All-star substitutes vote for non-starters through the coaches of each team. In the history of the NBA, all-stars have never been brain-dead. , and no coach will choose.

Yes, except for popular stars, the rest are all about personal connections.

The day before the event started, Popovich called the players to participate in a joint practice. In fact, there was nothing to practice. It was just to talk about the rules and let everyone play well. As for who will be the MVP, we know each other well, and they are almost pretending .

After training, Li Muhua chatted with Nowitzki, Anthony, Paul, Durant, and Westbrook for a while, and had to go to a nearby orphanage to participate in activities that day.

After getting off the car, Durant held Li Muhua back.

"Man, the team traded Jeff. I'm really sad. Jeff had the strength and ability to come here. Now I don't know who to trust in the team. Russell and James are playing too alone. , I always feel that every game can only be done with all my strength!"

Durant's expression was very depressed, Li Muhua comforted him, there is no way, the small ball market is like this, you have to rely on the draft to get the rookie bonus period.

As for the Thunder team's current situation, Li Muhua couldn't be more clear.

Before the All-Star Game, Green called Li Muhua. He has already changed clubs. However, he is taking physical examinations and other reasons, and has not yet reported to the team. Once he is sure that he is healthy, he will officially leave the Thunder.

No wonder Durant complained to Li Muhua.

Li Muhua was gone, Green was gone, and the Thunder really didn't know how to pass the ball.

Count on Westbrook or Harden to organize the offense, let's go to sleep.

At the beginning of this season, the Thunder team's record was very poor, almost winning a game and losing a game. After Brooks' adjustments, they slowly recovered. The state was completely different from last season, and there were many of them. The reason is that the team lacks a defender who can organize offenses, and it is quite uncomfortable, but it finally survived.

Harden also successfully entered the team's normal rotation and became the sixth man.

While Li Muhua was feeling emotional, he couldn't help asking:
"Is there a higher purpose for the team?"

Durant shook his head: "I don't know!"

The cooperative orphanage that the Alliance has found has complete facilities, and it looks like it was established under the foundation.

The main reason is to get some people's reputation. Stern is best at playing the emotional card. Through the broadcast of TV programs, let the old Americans see how these stars care for their children, and it is easier to establish the image of the stars.

In fact, the stars do not do many things, nothing more than setting the table, sweeping the floor and so on. The big-name stars do a lot, such as pouring water for the children and telling stories.

In the last century, the NBA was sprayed by the media as a place to hide filth. This statement is not correct. Many players often donate money or set up foundations. No matter how much money is said, at least there is still love.

Of course, there is no need to mention those who abandon their wives. The marriage lawsuit alone is enough to drink a pot every day.

For the stars, they rarely participate in these activities. They are either practicing or on the way to practice. It may be very simple to become an All-Star. Like talented players, it is almost effortless, and some are especially hardworking. , it is really not easy to work hard in this business alliance.

After the love activity, the players returned to the hotel and were free to move around.

Nowitzki and Li Muhua were in the same room. Before sitting for a while, Duncan and Ginobili came to visit the room and started talking to each other.

It's not an important topic to talk about, it's nothing more than what games you usually play, and let's share your experience in playing games.

It's hard to imagine that all these super rich football stars are game fans. A group of multi-millionaires sit together and don't talk about business or women, but only talk about games, which is quite strange.

Not long after, Chris Paul and Anthony also got involved.

Of course, Li Muhua couldn't get in the way, after all, he spent every day in the arena.

"Li, let's sit over there for a while?"

Seeing that Li Muhua was bored, Anthony called Li Muhua directly to the opposite room.

"Chauncey and I have made a deal to go to the Knicks!"

Anthony was not polite, poured a glass of water for Li Muhua, and then talked about the team's deal, which was facilitated by Anthony's agent. The big name was on the one hand, and Anthony planned to make more money while he was young.

Billups has already said hello before, and plans to recruit Li Muhua to play together next season.

Li Muhua smiled:

"Cameron, I know that Chauncey is going to give me the shot, but you usually play with the ball, and we may have some conflicts about holding the ball!"

"LI, other people don't know, but you, I know very well, you can play with or without the ball. Don't stop me. Let me continue to say that this is one aspect. I think the most important thing is. In addition, my role is to involve defense. , like LeBron, you know what I mean?"

Li Muhua was stunned immediately:

"Cameron, don't you care about shooting? You are at your peak now, aren't you kidding?"

"Man, I think you may have misunderstood me. Money is not important to me now. Believe me, Chauncey highly recommends you. If you join me, I dare not say how much we can win." For the championship, at least you can compete with the Heat, right?"

Anthony looked very excited, and it seemed that he had already made a plan in his heart.

On the surface, Anthony and LeBron are good friends. In fact, the two have always had a competitive relationship. They have been competing with each other since the draft.LeBron is very comprehensive, Anthony is a kaleidoscope of offense, both of them have their own strengths, and any one of them is a player that every team wants to recruit.

Whether Anthony's thighs are thick or not, Li Muhua is really not sure about this.

Li Muhua originally planned to take advantage of the end of this season to sign a big contract, and find a team where he can be the core to start training slowly, but Billups' proposal last time directly disrupted Li Muhua's overall plan.

It seems that Anthony doesn't seem to care about his shot.

Li Muhua pushed that he had to think carefully, but did not give a direct answer. Anthony was already very happy to get such an answer.

On February 2, after waiting for the end of the slam dunk contest, Li Muhua participated in the three-point shooting contest again. He has won two consecutive three-point shooting championships, so there is no reason to let it go this time.

In an interview with ESPN, Li Muhua was also very high-profile:

"I think this may be the last time I will participate in the three-point shooting contest. I like the feeling here, and I want to win three consecutive championships. I hope everyone will be merciful!"

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