NBA super point guard

Chapter 659 An Excellent Fast Break Opportunity

Seeing that Chalmers was about to enter the frontcourt, the Knicks were at a loss.

Without hesitation, Li Muhua stepped forward and hugged Chalmers directly.

That's right, a tactical foul.

Commonly known as foul tactics.

Not only the Heat, but even the players of the Knicks were stunned for a moment.

Originally thought it was assisting defense or interference, but to be honest, Chalmers didn't expect to use foul tactics so early. If he had prepared early, he might be able to cheat an outside foul.

After thinking too much, it is impossible for Li Muhua to give this kind of opportunity.

Chalmers made a free throw and the Knicks served.

The audience at Madison Square Garden fell silent.

Only when the visiting team is attacking will there be boos to interfere. Anyone can see that if the Heat want to delay, the Knicks can only choose to foul.

If it wasn't for Coach Woodson's gesture on the sidelines just now, Li Muhua really couldn't figure it out.

Regardless of experience, outsiders can see more clearly.

Chalmers' free throw.

As the No. [-] player in the main rotation, Chalmers' performance can be said to be quite satisfactory. There is no fault to be found, and there is no outstanding performance. Anyway, the team has such a veteran.

Chalmers lived up to expectations and hit two free throws one after another.

The Heat's bench already has many role players standing up and waving towels.

Stoudemire served, and Li Muhua quickly entered the frontcourt. At this time, Wade and Chalmers switched positions to defend. The reason was simple, and Chalmers couldn't defend at all.

Wade's speed is very fast, and he keeps fighting as soon as he comes up.

Li Muhua went beyond the three-point line and directly bowed to Buddha.

Wade is very familiar with this routine, and he didn't hesitate.

But unexpectedly, Li Muhua started to move to the left.

relatively empty place.

That is the position on the weak side. Wade glanced back quickly and followed up directly. The area on the left is quite open, suitable for shots, and there is no defensive pressure.

Stoudemire was in the mid-range position and ran over again, planning to pick and roll. Wade saw that he took a step back to prevent the cooperation between Stoudemire and Li Muhua.

Li Muhua immediately pulled up and shot directly.

The Knicks players are running.

Even Anthony came up to meet him.

Everyone was stunned, the shot was obviously unexpected, and Wade didn't even react.

Li Muhua's shot was so fast that Wade didn't even have time to step forward to interfere.

After making the shot, Li Muhua turned around and clenched his fist.


A three-pointer was hit.

The shot was quite sudden, no one knew about it except the person involved, and it even went in.

"There are only two points left, and the pressure has returned to the Heat, unless they can score this goal. To be honest, LI's shot just now is completely unreasonable. It scares me!"

The on-site commentary commented frantically, which is already considered polite, and did not mention XJBD.

Li Muhua gestured to his teammates.

The fight was a bit selfish, so I could only explain with gestures.

The Heat attack.

Wade handed it over to James, who was responsible for organizing it.

With a two-point advantage, the Heat are quite nervous. If the goal is good, but if it fails, the Knicks will find an opportunity. Now the two sides are fighting for efficiency, not speed. With James in control, there is a high chance of success.

There was no trace of anxiety on James' face.

Jeffries mentioned the high-post defense and kept interfering up and down. James didn't make a strong play. Anthony was still standing behind, so he hung it to Bosh and relied on Stoudemire to make a strong play.

This time, Stoudemire defended very hard and couldn't hold Bosh.

If Bosh made a jumper, he would be off balance.

It has nothing to do with fouls, after all, Stoudemire has no physical contact.

Bosh couldn't find a shot, and returned the ball to James. James was already in the mid-range position. Jeffries and Anthony double-teamed at the same time, and Wade quickly came up to respond.

James didn't pass the ball, but planned to hit it hard.

Without hesitation, Li Muhua stepped forward to block James' passing route.

James will not be so brainless, he only has the basket in his eyes after holding the ball.

One hits two at critical moments, unless it is a critical ball.

Throughout the history of James, you will find that the more critical the moment, the more calm James played. The passes at the last moment were all passed after double-teaming, which gave the fans an impression of being the king of throwing the pot.

In fact, it's just that James handled it reasonably, which is incomparable with the volute.

James continued to attack.

It was an illusion, and Anthony and Jeffries tried desperately to block it.

Li Muhua kept his eyes on Bosh or Wade, as long as the ball was passed, the other two would have a chance, James was just bluffing, and looked back and forth from time to time.

That's the benefit of strong vision.

Seeing that the attack time is running out.

James immediately received the ball and passed it out.

No one expected it, but Li Muhua cut the ball in time.

fast break.

The first time he got the ball, Li Muhua rushed forward regardless.

The Heat's backcourt was completely empty.

Wade also rushed over quickly.

The speed is quite fast. When Li Muhua just rushed past the logo of the midfielder, Wade was already in front.

Li Muhua stopped quickly. At this time, other players of the Heat team quickly came back to help defend, and Chalmers was even more prepared to attack back and forth.

No fast break opportunities.

Li Muhua threw it to Stoudemire, Stoudemire passed back again, and Li Muhua held the ball again, giving him an opportunity to attack.

Wade pushed forward directly, constantly interfering with his body.

Chalmers jumped up from behind to block the shot.

After shaking, Li Muhua quickly pulled the ball to the side to collect the ball.

Wade jumped up again and jumped up too.

It's just that Li Muhua didn't shoot directly, but ducked down to avoid Wade's block, and then he started to jump.

Wade jumped up a second time immediately after landing.

From this point, we can see Wade's explosive power. Before Li Muhua could make a shot, he covered the ball in front of the basketball again.

At the critical moment, Wade jumped so high that his right hand almost touched the basketball.

Li Muhua retracted his waist to extend the time in the air.

In case of being blocked, the Heat are an excellent fast break opportunity.

Li Muhua's brain was running wildly.

As long as there is a gap in the air, the ball will be thrown without hesitation.

Wade's ball was quite clean and did not touch Li Muhua's hand or the ball.

Anyone can see that this is an excellent disturbance.

Wade waved his arms again.

Not only Li Muhua, Wade also watched carefully in the air, and specifically greeted the basketball, but Li Muhua stretched out his arms.

Since he couldn't make the shot, he simply touched it, and it was three free throws anyway.

Li Muhua thought clearly.

Wade had already thrown himself into the air, unable to do other actions, he could only watch Li Muhua touch his arm.

Li Muhua changed from shooting from the beginning to hitting porcelain.

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