NBA super point guard

Chapter 665 Who am I?

After the Knicks enriched their offensive tactics and started from the outside, they played more flexibly, but there were some problems in the first quarter defense. At the end of the first quarter, the Knicks trailed by 6 points.

In the second quarter, the outside line of the Knicks continued the touch of the previous game. Li Muhua and JR Smith jointly made 5 three-pointers, which once again reversed the situation of the game.

But in the second half, the continuous strikes made the Heat play a wave.

The Knicks didn't have the slightest struggle.

James, who had already pushed all his strength, couldn't stop him at all. He made sudden shots and scored strong points. Even if Li Muhua threw a few goals, it was useless.

Stoudemire couldn't play, and Anthony was strictly guarded.

The Knicks did not have the smoothness of the first half at all, but were like a pool of stagnant water.

The Heat showed momentum. James Jones made three consecutive three-pointers from the outside, completely ignoring the Knicks. Without the containment of the outside, the Heat fired consecutively.

Especially James, who has always said that three-pointers are unreliable, but hit two.

It can be said that the Knicks were completely defeated by this tactical adjustment.

It is also an outside competition, the Knicks rely on luck, and the Heat rely on loose space.

The Knicks were crushed.

After three quarters, the Heat led by 15 points.

It's basically gone.

"It's almost there. I think the Knicks should have learned their lesson. They have outside shooters that the entire league envies, but they can't restrain the Heat on the defensive end!" Mike Breen sighed.

Jeff Van Gundy nodded:
"As I said before, the cruel elimination method in the playoffs made people pay more attention to defense. If I were to lead the Knicks, I would definitely not play like this. We must limit the opponent to score lower than us! "

What Van Gundy said was nonsense. Isn't it obvious that the opponent's score is not as good as his own.

Defense is very important, but the Knicks definitely hurt their hands.

From the last game, it is not difficult to see that with the Knicks' new lineup, the offensive problem is not too big, but when the opponent increases the defensive strength, the outside line cannot be opened at all. Li Muhua wants to play, but the problem is that Wade is always close , Chalmers double-teamed.

As for the other role players, they didn't have the touch, or in other words, they lost too much in the first half.

Throughout the history of the NBA, no matter whether it has entered the small ball era or not, three-pointers may win the championship, but it cannot establish a dynasty.

The reason is simple. Players with ambiguous positions who can play both inside and outside will be the mainstream of the future league.

The fourth game that could have been won, but because of the feeling of touching shit, there was no suspense to lose.

If it is a 2:2 tie, then the next game will be the battle of Tianwangshan.

As expected at the beginning of the game, although the Knicks won the game, they lacked championship temperament. Once the Heat find the feeling, they will undoubtedly lose.

Li Muhua's performance in this match was a bit pitiful, and he felt panicked.

Facing strong shots under double-teaming, the hit rate was less than 12%, and he only got 6 points and 5 assists. His performance was very poor. Stoudemire only scored 8 points when he sent 26 assists. The only one who performed well was Anthony. , Crazy scored 4 points, 6 assists and [-] rebounds.

But the performance of the superstar only represents one person, without explosive scoring, and no one can stand up, becoming a lone hero.

Sitting on the bench, Li Muhua watched the game with dull eyes.

In fact, Coach Woodson withdrew the main force very early, with a clear purpose. Since this game is no longer good, there is no need to play too tough.

Save your strength for the next fight.

The Knicks, hot before the game, lost Game [-] at Madison Square Garden.

The Knicks played off the hook.

With James around, the Heat played steadily, but not in a hurry.

Speaking of which, the main atmosphere of the Knicks is impetuous. Many players have not been baptized in the playoffs, and they simply cannot show their strength on the defensive end.

112: 86.

Lost at home.

The Knicks are pretty embarrassing.

While passing through the player tunnel, Stoudemire punched a fire hydrant, bleeding profusely.

It is easy to find something to vent your temper, but what to do next time.

At the press conference after the game, Li Muhua attended on behalf of the players.

"We played very well in the first half, but in the second half. I'm sorry, I don't know how to describe it. The basket seemed to be covered, and none of us could make shots. We were supposed to be tough on the defensive end, but we temporarily Adjusted tactics. We deserved to lose this game!"

Li Muhua's expression was flat, he had nothing to say, the loss to the Heat was reasonable.

From this point, it can be seen that the Knicks have a certain attitude that they can't afford to lose. They obviously looked up to the Heat before, but now they want to be on an equal footing with them. To put it bluntly, they don't have enough capital.

Winning for a while made the players swell.

From defensive tactics to offensive tactics, the Knicks don't change much, and the temporary change is what Stoudemire and Anthony proposed.

Li Muhua was stunned when he heard it before the match, but he didn't object.

It's not impossible to beat the Heat with offense. Without a corresponding defensive expert, relying on an inside Chandler is obviously overthinking.

In the last game, they beat the Heat. It was mostly luck and there was one more win. The Knicks had a good idea. It seems that they have a good touch from the outside, so we will continue to play like this.

Coach Woodson asked Li Muhua to change his style of play, and as a result, the fight became worse and worse.

Stoudemire wanted the ball, no problem, and other players wanted the ball, no problem, but as a result, each of them was no different from a softie on the offensive end, and was blasted into a sieve by the Heat.

Bullshit offensive tactics.

Li Muhua didn't say much, and no one paid attention to it. The tactics were adjusted by you, and the coordination was also arranged by you. You are responsible for the way the game is played.

Coach Woodson also had a black line on his face.

The two big names in the team asked for a change in tactics. As a nanny coach, he could only accept it.

The Heat's offense is even more unspeakable.

With James, Wade and Bosh, how bad the offense can be.

Saying that the Heat's defense is poor, you can basically rest, and the difference is also better than the Knicks by many times.

In the second half of the storm, the Knicks were completely confused.

who am I?
where am i from?
Where am I going?

The Heat have completely doubted the Knicks' playing life.

At the press conference after the game, James was very excited:
"Yes, this is the game I want. We tried our best to be ourselves on both ends of the offense and defense. We didn't give up any chance. Of course, if their touch is better, the game will definitely be very difficult!"

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