NBA super point guard

Chapter 61 Immediate Combat Power

"Yes, LI's performance on the first guard reminds me of John. The Thunder did not reuse such a player. I think this is a waste of talent. If it was given to other teams, it may have already played. Worth."

During media interviews, Coach Sloan made no secret of his admiration for Li Muhua.

The league has a rule that it is not allowed to recruit players in public. It has to be said that such a rule is useless. If you really want to recruit a certain player, you have already reached an agreement in private, just don't be discovered by others.

What's more, Coach Sloan just praised, but didn't personally solicit.

This remark was directly published in a large page of the Oklahoman newspaper, which caused panic in Oklahoma City.

In the past, everyone only knew that there was a Chinese in the team, who was playing well and had limited playing time. No one took it seriously. When the real storm came, many people panicked, including the general manager Presti.

As for Li Muhua, who was in the center of the vortex, he went to the stadium to train like a normal person.

In this game, the Thunder took advantage of the home court. Not only did they feel good, but they also restrained the Jazz, so they all performed well.

Against Knight, Li Muhua also relied on his height and long arms to reduce the useless physical exertion. As for shooting a lot of three-pointers, it was also a physical test for Li Muhua. Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

From the team level, you can't be too straightforward when facing the media.

"Li, who I personally interviewed at the beginning, performed very well and met the team's expectations. Regarding his playing time, oh, I believe this is not a problem, because the team is newly established, and many problems will be exposed slowly. Such an opportunity is rare, we can constantly adjust the direction of the team through the chemical reaction between the players!"

When interviewed by the local media, the general manager gave a signal that we will train Li Muhua.

In fact, Coach Sloan is already very satisfied with a little fat Deron, but he just wants to give the Thunder some eye drops, and the media still eat this.

The next day, the Spurs sent a transaction fax, this matter was somehow known by the bleachers, and it broke out:

"Shocking, the Spurs are willing to trade Bruce Bowen and part of the cash for Li Muhua!"

The local media had been interviewed by Presti the day before, and now such news suddenly broke out, and they flocked to the Thunder's office, wanting to find out.

After all, a player who can get a triple-double, and it is in his rookie year, shows that the height of this player's growth will be unlimited.

The Spurs are not bad, and then the Golden State Warriors, and even the Mavericks who just fought recently sent over trade applications.

The top three in Texas all sent trade applications, and some other teams followed suit in an instant.

Li Muhua didn't take it seriously, he didn't even show up, and stayed on the training ground.

"Dude, I don't know what those teams think. They insist on getting you before the All-Star Game. I just want to say, you're famous!" Andrew called and couldn't help but tease him.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about when you called me?"

"Of course not, the Thunder will renew your contract in advance, with an exception for the middle class for two years!"

Li Muhua fell into silence. At the beginning, he signed a non-guaranteed contract. Now that there is an exception for the middle class, the starting salary will not be too high, but it is much better than before.

This is Li Muhua's first team. It would be a lie to say that he has no feelings, but Andrew has said that, let those hateful capitalists go to hell, this is just a business.

"Andrew, I want to hear your opinion, you know, you are my life mentor!"

Li Muhua thought for a while, his head hurt, and he simply threw the question to Andrew.

"Dude, thank you for your trust. I suggest that we agree first and take the time to sign the contract. The Thunder team has a good environment and gives newcomers a room to grow. You know, what other teams need is immediate combat power. You have to play a role when you go, and your style of play is relatively fixed, which I think is not good for your growth!"

Andrew said such a remark, obviously after careful consideration.

Needless to say, Andrew is Li Muhua's manager, so he must have considered it in many ways. For such a person who helped him, Li Muhua has nothing to disbelieve.

Regarding the transaction, Presti and Brooks discussed it before.

But this time, the storm came a little fast, and they were caught off guard. No one expected that Li Muhua played so well.

The Thunder were obviously passive this time.

Just take Bruce Bowen as an example, he is a standard 3D player, especially his single defense ability on the outside, which makes many teams jealous.

Presti held back this time, and specifically asked Brooks to express his opinion. Brooks also agreed. Defense is no longer the theme in the Thunder. discussed things.

Moreover, Li Muhua is very young, so far, it seems that he has not reached his personal upper limit.

Li Muhua had physical problems before, but now Brooks controls his playing time, and this disadvantage is not obvious.

"Okay, that's the decision. A lot of things can be done in more than a year, and if there is a better deal in the future, won't we still be able to make money?"

Presti smiled.

Although these words make people uncomfortable, this is the NBA after all, a commercial league with basketball as its game, and it's all business, Brooks agreed.

As for the first-round pick, the most important thing for the Thunder is the rookie pick, and Presti is very shrewd.

Green's state is stable, and the two cores of the team, Durant and Westbrook, have also slowly emerged. As for the fourth person, no one would have thought that Li Muhua would actually emerge, and faintly surpassed Westbrook. Performance.

"Two star point guards, we're in trouble!"

Brooks is quite a headache and his playing time is difficult to control. Besides, Watson's playing time has now been compressed to an outrageous level.

Watson's agent has long vented his dissatisfaction with the team.

"We can't do anything about Ayer's affairs. His state is too unstable, and the fluctuations were too big before. Especially the agent, who is annoying, actually threatens the team with a trade!"

Presti was furious when he mentioned this matter. A player's agent actually came to dictate the team's affairs. For any team, the management would not tolerate it.

Andrew wrote back, and the management felt relieved.

Next, just look at how Brooks adjusts the playing time of the three point guards.

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