NBA super point guard

Chapter 477 First Round Opponents

To this end, Coach Carlisle explained in an interview with other media:

"I don't know what others think, but I know that LI doesn't think so at all. We determine the player's status based on LI's playing time in previous years. The health of the players is always our top concern. We must maintain the best condition Ready for the playoffs!"

Whatever the media exposes, no matter the coach or the player, must be explained in front of the media.

In private, no one knows, and everyone feels uncomfortable.

Coach Carlisle was very upset. The head coach was not only responsible for training and games, but also had to spur the players in many ways. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the mentor of the players.

After the trade to Li Muhua, coach Carlisle didn't communicate much with Li Muhua, they basically talked about things and had nothing to rest.

It’s not that Carlisle has any objections to anyone. The head coach is very busy, so he doesn’t have time to worry about the players. He is not a chicken soup coach, so many things are communicated by the assistant coach and the team boss. .

The Mavericks are not monolithic internally, not only the contract renewal issue, but also the ball possession issue. The team has long been battered, and now the playoffs are about to start, and no one wants anything to happen at this time.

At present, the core veterans in the team include Nowitzki and Kidd. These two have a maximum salary and enjoy completely different treatment. The others are just puzzle players who have been traded.

Kidd has nothing to say. He has always been a representative of a traditional point guard. Even if he fights for 35 minutes a game, he is fine, but his physical strength is not enough to support the continuous playoffs. The only one he can count on is Li Muhua.

As Li Muhua has played better and better this season, Kidd's role has become lower. Both the management and the uniform team have some ideas.

It's just that the salary issue is in front of us, and the management has to accept the reality.

Originally, he had enough playing time, but because of tactical adjustments, Li Muhua couldn't get a good stat, which was a bit embarrassing.

Coach Carlisle also felt a headache, which was a bit different from what was agreed before the season.

Li Muhua did not respond to the media.

Nowitzki explained again in an interview with ESPN:

"After having LI this season, the team's record has improved significantly. To be honest, without the help of LI, I must have played very difficult, especially during the period when I was injured. LI took a lot of responsibility on the offensive end. Responsibility, we have seen unlimited potential from him, yes, his future ceiling will be unlimited!"

Nowitzki had to stand up.

Li Muhua ranked second in assists and fifth in steals. He averaged 15.7 points, 13.3 assists, and 1.5 steals per game. No matter which team he is in, this is already the data of a core player.

Of course, not only Li Muhua, many players were pulled out to comment.

The media are now motivating, nothing more than preparing to warm up the summer trading market.

On the scoring list, Kevin Durant ranked first again without any suspense, averaging 28.4 points per game, a drop from last season, but the crazy shooting level still scares other teams in the league.

It means that another player will be promoted to a superstar in the future.

After the Mavericks took down the Nuggets without bloodshed, they easily won three games at home and ushered in the last game.

4 month 14 day.

The Mavericks beat the Hornets at home, officially ending the journey of the 10-11 regular season.

Three days of rest.

Coach Carlisle did not directly announce the holiday, but called the team after the game and asked each player to get a copy of the playoff table and the basic situation of each team.

The first round of the Western Conference is similar to what was originally predicted: the Spurs ranked first against the Grizzlies, the No.2 Lakers played against the Hornets, the Mavericks played against the Trail Blazers, and the Thunder ranked fourth against the fifth-ranked Nuggets.

The first round of the Eastern Conference: the first Bulls against the Pacers, the second Heat against the 76ers, the third Celtics against the Knicks, and the fourth Magic against the Eagles.

The Spurs worked hard in the second half and ranked first with a slight advantage. It has to be said that the Big Dog Spurs are the most troublesome team in the West. It seems that the Spurs have some ideas about the championship this season, otherwise they will definitely not be ranked. One and the fight was bloody.

From the black eight of last season to the fourth of this season, the young storm of the Thunder has made people realize that a powerful team has emerged in the West. After trading away Li Muhua and Green, the Thunder re-formed with Duran The three-minor lineup of Te, Westbrook and Harden.

I made it to the Western Conference Finals last year, so I don't know where it will go this year.

At least it can't be much worse than before, otherwise it's hard to explain to the fans. After all, the purpose of trading away two important players is to go further. If you don't do anything, you will definitely be sprayed with brain damage.

As for the game between the Lakers and the Hornets, no one knows the result. Most people just want to see how long a team with a point guard at its core can last under the Lakers.

In other words, can Paul be more confident and get down to the Lakers.

The competition in the West is too fierce. Anyone may enter the second round. It can only be said that the chances of winning are greater. Experts dare not predict. After all, the record rankings are similar, and there is no absolute difference in strength.

The suspense in the East is not so obvious.

The Bulls are a team that is good at defense. On the offensive end, Derrick Rose, who has super explosive power, is stronger than the Pacers.

The Heat and the 76ers have nothing to say, the Big Three are crushed by strength.

On the contrary, the Magic and Eagles make people unpredictable. Howard is still a rebounding monster, but his flaws are obvious. Each team has already mastered the play against Warcraft.

As for the Celtics and Knicks, forget it. Don't talk about it.

The Mavericks are in intense preparations. If they win the Trail Blazers in the first round, they will definitely face the Lakers in the second round.

Li Muhua slept until dawn.

After several months of fighting and training, Li Muhua's body was already overwhelmed. This time Li Muhua almost fell asleep until noon. If his mother hadn't dragged her out of bed because of a guest at home, she might have been able to sleep for a whole day.

Doyle also came to Dallas from Oklahoma to accompany Li Muhua.

The gallery operation in New York encountered many problems, the most critical being that there were not enough works and manpower. Doyle had to go back to the university to blackmail some paintings from his classmates and tutors.

After such a trip, it took almost two months.

Andrew was not polite, in name he was sending Doyle to Dallas, but in fact he was to make a living at Li Muhua's house, and there were witty remarks at the banquet, which made Li Muhua's parents very happy.

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