NBA super point guard

Chapter 575 Where Can We Go?

Lin Shuhao was still stubborn and insisted on defending Ridnour in the matchup.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this choice. Once there are teammates to help defend, Ridnour can revitalize the Timberwolves.

At halftime, the Knicks trailed by 15 points.

The team hasn't been like this in a long time.

The absence of Anthony and Stoudemire is nothing to say.But anyway, there are Chandler and Li Muhua in the team, especially Lin Shuhao's recent crazy performance, no matter how bad it is, it can't make the game enter garbage time in the second half.

This is not a normal Knicks team at all.

The offensive efficiency is not considered the top in the league, nor is it bad. Even the Timberwolves are super gods, and the Knicks can't give away their heads like this.

But the reality is cruel, and it directly gave the Knicks a blow.

Especially Lin Shuhao, in the first few one-on-one games, he didn't fear anyone at all, but in this game, he was double-teamed and lost his previous characteristics of being quick and agile.

It's not just that simple, the Timberwolves' defense against pick-and-rolls made Lin Shuhao very uncomfortable.

Derrick Williams is amazing, getting stuck in the down position early every time.

Ridnour's touch exploded, piercing the Knicks' outside line, and using Rubio as a support, the transfer of the ball was very fast.

It is indeed the Timberwolves who see who explodes.

If you are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, even the emperor can pull you off your horse.

After Li Muhua came on the field in the third quarter, he started chasing points aggressively, but the general situation was over. His teammates were staring blankly and completely lost themselves. The score was only narrowed a little, but it was useless.

In the last quarter, Li Muhua did not play.

ESPN's live commentary did not forget to add fuel to the fire:

"As the core of the team, LI's performance is unsatisfactory. Only by relying on strong teammates can he have room to play. Now no one stands up. The traditional point guard has lost its original meaning. There is no suspense in the whole game. Yes, as a In position [-], LI doesn't have the ability to drive the whole team!"

"Many people say that Cameron and Stoudemire are not good. Now it seems that if these two are not here, I am afraid that the Knicks will still be out of the playoffs this year. The Knicks' offensive system is a joke. Germany Anthony has an unshirkable responsibility!"

The last quarter of the game was completely reduced to garbage time.

Lin Shuhao led the team to counterattack desperately, but they still couldn't stop the defeat.

Target Center fans screamed throughout the arena.

Although the Timberwolves' record is not very good, the local fan base is very good. Fans like to watch some so-called strong teams and stars fall to the altar in the target center.

As long as there are strong teams playing, the Target Center is always overcrowded, not to watch the stars, but to see how the stars are beaten in the face here.

The importance of Anthony is self-evident, even if the German coach is dissatisfied with Anthony, he can't say anything.

It is just a joke to expect Lin Shuhao to rise and then run on Anthony.

This game also made D'Antoni realize the fact that Lin Shuhao, who he is optimistic about, can only rely on changes in the pick-and-roll system. He is not like Derrick Rose, who can truly lead the entire team to complete the offense with his personal ability.

The situation of the game was unexpected, and the Knicks did not have the slightest ability to fight back.

Li Muhua covered his head with a towel and didn't want to talk too much.

After the game, Mike Woodson came over and pulled Li Muhua up: "LI, we have enough time to grow, there is no need to be sad for a certain loss!"

"Understood, sir!"

Li Muhua raised his head and nodded, and pulled off the towel.

Assistant coach Mike Woodson used to be the guard of the Knicks and was selected by the Knicks during the draft. This is the basis of mutual trust with the management.His record when coaching the Eagles is obvious to all, and there are no tactical changes. Just in terms of defense, Woodson can rank among the league's second-rate coaches.

As for tactics, Woodson really has nothing to show for it.

"Sir, where do you think we can go?"

Li Muhua frowned and asked, but Woodson didn't answer, but turned around and smiled.Woodson, who keeps switching positions between assistant coach and head coach, is terribly low-key and may not have much tactical literacy, but whether he is an assistant coach or a coach, as long as he does his job well, he can succeed.

Woodson is a freak.

In an interview after the game, Li Muhua was much more energetic:

"Yes, I didn't do my best in this game. I let Cameron and Amare down. I didn't carry the team when they were injured. Of course, I will take this game as a lesson and hope that I Can really understand the core meaning."

"LIN played very well. Of course, we have to adjust some details. This is the job of Coach Mike. I can't participate. What I want to say is that no matter how the team changes, I still say that I am just a professional player. It is enough to be worthy of the profession, the audience, and myself!"

Although Li Muhua didn't say it clearly, there was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

Anthony's absence did not play a big role.

All the stars in the league have the right to the ball, and now the head coach keeps silent and hands it over to a person who has climbed up from the bottom, which makes the stars feel very uncomfortable.

Not only Anthony, Stoudemire, Chandler and Li Muhua have opinions.

The right to the ball represents the contract and the data. Blocking people's money is like killing parents. In doing so, D'Antoni undoubtedly put himself on fire.

That night, the Knicks players flew to Toronto.

After entering the hotel, Li Muhua met Xiao Si before he had time to rest.

It's very surprising. I didn't expect Stoudemire to be so dedicated. He came to Toronto in advance to prepare for the next game when he recovered from his injury.

Seeing Xiaosi, Li Muhua was naturally very happy.

The Knicks used to be very strong forward, with Stoudemire and Anthony respectively, like two arms, but now they have no support suddenly, and the pressure is all on the back line.

It can be said that it is not accidental that the Timberwolves won. As long as the defensive end stops the No. [-] position, the Knicks will basically be cold.

Many people complained that Stoudemire's contract was too high, but now it seems that Stoudemire is worth the price.

With good shooting, flexible offensive ability and ability to protect the frame, Stoudemire is like a low-post mobile turret, who can score as long as he holds the ball.

If the pressure is all on Anthony alone, the Knicks will have to fight almost every game. A strong striker is the symbol of the Knicks' rise and the guarantee of entering the playoffs.

Li Muhua maintains a high position, and in terms of distributing the ball, he can gather the team's combat effectiveness to the greatest extent.

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