NBA super point guard

Chapter 525 The impetuosity of the three giants

To be honest, there are not a few people in the league headquarters who hope that the Heat will lose.

If all the superstars do this, other teams don't have to play.

James swallowed his anger and didn't speak out in the media for almost a season. As the son of Cleveland and the emperor of the league, he hugged other people's thighs, and the No. 1 in the league was greatly questioned.

In order to face all doubts, the Heat can only win but not lose.

Pat Riley was shrewd enough to know what the Emperor needed and what a man pushed to the brink would do.

Tube superstar?
Shen Suanzi said that he was not in that mood.

The disciple Spoelstra is enough to cope, and the rest depends on the superstars themselves.

The game starts soon.

Chandler jumped high and caught the ball almost half of Joel Anthony's head. In terms of center jump balls, the Mavericks' forward height can beat most teams in the league.

The Mavericks attack.

Kidd holds the ball and passes it to Li Muhua before Chalmers comes up.

Facing Wade's defense, Li Muhua directly played singles, and quickly broke through after shaking continuously. Wade's speed was so fast that he couldn't miss a single step. Li Muhua used the difference in rhythm to influence Wade's judgment.

James assisted in the defense and bypassed Mahinmi.

Li Muhua made a three-step layup and handed it to Chandler when Bosh came up to interfere.


Chandler turned around and dunked, ignoring Joel Anthony's defense and attacking directly.

The Heat attacked, and James singled Marion with the ball. After shaking from side to side, he pushed directly from the right side, carried Marion on his shoulders, hugged the ball, and made a throw at the basket.

In the confrontation to score the ball, this kind of stability depends entirely on its own strength.

The Mavericks attack.

Wade continued to come up to press, and Li Muhua directly broke through under the cover of Ma Xinmi. After an emergency stop, he continued to speed up and entered near the free throw line.

James assisted in the defense, Chandler evacuated the inside line, Li Muhua rushed directly to the basket, was double-teamed by James and Bosh, Li Muhua threw the ball to the bottom corner.

Kidd made a three-pointer directly.


The old demon made a steady hit.

The Heat attacked, and Wade rushed to shoot a three-pointer.

Of course, the Heat are not good at outside shooting. The best three-pointer is actually LeBron James. The [-]% shooting rate is enough to gain a foothold in the Heat. It can be seen that the shooting ability of the giants is really average.

Ma Xinmi grabbed the rebound and quickly handed it to Li Muhua. After halftime, Li Muhua made a shot before standing outside the three-point line.

Another three-pointer hit, the Heat were a little anxious, and James dribbled the ball directly into the frontcourt.

James held the ball outside the three-point line until his teammates ran out of position before hanging it to Bosh. Bosh hit Ma Xinmi hard, then turned around and made a mid-range jumper.

Bosh looks like a thin monkey, but his strength is not small. He was not completely at a disadvantage when he was fighting Nowitzki before, and now he is playing the same thing with Mahinmi. Turn around and jump shot, Bosh's conventional weapon.

The power forward's shooting is so frustrating.

When the Mavericks attacked, Li Muhua kept running. Under the cover of Marion, he found an open space to receive the pass, and shot directly. This mid-range offensive choice was a bit hasty, so he hit the iron directly.

Wade grabs the rebound.

The Heat attack, James cuts the ball, squeezes past Marion for a dunk.

Marion twitched his nose, obviously dissatisfied with his defense.

The Mavericks attacked, Li Muhua found an open spot after the pick-and-roll, and directly assisted Marion to hit a mid-range jumper. This was a defensive error. James participated in the defense, and Wade did not switch in time.

Wade gestured to James, meaning his mistake.

It's really not right for superstars to make low-level mistakes.

Looking back, James made a jumper and Chandler was fouled by Bosh when he grabbed a rebound and got another free throw opportunity.

"Their turnovers are starting to increase!"

Kidd whispered to Li Muhua, Li Muhua nodded, very puzzled that the Big Three's style of play was impetuous.

In the last game, the Big Three cooperated tacitly. Regardless of mistakes or not, they always covered each other and shared the defensive pressure. This game is obviously different. James has a little more shots and defensive mistakes than usual.

The Mavericks attack.

Li Muhua assisted Kidd for a layup, and the Mavericks opened the score.

The pace of the first quarter was pretty fast.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the Mavericks did not collapse as expected but led the Heat. This is not because of how clever their tactics are, but because the Mavericks have a high shooting rate and play very fast, but overall, the Big Three of the Heat did not work hard beat.

The Mavericks lacking Nowitzki, the offensive efficiency has not declined but has increased, which has a lot to do with the Heat's defense.

In the past, the Heat generally used zone defense, but now it is basically man-to-man.

In this case, as long as a player rushes inside, once the defense is attracted, an open space will be found.

However, the Heat don't care. There are almost no major flaws in each position, and the upper limit of combat power is much higher than that of the Mavericks.

The Mavericks shot more than 5%, leading by only [-] points.

The heat's failure to tie the score was mainly due to James' performance. It's quite strange. Zhan Huang's shots were obviously more than those in the previous games. He didn't deliberately suppress his desire to attack, but Wade shot a lot less.

James' touch in this game is really a bit bad.

"Good opportunity, let's try to continue to play the offensive rhythm in the second quarter!" Coach Carlisle was very excited, and directly explained to Li Muhua the offensive points that need to be paid attention to.

"Let Jason take the lead?"

"No, you and Jason are going to make a false appearance. On the surface, let Sean play, but the offense is on the two of you. Of course, you have to cover up between you!"

"Don't be soft when it's time to fight!"

Coach Carlisle gave a special warning.

Li Muhua nodded in response.

In fact, Nowitzki is not there, and without the core, it basically depends on the players' own abilities. The role of the coach at this time is not very big.

As for small-scale cooperation, it was Li Muhua, Terry, and Marion.

The game starts soon.

The Heat attacked, James passed the ball to Bosh, Bosh held the ball in the middle and long distance, and passed it to Eddie House after realizing that the distance was a bit far.

This is habitually given to the backcourt players. Eddie House is not a qualified point guard, and his poor organizational ability is not as good as that of Zhan Huang. The substitute is just a transfer station for the ball.

Eddie House passed to James, and James held the ball on the outside to observe the running situation.

After Wade circled around and ran out, James passed the ball and was immediately cut off by Li Muhua, who had already noticed it.

Wade thought he had thrown off Li Muhua, but Li Muhua just used Marion's cover to slant up from the other side.

Zhan Huang's intention to pass the ball is too obvious.

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