NBA super point guard

Chapter 503 The Real Man

"Tch, at that time we were not incompetent, but limited in performance, understand? If you were there at that time, we would have won the championship, don't worry about temporary success or failure, aren't we going to fight them again now? Yes Dirk, with you and Sean, our lineup is not bad, the key depends on how we play!"

Terry was so stinky, he pouted directly:

"No.1 in active service? Isn't it the same as me, and I don't have a championship ring yet!"

"Yeah, listen to Jason and fight with them!"

"that is!"

Hearing Terry's encouragement, other players also became excited.

No one is afraid of the strength of the Heat.

On May 5, the Mavericks came to Miami to prepare.

This time, the alliance has made sufficient arrangements, allowing the reporters to privately contact their favorite players for interviews, including CCV5 and others who came from afar.

It is the first time in history that Chinese people appear in the NBA finals. It is undoubtedly a big news for domestic fans, including the American Airlines Center. Many domestic fans and local Chinese have bought high-priced tickets. Come and support Li Muhua.

6 month 1 day.

The first game of the finals.

At the American Airlines Center, the Mavericks played away against the Heat.

The arena was full of spectators, and many Chinese fans raised the five-star red flag and shouted their names when Li Muhua played, which attracted the attention of many media cameras.

Entering the league's third season, Li Muhua stood on the stage of the NBA Finals as he wished.

From being unnoticed at the beginning to now attracting the attention of thousands of people, Li Muhua never expected that he would wave to the fans who supported him so soon after entering the arena.

After all the players from both sides enter the field, they stand in their respective positions and the game officially begins.

Chandler won the ball, Li Muhua hugged the ball directly, and then began to dribble for half court, and did not choose to attack. The Heat's speed is very fast, and fast break is not a wise choice.

You can learn about LeBron James' pegboard hat.

The Mavericks won't play to death, their physical talent is there, and they are scumbags compared to the Heat.

Nowitzki came to the high post, as usual, the first ball, Li Muhua cooperated, broke through directly after using the screen, Wade assisted the defense, Bosh double-teamed the low post, Li Muhua didn't have a layup chance, and made a fake move Then return directly.

Nowitzki made a jumper from the free throw line.

With his height and long arms, coupled with Bosh's departure, he found an open opportunity in the middle distance.

There is only a momentary gap, even if there is vision, most people will not react so quickly.

Coach Carlisle attaches great importance to the pick-and-roll cooperation between Li Muhua and Nowelsky, because it takes less than a second to see the open space and pass the ball in place. There are very few players in the league who can pass the ball.

The Heat attacked and Bibby handed the ball to Wade after half court.

Wade swayed past Stevenson, and after breaking through two steps, he stepped back and made an easy jumper.


Hollow hits.

Wade's outside ability is mediocre, but his mid-range shooting is quite good. People often see Wade rushing to the inside line for layups, but rarely see Wade shooting. In fact, this is an illusion.

For any backcourt player with super physical talent, the best weapon is to break through, but as they grow older and face the danger of injury, most players will use shooting as a routine method, which is not shameful, because basketball itself is a shooting Sport, whether it's injury or age, is a huge contributor to talent.

This is a singles tactic, Wade started playing first.

Li Muhua was not in a hurry, and the Heat did not give their all in the first quarter.

LeBron James is good at finding opportunities.

This is the opening strategy of the Mavericks, first play steadily, and then figure out the rhythm.

Bibby relied on his body to constantly press down on Li Muhua's possession space. Li Muhua didn't hesitate to hand it over to Stevenson, and Wade immediately defended.

It's not because Stevenson has a good chance, but because Li Muhua needs to move to find a space.

Wade's defense against Li Muhua brought a lot of pressure.

With LeBron James assisting in the mid-range range, the breakthrough is basically useless.

Stevenson started singles with the ball on the outside.

Wade is very sensible and immediately handed it over to James for the matchup.

Everyone knows that these two are natural enemies. Every time they face each other, they start to greet each other's parents. Although Stevenson doesn't like to talk, no one can stop him when he rants.

Anyway, as soon as they play, the two start to fight each other.

Stevenson was a real man.

Li Muhua appreciated Stevenson's persistence.

Stevenson likes to play tricks every time he makes a breakthrough. In front of James, these are scumbags, and a confrontation in strength can kill Stevenson.

Forcibly breaking through and then making an emergency stop to jump shot, this is basically Stevenson's routine operation, and without accident, he successfully hit the iron.

Wade took off the rebound, and Li Muhua retreated quickly.

Although he wanted to make Stevenson vent his anger, but his abilities were just like this, no matter how much he could spout, he was just a strong talker. Li Muhua felt a little regretful.

It’s not to say that the Heat have no weaknesses. Bibby’s athletic ability has declined due to age, and center Joel Anthony is a super blue-collar, rushing to do dirty work, but his level is too low. , to make up for these deficiencies.

If Stevenson can piss off James, the game will be easier to play.

The Heat attacked, Wade passed to James, and James singled Marion directly.

Marion is the most suitable player on the Mavericks to defend James. Both his running position and defensive awareness are at the top of the league. If he can't defend, he can only say that James feels good.

There is nothing to complain about. If others defend James, they will definitely be bulldozed all the way.

In terms of small forward matchups, the Mavericks are not bad.

The Mavericks attacked, Stevenson covered, Li Muhua misplaced and faced James directly. He wanted to pull the ball and then retreated to make a shot, but James directly forced him up.

James' strength is very strong. As soon as he touched the ball with his body, Li Muhua almost faced the ball. It had nothing to do with his skills.

Defensive strength does not mean that small moves must be made, physical confrontation is the key.

James pressed continuously, and Wade watched from the sidelines, ready to intercept at any time.

Stevenson covered again, and Li Muhua turned around and broke through directly.

Li Muhua crossed his crotch, James bent down again, stretched out his hand to block, and now he was standing outside the three-point line, James couldn't let Li Muhua take an easy shot.

It's impossible to make a breakthrough directly. Li Muhua knew that the Heat had blocked all paths with just one glance.

James took another step forward, Li Muhua quickly crossed his crotch, and then broke through to the left, James leaned over, relying on physical pressure to change Li Muhua's attacking route.

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