Li Muhua has been spending his time on the defensive end, and the offense is even more attractive to the defense. The cold hands of Stoudemire and JR Smith directly caused the Knicks to fall behind.

The Heat took the lead in making substitutions, replacing Chalmers and replacing Battier.

Wade returned to the number one position.

This tactical change is quite obvious. Battier's defensive ability is used to target the outside line, and he can also double-team Anthony. In this way, the space for Anthony to shoot is further reduced.

The low post has been in trouble, and the outside line has not opened up space.

JR Smith smashed two irons in a convulsion, coupled with Stoudemire's magic knife, the Knicks fell behind by 8 points in an instant.

In this wave of chasing points, the Knicks will not play immediately.

The last attack in the first quarter.

Coach Woodson gestured on the sidelines, Li Muhua nodded, took the ball into the half court and wasted time, Wade followed, Battier stood in the middle distance, ready to help defend Anthony at any time.

Li Muhua glanced at the timer and dribbled the ball two steps away from the three-point line.

You must run out of time and try to score the last attack. After all, it will be of great help to the game psychology in the second quarter.

Wade opened half his position, so as to block Li Muhua's breakthrough and not be affected by the pick-and-roll. After observing his teammates' positioning, Li Muhua directly lobbed the ball to Stoudemire and ran to the flank. The entire team's run bit starts.

With his back against Bosh, Stoudemire tried to dribble and turn around but couldn't find any opportunities.

In desperation, Stoudemire passed the ball again, Anthony held the ball and played hard, James held it, and Anthony could not advance half a point.

Once the low-post offense is double-teamed, the shot space is extremely limited, and Anthony can only patiently look for opportunities.

The last game was played suddenly, and the Heat adjusted a little slowly, but that doesn't mean they were unprepared for this game. Battier was sent at the last moment before the end of the first quarter, nothing more than trying to use defense to strangle Anthony.

When Battier came to help defend, Anthony became difficult to turn around.

Li Muhua hurried to the outside line on this side to respond, Anthony passed the ball, and Wade stuck to Li Muhua's body, stagnating Li Muhua's running speed.

6 seconds left.

Li Muhua leaned on Wade, dribbled the ball from under his feet, and turned around directly. Wade blocked him from the side, preventing Li Muhua from breaking through.

5 seconds.

Li Muhua turned his head and shook his shoulders, pulling the ball to the other side.

2 seconds.

Li Muhua took a step back and shot directly.


The basketball went into the net hollow, and the timer went exactly to zero.

When Li Muhua was shaking continuously, he kept counting the timing of his shots. Wade followed closely and made interference moves. It was only when he took a step back for the last time that he found an attacking space in an instant.

Counting step by step, you can barely score in the end.

Although the point difference returned to 5 points, Li Muhua knew that the ball just now was more accidental.

The first quarter is over.

The Heat lead the Knicks 31::26.

Knicks bench.

Anthony and Coach Woodson whispered.

You don't need to look at it to know that the Knicks were suppressed in the second half of the first quarter, largely due to tactical problems.

Coach Woodson decided to change the lineup and try to make an impact.

What if the substitute comes out.

Li Muhua sat off the court, and JR Smith's partner Mike Bibby entered the court at the same time.

Anthony withdrew the high post and pulled out the low post players. At the same time, JR Smith and Anthony played a pick-and-roll, so that Bibby could play the pass level and scored a layup directly after Anthony made an air cut. Then JR Smith also reduced outside shots. , increased the impact on the inside line, and finally played a long-lost wave.

In the third quarter, Anthony became the main attack point.

But still can't catch up.

The Knicks bit the score, narrowly closing the gap at 10 by the end of the third quarter.

Back on the bench, Anthony sat panting and kept wiping the sweat off his head with a towel.

For three consecutive quarters, Anthony played very hard without a minute of rest. You must know that this is the Eastern Conference finals, and it is the last game, so there is no chance to rest.

It's about the fight with James, Anthony hangs on with one breath.

In the last quarter, the Knicks trailed by 10 points.

If you can't think of a way, you will most likely lose the game.

So Anthony had to carry it.

Li Muhua poured water from the sidelines and played almost two full quarters. His mental power and system were exhausted. It is said that he had already experienced two divisional finals, but Li Muhua always felt that this kind of consumption could not bear it, and it would have a great impact on his body in the future.

"Both inside and outside are open, Cameron, you and Amare need to be more flexible, LI, you throw a few more shots on the outside, expand their defense, we have a chance to chase points, don't hesitate, they will give You pass the screen!"

Coach Woodson cheered beside him.

The players nodded.

The game starts again.

The Heat kicked off first, and both teams were on the starting lineup. The Heat had the Big Three, Haslem and Chalmers, while the Knicks still had Li Muhua, JR Smith, Anthony, and Chandler. Le and Stoudemire.

James held the ball, and Anthony went directly to the high position to block.

If facing ordinary players, James will try his best to break through head-on, but Anthony is too familiar with that set of offensive methods, so Anthony can only hold the ball with his back.

JR Smith stepped forward to double-team, James shook and stepped back for a jumper.

The three jumped almost at the same time, and all the players ran towards the basket, while Li Muhua began to prepare to move to the backcourt.

Li Muhua is best at this kind of fast break. He can score at the moment of transition from offense to defense. It's a must.

As long as there are rebounds on the basketball court, there is an opportunity for fast breaks.

During the scoring period, there is no easier way to score than fast break.

The basket was already full of heads. Chandler, Haslem, Stoudemire and Bosh were fighting together. As soon as Bosh touched the basketball, he was slapped out by Chandler.

Seeing that Anthony was about to hold the ball, Li Muhua turned around and ran quickly.

Wade chased up directly from behind, very fast, like a black silhouette, quickly approaching Li Muhua.

Chalmers on the other side also ran across the center line.

As soon as Li Muhua received the basketball, Wade was already behind him. Seeing that there were still two steps away from the three-point line, Li Muhua simply took off without giving Wade a chance to chase the cap. He paused in the air and shot directly.


A three-pointer was hit.


The American Airlines Center immediately fell into silence, and many fans shouted out in surprise. This kind of nerve knife play is the scariest at the critical moment.

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