some TV shots.

If he did something weird and happened to be caught on TV, he might have an endorsement contract at his door right away.

Many role players in the league rely on their strength to steal the spotlight. From applauding, roaring and now waving towels, they have to try every trick they can come up with.

Anthony moved quickly. With the help of Chandler, he got rid of Marion at the basket and ran back again.

Li Muhua is at the top of the arc. This is the position with the best vision in the frontcourt. Usually people often say that the high pass is here. The vision is wide and it is easy to find open teammates.

Brewer's screens are of very high quality, blocking the view of other players.

JR Smith saw that Gua was so strong, he immediately bent his arms, showed his biceps, and roared to represent his support for Anthony.

I don't know and thought it was JR Smith's own goal.

Especially since the angle happened to be caught by a camera on the other side of the court.

In the ESPN studio.

Mike Brown laughed out loud after seeing this scene, pointed and said: "Many people say that JR Smith and Carmelo Anthony have a good relationship, and now it is confirmed for this. Of course, there is another saying that they are brothers. You didn't I can't believe it, Anthony went to the Knicks, and then JR Smith also went, I don't believe this is a coincidence, look, just now, JR Smith jumped higher than the dunker!"

Jeff Van Gundy nodded solemnly:

"The management of the Knicks is very shrewd. After recruiting Carmelo Anthony, they also recruited LI one after another. To put it bluntly, the team lineup is completely formed according to Anthony's wishes!"

These words are not so absolute, and Li Muhua also said a lot.

Especially in the construction of the defensive lineup, it can be said that the players and the coaching staff have influenced the management together, which is somewhat contrary to the original intention of the Knicks.

No way, I just wanted to make the team play better, but I accidentally reached the Eastern Conference Finals.

Then there is nothing to say, let's directly hit the championship.

The Mavericks attacked. Marion did not choose to play by himself this time. Instead, after attracting the defense from the basket, he threw the ball to OJ Mayo. Mayo's speed was very fast.

The offensive efficiency is very high.

At least Marion doesn't fight indiscriminately, and he has a plan in his mind.

The Knicks slowed down again.

Li Muhua came to the outside of the wing, posing as if he wanted to play singles. Chandler was stuck under the basket, Stoudemire went to the other side, Anthony ran to the high position, and Brewer occupied the bottom corner.

After a little pause, Li Muhua lobbed the ball to Chandler.

With his back against Kaman, Chandler began to pat the ball and force himself to sit inward.

The boxing champion put his shoulders and elbows together, and tortured Kaman to the point of death.

Originally in the fifth position, Kaman's speed was slow and his reaction was slow. The only thing he praised was his height and touch.It's useless to fight hard, and basically you can only kneel in the face of boxing champions.

Chandler was not in a hurry to hit, shaking left and right was not satisfying, then pouted for a while, and quickly turned around and scored with a high throw after Kaman lost his position.

Tonnage is still a competition of muscles, and Kaman has completely lost.

Chandler is so arrogant.

Since there was a loophole, Li Muhua was not polite and lobbed the ball inside.

Center singles, this is the favorite tactic of the era of the four major centers. Other players pull away, throw the ball inside, and the center completes the offense.

Pretty ugly play.

It's slow and slow, it's so ugly that it's so slow that it makes people want to pee.

Small ball tactics are not so much the development idea of ​​modern basketball, but rather to cater to the preferences of the audience.

Li Muhua didn't take it seriously at all.

What are you afraid of, as long as you can win, you can spray whatever you want, anyway, it's on the road, and it's enough to make the Dallas audience hot.

It is clear that it is bullying.

Chandler was like a godsend at the basket, scoring three in a row, and also scored a 2+1 on Kaman, directly stopping the Mavericks.

In this case, not to mention Cuban who was furious on the sidelines, even the head coach Carlisle couldn't bear it.


After the timeout, the Mavericks did not replace Kaman, but replaced another inside player Elton Brand.

This is a signal to strengthen the inside defense. Elton Brand can't talk about offense.

Partner with Kaman, one attack and one defense.

Anyway, the Mavericks made up their minds, let no one let the Knicks inside, and the two double-team Chandler, don't you believe that the boxing champion can still perform?

Then who is ready to play.

Coach Woodson has always been more aggressive, so he simply saw his tricks and let Wallace play directly.

Can this Nima play happily together?

When Coach Carlisle saw that the Knicks replaced Wallace after one round, he was so angry that he threw the tactical board to the ground.

In less than 1 minute, the Mavericks called a timeout again.

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