NBA super point guard

Chapter 48 Famous

Crawford enters.

The old Nelson can't help it either, the Warriors can't produce many guards, and Crawford's skills are not bad.

Make do with it.

Crawford has many advantages against Li Muhua, such as singles.

It has to be said that Old Nelson is very insidious, and he has seen that the weakest link of the Thunder's current bench lineup is defense.

In singles, Li Muhua, a player who is as strong as a forward and a point guard, should not be too simple.

And back to chisel in.


Li Muhua was very uncomfortable. Even if Chaonain calculated the result, he still couldn't use the loophole to steal it.

It is unwise to expend energy now.

Crawford drove past Li Muhua, rushed inside, cooperated with Biedrins and made a layup.

The Thunder attack.

Crawford's feet are very flexible, almost stepping on the rhythm to defend.

Li Muhua noticed it and couldn't help frowning.

Calling the pick-and-roll, Green ran out, Li Muhua dribbled the ball into the three-point line through the screen, and Crawford blocked the way again.

Did not shake off.

Li Muhua half turned around and took a step back to shoot a jump shot. It was already too late when Crawford rushed over again.

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.


Another three-point hit.

Li Muhua clenched his fist and couldn't help howling.

It's so relieved, it can break the Warriors' back line, and this game is absolutely stable.

With such an attack that spared no expense in physical strength, Li Muhua also thought about it, intending to expand the score and try to take the game away with a wave.

This feeling of controlling the rhythm is really good.

But Crawford returned a three-pointer.

Or Li Muhua's defensive interference was not in place.

In the same position, Li Muhua is indeed inferior to Crawford, whether it is in terms of skills or body shape, he is at a disadvantage in this regard.

Fortunately, Brooks didn't care, otherwise Li Muhua would have been replaced long ago.

The guard rushes into the paint area, which is easy to cause damage to the inside line. The role of the forward is not only to protect the rebound, but also to cover the center.

The cooperation of Li Muhua and Green made the Warriors' front line uncomfortable.

Issues with the right to act?


According to Brooks' philosophy, whoever has a good chance should attack, and don't care about those details.

"Let's take a look, now LI has 15 points and 4 assists, 6 of 5 three-pointers, a very good performance!"

The on-site commentator looked at the data and his expression was exaggerated.

Is this still a substitute player for the Thunder? According to this data, some teams can start directly.

Yes, Li Muhua's statistics are very good, including several double-doubles before, but due to the problem of playing time, it is just good-looking.

In the NBA, when evaluating a player, he doesn't particularly care about double-doubles, unless he gets double-doubles every day.

After all, there are too many short-lived players.

This is a League of Legends. Only when he stands up at a critical moment can this player have his value.

It was the Thunder team again, Collison grabbed the rebound and threw it out, Li Muhua rushed to the frontcourt like a bolt of lightning.

Crawford and Azubuike have arrived first.

Defensive drop.

Li Muhua felt that he felt very good today, and the energy consumed when shooting was not serious, so he simply stopped two steps away from the three-point line.

When everyone thought he was waiting for his teammates to take their positions, Li Muhua took off directly and flicked his wrist down.


Almost everyone thought that Li Muhua had played a bit rough. You know, Crawford hadn't jumped to defend yet.

The basketball spins in the air for a long time, as if time has stood still.

Draw an arc like a meteor and fall quickly.


Hit again.

The audience stood up and shouted frantically.

It gives people a suffocating feeling, and it is a three-pointer with the final word.

Li Muhua raised his arms to welcome the tide of cheers. Here today, Li Muhua feels that he has really stepped onto the NBA stage.

"This kid is going to be famous, Scott, you are worried!"

After cheering, Adams turned his head and said something.

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to improve so much!"

Brooks nodded.

Accurate three-pointers, weird passes, and occasional steals, if they fall on the same person, then he may be an excellent point guard in this league.

There are too few point guards who can pass the ball.

This is the status quo in the NBA.

When the Thunder attacked again, Crawford stuck up Li Muhua and didn't give him any room to shoot. In desperation, Li Muhua and Green made a wall-hitting cooperation and passed the ball to Mason in the corner.

Unfortunately, Mason hit the iron again.

During this period of time, Mason's hands felt a little cold, and his teammates all knew the characteristics of convulsive hands.

If the game goes well, scoring a few three-pointers in a game is not a problem, but if the hand feels a little bad, it will definitely cheat the team.

The Thunder are not in a hurry, they are now leading by 11 points, and there is more time.

It was another attack, and Li Muhua made another three-pointer.

The old Nelson even sent Azubuike to double-team. There are many people who throw three-pointers in the league, but those who throw three-pointers are fine.

Very few.

Azubuike doesn't have this ability. There must be space and time for Azubuike to make a shot.

Of all the people present, only Old Nelson knew that a three-pointer could kill a game.

In the next period of time, Li Muhua was close to him and could only find Green by passing the ball, and then connected the team together through Green's support.

That's Brooks' plan, and when one point is locked, another is freed.

The effect of double supporting and double swiping is the same.

At the end of the first half, the Thunder led by 15 points.

After the start of the third quarter, Green broke out.

With Green's breakthrough and a three-pointer, the Thunder almost sealed the victory, pulling the score to 19 points.

Li Muhua has been resting off the court.

In the three quarters, the Thunder's three-pointers hit super data, 13 of 10 shots, of which Li Muhua made 8 of 7 shots.

The number of shots actually accounted for [-]% of the total number of shots.

The Warriors, known for their bombardment, didn't have so many three-pointers.

Li Muhua almost took away the game by himself.

And in the second quarter, connecting the team with Green, it can be said that the task was completed perfectly.

By the fourth quarter, the game was completely reduced to garbage time.

The two sides sent substitutes on the field almost at the same time, and Brooks let Li Muhua play for a while and then replaced him again.

In this campaign, Li Muhua made 10 of 8 shots, 9 of 8 three-pointers, and two free throws. He scored 26 points, 11 assists and 3 steals, a very comprehensive double-double data.

At the end of the game, after the data was displayed on the big screen, the audience cheered.

super data.

Thunder star Durant seldom hits such impressive statistics. Of course, there are also reasons for the number of shots.

Jeff Green scored a team-high 30 points.

All in all, the Thunder played a great game.

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