After Chandler won the jump ball, Li Muhua held the ball, and Kobe directly defended from outside the three-point line.

The Lakers felt that Li Muhua was a better threat than Stevenson, so they swapped Kobe and Fisher for misplaced defense.

Kobe's defense is very strong, and Li Muhua didn't take it easy.

Li Muhua passed the ball into the middle, and Nowitzki held the ball and leaned against Gasol for a singles. With this ball, Nowitzki turned around and made a test shot and hit the iron directly.

The Lakers increased their defensive intensity.

It was another ball, Li Muhua broke through from the outside, threw it into the inside again when Kobe was on defense, and handed it to Pavlovich.

The inside encountered Bynum's defense, Pavlovich hit the iron with a hook under the basket, Chandler threw the ball after receiving the ball, was directly double-teamed and also directly hit the iron, Stevenson was in a situation where Fisher's defense was not timely Hit a three-pointer from the outside line.

The Mavericks came back from a timeout, and Li Muhua first passed to Stevenson after the pick-and-roll.

Stevenson passed back again, Li Muhua pretended to run and change direction, Kobe did not follow the defense, Fisher came up to help defend, Li Muhua stepped back and shot a three-pointer directly.

After the screen, use the run to find shooting space.

The league's previous positioning for three-point shooters is to open up space. Pitchers don't need to play too many singles, and rely on running positions to find open shots.

But the rise of the No. [-] position has brought new changes to the three-pointer.

Many people think that point guards shoot three-pointers directly to shorten the attack time, and the bombardment tactics that are popular in North America are also based on fast breaks of three-pointers. Law.

Only superficially.

The Mavericks are a team that is good at positional warfare, and many of the passes are carried out around Nowitzki. The old driver creates pressure in the middle to attract defense, and outside players can get many opportunities.

The team lacks a stable outside point, and Li Muhua was introduced after Stevenson, just to make the outside space more stable.

And Li Muhua can directly shoot three-pointers in the first position, which undoubtedly enriched the Mavericks' tactical changes.

The ball is in Li Muhua's hands, as long as there is space, he can shoot.

When Nowitzki returned to the team, coach Carlisle let go of Li Muhua's ball control, in order to allow Nowitzki, who is the core, to have better shooting space.

Li Muhua and Nowitzki can form a complementary relationship.

I didn’t let it go before, considering two aspects, one is that the core position cannot be changed, the team’s style of play is more inclined to focus on the core of the inside, and the second point is the most critical, the team does not have many stable scorers, only one Nowitzki .

Terry's speed is nothing to say, and he also has the ability to play singles. It's just that if there is no inside to attract the defense, after he breaks in, he will pass the ball except for the jumper.

Li Muhua is different, shooting from the outside can attract the opponent's arrow players.

Stevenson has completely become a role player, that is, a 3D player. He has almost no ball-holding singles ability, and his outside shooting rate is not bad. The problem for the Mavericks is that outside shooting is the most important thing.

Facing Fisher's misplaced defense, Stevenson had a scoring advantage.

In terms of speed and size, Stevenson completely crushed Fisher.

After Li Muhua found a gap, he changed his direction to break through Kobe, and Fisher also defended from the offensive side. Stevenson took the opportunity to slip into the bottom corner. Although the Lakers' defense is strong, but with such a large space, Will still be found by the offensive team.

Stevenson caught and shot from the corner.

Complete vacancy.


A three-pointer was hit, and the outside tactics were completed.

When the Mavericks attacked again, Li Muhua flung from the center to the outside, and Stevenson made another three-pointer from the wing.

The two three-pointers were scored, but the space was still open, and the Lakers were forced to call a timeout.

Phil Jackson can tolerate Kobe's unlimited fire and Fisher's defense, but the only thing he can't tolerate is leaving the opponent open.

I have to say that Phil and Jordan are really good mentors and apprentices, and they agree on this point.

There was a roar from the Lakers bench. It wasn't Phil Jackson, but Kobe was roaring at his teammates as always.

It is very speechless, Kobe always judges his teammates by God's standards.

Game back.

Stevenson made a screen again, and Fisher and Kobe switched positions directly, but the subsequent development was not as they imagined. After the pick-and-roll, Li Muhua did not pass the ball and continued to speed up.

It was embarrassing now, Fisher couldn't guard against Li Muhua at all.

Li Muhua took off directly from the middle distance.

Fisher also jumped up, two steps away, which was equivalent to eye defense.

A successful mid-range shot.

Nowitzki also participated. After the pick-and-roll in the middle, he received a pass from Li Muhua and easily scored the ball independently. Kobe was going crazy. He tried his best to defend Li Muhua, but Li Muhua played very thief, didn't he To find Stevenson is to find Nowitzki. Kobe pounced on Nowitzki and double-teamed with Gasol, but Nowitzki passed the ball and Li Muhua made an outside shot.

It was just a pass after attracting double-teams, and the Lakers' proud inside defense collapsed.

Nowitzki played very calmly in the middle, and my sister-in-law didn't react at all. Even if she double-teamed with Bynum, Nowitzki would pass the ball to the outside. The problem in this game was not only Li Muhua's outstanding performance, but Even Stevenson's shooting is very accurate.

The flaws at the Lakers' No. [-] position are magnified.

Home commentary.

"A pass from Li, completely played Kobe, the basket is empty. A dunk from Tyson, wow, this is a dunk in front of Bynum!"

"Yes, Bynum has been sleepwalking in this game, how could he defend Nowitzki!"

"It's LI again, rushing in, Kobe and Gasol double-team, outside. Jason Terry's three-pointer, the Mavericks are completely crazy!"

Another commentator sighed: "It feels more like a one-sided massacre. The Lakers players don't know what to do. Originally, the Mavericks only had one core, but now it feels like a group of masters are besieging Kobe! "

"Without a suitable helper, Kobe really lacks good teammates. Here it is again, LI is receiving a pass from Nowitzki and makes a shot! A long-range two-pointer!"

It has nothing to do with being friendly with the team.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that the Mavericks have played well overall.

With Nowitzki attracting the inside and Li Muhua attracting the outside, the other players found open spots under the needles of the two passing masters. This is no different from before Nowitzki was injured, except that the opponent is the Lakers.

The Mavericks beat the Lakers, which left many fans dumbfounded.

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